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Part Three
Introduction: A Gallery of Heroes
The establishment of major Torah centers throughout the world
that perpetuate the great yeshivos of Eastern Europe is one
of the greatest contemporary miracles. This began over sixty
years ago. It was wrought by a handful of great builders.
Because of their tremendous self-sacrifice, the foundations
they laid have proven enduring and today support a larger-
than-ever edifice. They breathed life into a nation's dry
bones and infused soul into its spiritually wasted frame.
HaRav Zushe Waltner zt'l earned a place on this list
by any reckoning. While his work as a Torah disseminator
began early in life and continued into advanced age, he is
principally associated with the great achievement of his
middle years, the creation of a Torah center in Tangiers.
Most Tangiers alumni are grandparents today. Many of them
fill important communal positions around the world. Virtually
all are sincere, genuine bnei Torah.
The first part discussed HaRav Waltner's youth in Hungary
and his travels to Cracow and Switzerland until he eventually
was admitted to England in 1937. There, Rav Waltner developed
a very close relationship with Rav Eliahu Dessler. After the
war, Rav Waltner founded the yeshiva in Sunderland to
accommodate war refugees. Traveling to Tangiers to recruit
talmidim for Sunderland, he met R' Shmuel Toledano who
soon built a yeshiva building and then invited Rav Waltner to
come and found a yeshiva. He sent Rav Waltner a telegram:
"It's all ready. Come." At the advice of Rav Dessler who
consulted with the Chazon Ish on the matter, Rav Waltner
accepted the challenge.
The second part described the revolution effected by Rav
Waltner in Morocco. Although there was an indigenous
tradition of Torah learning, Rav Waltner introduced the depth
and sophistication of Europe that found eager interest in
this area that had never known them. Also the concept of
being a talmid chochom as a lifestyle became something
that was accepted by thousands of simple Jews who had never
before aspired so high.
An Eye for Potential
Rav Waltner would always stress that Rav Dessler had drilled
into him that a single quality talmid, or teacher,
could eventually yield a hundred talmidei chachomim
whereas with a hundred mediocre individuals, one would never
get anywhere. He fully implemented this advice in his work in
Tangiers. The breadth and depth of his own personality gave
Rav Waltner a very penetrating eye, which he was able to use
in sizing up others.
He looked deeply into the personalities of both maggidei
shiur and talmidim and was able to judge their
suitability and potential. He thus built up a teaching staff
that would ensure that the learning in the yeshiva would be
on the highest level. He wanted only the best abilities in
the field of education -- men who would impart a sense of
Torah's breadth and depth to their talmidim and
inspire them -- and he knew how to get them.
At different times, he was assisted by HaRav Leizer Lopian
zt'l, Rav Chaskel Silver zt'l, his friend Dayan
A.L. Grosnass zt'l and ylct'a Rav Yissochor
Meir, Rav Yonah Braverman, Rav Yitzchok Tannenhaus, Rav Lipa
Rabinowitz, Rav Moshe Schloss, Rav Machlouf Pahima, Rabbi
Aryeh Carmel and others.
As noted by Rav Meir, Rav Waltner saw that all the teaching
staff were just as dedicated as he to building Torah and were
willing to do whatever job, or teach whatever level, was
necessary in order to further this end. Nobody was concerned
with personal advancement or with feeling that his abilities
were being fully appreciated.
Talmidim in whom Rav Waltner divined the possibility
of future greatness merited special effort and attention. Rav
Farrache recalled, "He told me a number of times that this
had been Rav Dessler's approach -- to take individuals whom
he saw he could develop."
One of the ways in which this manifested itself was with
regard to discipline. While he would rebuke those guilty of
wrongdoing in no uncertain terms, he would be more forgoing
towards a boy whom he felt had a promising future.
Understandably, the students were not always mature enough to
realize that this kind of discrimination was not simple
favoritism. With the average student, he had to ensure that
there would be no repetition of conduct that could lead to
grave problems if left unchecked, while with boys with whom
he felt he could work, he judged that with time, youthful
caprice would pass and things would right themselves so that
excessive firmness was not necessary on his part.
When he saw potential in talmidim, he kept his eye on
them even after they had left Sunderland or Tangiers and gone
out into the world. He would do everything in his power to
bring them back to the beis hamedrash and many owed
their later growth to greatness to Rav Waltner's devotion in
pursuing them.
He was once asked by a talmid why he had seen fit to
spend several days searching for a bochur who had left
and bringing him back to the yeshiva?
