Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

28 Nissan 5763 - April 30, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Maranan Verabonon Stress Power of Unity at UTJ Conference
by Betzalel Kahn and Y. Arielli

An overwhelming spirit of unity prevailed at a landmark gathering of United Torah Jewry representatives that opened near Tiberius at Kibbutz Lavi on Sunday, marking the first time Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael representatives have met to work side-by-side in such a forum. Hundreds of participants arrived from across the country to take part in the three-day seminar painstakingly organized by UTJ. The opening speakers voiced strident opposition to the current threat hanging over the Torah world and the chareidi sector.

The opening session began with an address by Agudas Yisrael Chairman Rabbi Yosef Cooperberg, who welcomed the representatives and public figures from the entire spectrum of the chareidi public who traveled to the edge of the country to take part in the event. He was followed by MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz, who applauded all of the participants for their efforts for the public's sake. "I would like to say that it may very well be quite difficult for us, particularly in the education system. We politicians cannot promise you or ourselves that we will be able to overcome all and continue living the same as before. [But] when I see the togetherness I also see the one big strength of United Torah Jewry," he said.

The Admor of Vishnitz sent his blessings via his son-in-law, HaRav Menachem Mendel Ernster, rosh yeshivas Vishnitz. HaRav Ernster reported that upon entering his father-in-law's inner sanctum on motzei Shabbos the Rebbe said, "I am very glad that they are gathering together to take action for the sake of Torah and Judaism and to do Hashem's will. Through the power of unity a great deal can be accomplished. May it be a great success."

The Admor of Gur sent his blessings with HaRav Nochum Rothstein, rosh yeshivas Nezer HaTorah, saying, "May the participants and activists have brochoh and hatzlochoh."

Then HaRav Yosef Efrati arrived, bringing with him a message from Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv. "I have been given the honor of conveying the blessings of Maran HaRav Eliashiv, shlita, to this important gathering. B'ezras Hashem may it be a meeting for the sake of Heaven, may HaKodosh Boruch Hu help us to have brochoh and hatzlochoh in the conference and its results."

Added HaRav Efrati, "Many people turn to gedolei Yisroel asking, `What is our task during such times? What do we have to do?' It goes without saying that when it comes to [the chareidi] public we do not act according to our own understanding, neither as individuals nor UTJ as a whole, but we ask, want, pray and plead to act in accordance with the guidance of gedolei Yisroel, in accordance with daas Torah. Therefore when practical questions arise regarding how to act against the decrees, obviously we will do nothing without consulting with rabboseinu gedolei Yisroel.

"But what I have been instructed to bring before this important gathering is a number of important points [HaRav Eliashiv] mentioned briefly: First of all, we must repeatedly remind ourselves of Rav Saadia Gaon's formulation, `Our people is a people only through its Torah.' If an evil thought enters our minds periodically, there is a slackening in understanding the issue, and no wonder there is a decline in the general public. This follows the maxim that when Torah learning diminishes in Vilna there is a mumar in Berlin. If among us there are the slightest thoughts not based on the true foundation that there can be no Am Yisroel without Torah, then the degeneration of the party opposed to the Torah and the nation of the Torah escalates. We ascribe our security to the true `guardians of the city.' Who guards over this nation? Who guards over this land? Lomdei Torah!

"But contemplation is not enough; we must act. When a conference of hundreds of Jews is held here with public representatives of chareidi Jewry at all levels--the municipal level, the national level--particularly on such occasions each and every one of us must think, `How can I do something positive, in practical terms, against the hatred and the actions taken against the Torah? How can I act in my city, in my neighborhood, in my area, on the national level, to increase Torah and promote Torah scholars?'

"At [the Sixth Agudas Yisroel Knessiah in 5740] when Maran HaRav Shach zt'l spoke on this matter with such forceful trembling, saying without Torah there is no Nation and no Land . . . he cited the Yerushalmi in maseches Demai as HaRav Meir Shapira explained it in one of the conventions: When one says, 'Vehizoh hatohor al hatomei,' one purifier can purify several impurities. In other words the Torah is teaching us that one tahor can purify several temei'im. One act of purity does not only bring another [act of] purity, but it also increases the [number of acts of] purity. Sometimes an askan thinks, `What do I have the power to accomplish?' We must keep in mind that one tahor purifies several temei'im, and one act of purity--yeshivas if that's what one can do, a cheder if that's what one can do, a school if that's what one can do, whatever one can do--can lead to more and more purity.

"Yesterday Maran HaRav Eliashiv told me to ask of and say to all of the representatives: Today it is well known that individuals and institutions feel hard-pressed, and undoubtedly there will be many more requests for help and the representatives are loaded with holy work. But their obligation at a time like this is to ensure that chas vesholom not a single request regarding kodshei Shomayim goes unanswered; that a Jew wherever he may be should feel palpably, and not just in words, that the representatives on every level, the municipal and the national, are both shluchei deRachmono and our own envoys. Because particularly at a time like this they are being called upon to carry out the King's will. And for all of us, the way to fight against the decrees is definitely not through demonstrations but through increasing the light, increasing Torah, shiurei Torah. This is the way we will merit annulling the decrees. By strengthening every school, every Beis Yaakov, every Chinuch Atzmai institution, every Torah yeshiva, every institution that increases Torah and chesed, be'ezras Hashem we will merit holding the next conference after the decrees have been annulled and eradicated."

