His First Yahrtzeit - Special Articles HaRav Shach as Rosh Yeshiva Daas Torah From HaRav Shach ztvk"l A Sketch of the Ponevezher Rosh Yeshiva
A huge car bomb that murdered almost 200 people in Indonesia
drew worldwide condemnation and an assertion by US President
Bush that it was almost certainly the work of the Al Qaeda
terrorist network that attacked New York City and Washington
D.C. over a year ago. In his tzavo'oh, HaRav Shach requested "of all the
talmidim who benefited from me, whether in Torah,
yiras Hashem or in midos, that they do
chessed for me by learning for my neshomoh even
one mishna, or one mussar thought, for I was
moser nefesh for their success." Israel has agreed to begin substantial transfers of tax
revenue to the Palestinian Authority after reaching an
understanding with the US to ensure that the money is not
used for terror. The US applied heavy pressure to release the
remainder of the funds as a way of easing Palestinian
Shearis to Check Each Tuna from Thailand Willy Food imported a large batch of tuna bearing its
mehudar hechsher after a factory was found in Thailand
where onsite Shearis Yisroel mashgichim can inspect
each individual fish, as specified by Maran HaRav Shach
zt'l. Tribute To Unique South African Kehilla Dayan Aharon Dunner, Senior Dayan of Kedassia Beis Din,
London, was the keynote speaker at a gala dinner held last
week to pay tribute to Johannesburg's Adass Yeshurun
congregation and in particular to its esteemed rov, Rabbi
Yossi Salzer. Flexible Payment Dates for Mortgages
Last week the Knesset Finance Committee approved a bill by
Chaim Katz (Am Echad) that would provide homeowners flexible
mortgage payment dates. Hatzoloh Stations at the Kosel Hatzoloh stations at the Western Wall Square and at the grave
of Shimon Hatzaddik in Jerusalem were inaugurated by Hatzoloh
Jerusalem last week in a ceremony attended by Rav Shmuel
Rabinovitz, the rov of the Kosel and the Old City's other
holy sites; R' Yosef Shwinger, director of the National
Center for the Development of Holy Sites; R' Dovid Greenwald,
chairman of Hatzoloh Jerusalem; and numerous Hatzoloh
Jerusalem volunteers. Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Manchester Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvon saw the kehilloh of
Adass Yeshurun (Manchester) celebrate a special hachnosas
sefer Torah. The Demography and the Reality of the Jewish People
The first findings were released last week from the National
Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) 2000-2001. Based on the
latest techniques, generously funded and richly detailed, it
is without a doubt the best picture available of American
Jewry as a whole. Unfortunately, because of the perspective
of those who are behind it, the community that it depicts is
not the Am Hashem, the people of which it is said that
they are one with Hashem and the Torah. PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE Results are now coming in from the American education system
which indicate that it is not good to have boys and girls in
the same class. IN-DEPTH FEATURES Burial in Jerusalem: The Har Menuchos Cemetery HaRav Shach as Rosh Yeshiva
"Throughout My Life I Have Been Educated To Teach The
Tradition Handed Down To Us Without Any Alien Admixtures"
A Sketch of the Ponevezher Rosh Yeshiva