Rav Yitzchok Levinstein, Rosh Yeshivas Bircas Yitzchok, conveyed the message sent by HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman. "When I asked the Rosh Yeshiva shlita what to say, he began to cry and he cried until he could speak. He asked me to cite the gemora mentioned at the meeting of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah at the opening conference in America at the big convention that was held there when the Rosh Yeshiva, and the Admor from Gur, shlita, traveled to America to bring a message of unity, a message on education, that it is possible to bring about a revolution in Eretz Yisroel--which is bearing fruits to this day. And at this opening conference at the home of the Admor of Novominsk, shlita, together with all of the gedolei Yisroel from America and Europe, the Rosh Yeshiva, shlita, was asked to speak and cited the gemora in Brochos that says a blind person and one who cannot face in the proper direction [i.e. towards Jerusalem] should direct his heart toward the Heavens...and later the gemora says, 'Thus all of Yisroel turn toward a single place.'

"And then he said that when one is definitely directing [his efforts] for Hashem's sake it is very good, but there is a higher level. If all of Yisroel directs their hearts toward one place, it is an entirely different tefilloh, entirely different barriers, as long as all of Yisroel directs their hearts towards one place. The Kohen Godol entered Kodesh Hakodoshim only on one day. In their hearts Yisroel can enter Kodesh Hakodoshim at any time. And then he asked that all Jews around the world direct themselves toward a singular unity--belev echad--and thus all of us can reach Kodesh Hakodoshim.

"The great gaon HaRav Shteinman, shlita, also told me, 'These are very trying times. I can't sleep more than half-an-hour at night and so I am in doubt about saying Bircas HaTorah.' He is constantly asking with dread what will become of the talmudei Torah. We want all of Klal Yisroel to do teshuvoh--more Chinuch Atzmai schools, more and more. And this is our task. But there's one thing I'm sure of: with the unity in Klal Yisroel like what has taken place here today, no one will be able to overcome us. HaKadosh Boruch Hu will send us a different conduit, we will no longer need this impure conduit of theirs. But all this is if the kitrug hanging over Klal Yisroel ceases as well. Then as a result of this conference He Whose Name dwells in a great, exalted house will place His Name in the great house known as United Torah Jewry and may HaKadosh Boruch Hu help bring blessing and peace and may everyone join into agudo echas . . . "

During the latter part of the session Rav Cooperberg read aloud letters of blessings from the Tsanzer Rebbe, the Gavad of Erlau and the Bostoner Rebbe.

Rav Nosson Zochovsky, rosh yeshivas Gaon Yaakov made cutting remarks against the affront to the honor of the Torah by a minister from the Mafdal who made disparaging remarks about Maran the Posek Hador on Sunday.

Agudas Yisrael's Jerusalem Chairman Rabbi Menachem Porush said, "This is a conference designed to arouse Jews to understand the severity of the present situation. The conference demands that we proceed in the light cast by gedolei Yisroel." Later in his remarks Rabbi Porush echoed Rav Zochovsky's sentiments regarding the offensive remarks.

"Today's gathering is in the spirit of the verse, "Lech kenos [es haYehudim]." Are we able to appreciate our current circumstances? I have been in public life for years and I cannot recall, even under the Mapam government, decrees like the present ones. In the most Leftist governments they did not dare to uproot Judaism and make decrees like those they are now plotting. We have an obligation to voice an outcry that will be heard across the country. All of us must rise up and stir the whole world over the decrees awaiting us. We have lived through difficult periods, but such times we have not known. We must declare war against such a government that issues such decrees, that will have repercussions for five years."

Later another session entitled "The Role of UTJ in the Opposition" was held by MK Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, followed by a session led by MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni on the recent Knesset election results.


A Letter from HaRav Lefkowitz of Bnei Brak

Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz Zichron Meir, Bnei Brak BS'D 25 Nisan 5763

To all of the envoys of the rabbonim and the public, the representatives of UTJ gathered together in unity to discuss pressing issues, may Hashem's blessing be lifted upon you.

During this period when haters of Hashem have banded together to work in tandem to accomplish various schemes against shomrei Torah umitzvos, public representatives must rise up against them, declaring in a loud voice that will reveal to all the masses in Eretz Hakodesh and in the Diaspora that their true intent is to break our spirit, to harm our educational institutions and the holy yeshivas and every family blessed with sons and daughters who maintain the ways of our forefathers by bringing upon them the shame of hunger. Those who constantly extol the merits of democracy are pursuing practices that clearly discriminate against the shomrei Torah umitzvos sector, a practice not found in any other civilized state.

We must voice our objection in the language of the verse, "Kol kli yutzar olayich lo yitzloch." And in response to your statements of "pen yarbeh" we say, "ken yarbeh," i.e. we will hold fast and keep the sacred watch over education as we received it from our holy forefathers and rabbonim in sanctity and purity and we will maintain the yeshivas and the kollelim with greater vigor and dedication, and even in the face of austerity we will continue to increase Torah and those who toil in it.

Therefore you who have gathered together to discuss in unanimity the most effective ways to strengthen and assist Torah institutions and all shomrei Torah umitzvos families are to be blessed. And when we grow stronger in this we are guaranteed that HaKodosh Boruch Hu will help us and we will merit siyata deShmaya in order to keep the way of Hashem as we were commanded.

With broken heart [pleading] that G-d will not forsake and will take pity on Klal Yisroel,

Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz


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