"Klal Yisroel mustn't lose such a genius," was the
Expansion of the Mosdos
Two years after opening the yeshiva, Rav Waltner opened a
kollel. Later, a Teachers' Seminary and a Talmud Torah
were established. The kollel was founded with
avreichim who had learned in Rav Moshe Schneider's
yeshiva gedolah in London and others who had learned
in Gateshead and who had returned to Morocco to learn or
teach. Some of them later became maggidei shiur in the
Teachers' Seminary, principals of the Talmud Torah, or
teachers in the yeshiva high school.
The kollel had a profound effect on many Moroccan
Jews. Rav Waltner's deliberate choice of such a composition
for the kollel is further evidence of the great wisdom
and foresight with which he built Torah in Morocco.
Rav Machlouf Pahima, who taught with Rav Waltner in Tangiers,
recalled, "He made a kollel and brought educated
people [who now devoted themselves to learning . . .. This
was instructive] for the parents of the talmidim too
[who used to ask the question mentioned in the posuk,]
`and if you say, what shall we eat?' (Vayikra 25:20).
[If years were to be devoted to learning, what] livelihood
[would there be?] There was poverty in Morocco. [Here
though,] they saw people . . . who had set Olom hazeh
aside entirely. [They saw] a vivid image [of spiritual living
and] they turned around from one extreme to the other. Their
happiness was great indeed. They saw that this is the purpose
of life. They learned, married and entered the kollel
. . . Seminary girls [valued] such people [and sought] to
marry a ben Torah. The young women married talmidei
"He was strongly negative towards people who wanted [to
hinder his work] . . . the Tangiers Vaad (the official
community representatives). The site of the yeshiva was owned
by the Vaad. They wanted to take control and he fought
them. By bringing educated people to the kollel he
effectively neutralized the official opposition, [conveying
to them the message,] `You don't come up to these peoples'
ankles.' They knew that [these avreichim] were head
and shoulders above [them] both in secular education and in
Rav Azran: "He . . . provided a living example of [people who
took] pride in Torah. The parents of girls in the Seminary
were happy -- what happiness! They had never seen a Jewish
home like this [imbued with] holiness and purity!"
Another lesson of Rav Dessler's that Rav Waltner heeded when
establishing the kollel was that for a group that
seeks to advance together in Torah, achdus is
imperative. The capabilities of the individual members are of
course important, but it is vital that there be unity and
harmony among them on a personal level. This was something
that Rav Dessler himself had been aware of in the running of
Gateshead Kollel.
It would have given him great pleasure to see the success
with which his talmid was applying this and other
ideas of his in disseminating Torah. Rav Waltner in fact
invited Rav Dessler to come from Bnei Brak to visit Tangiers
but for whatever reason, such a visit never materialized and
Rav Dessler was niftar in 1953.
A Community Takes Shape
In time, a flourishing Torah community grew up around the
yeshiva, the kollel and the other institutions of
Tangiers, a city that had been a spiritual desert with a
Jewish community that had been particularly badly affected by
irreligious currents. This kehilloh is described by
those who knew it as having been on a par with the finest
Torah neighborhoods in Eretz Yisroel. There was no tension or
competition. Bnei Torah lived together in tranquility
and harmony, in commonalty of purpose.
The impression that the mosdos and the kehilloh
made even on casual visitors was tremendous. One native of
Tangiers who was visiting home recalled how he came to
Yiddishkeit without even having learned there: "I had
an advanced degree in mathematics and wished to continue
studying but I wanted advice about how to avoid problems with
Shabbos. I was told to come on the morrow to the
kollel. It was the first mokom Torah I'd seen.
R' Zushe, R' Shaloush, R' Silver . . .the ma'ariv. It
was a turning point. It grabbed me. Rav Yissochor Meir was
one of the first talmidei chachomim that I saw in my
life, at his shtender in the succah, learning
Torah . . . "
It might seem straightforward that things should have
developed in this way but in fact it is nothing of the kind.
Everything had to be built up from scratch and it was Rav
Waltner, an outsider, who did it. He was not working with
people of similar backgrounds and mentalities to his own who,
by virtue of their ancestry felt at least some independent
personal connection to the world of Torah scholarship that he
represented. Yet the Moroccan Jews neither felt that he was
trying to force them into a foreign mold, nor that he wanted
to take control of their communal life.
That he succeeded in planting Torah among them is because
Yiddishe neshomos are receptive to Toras Hashem
no matter what their background and, from his personal
qualities, they saw that that was what he was bringing them.
That he was able to build to such an extent attests to his
understanding of life and his wisdom in dealing with
He fought those elements that were antagonistic to Torah and
tried to prevent its growth in Morocco, e.g. secular-minded
representatives of the official communities and Zionist
inciters, boldly and uncompromisingly, using every method at
his disposal, yet without alienating them as people. He
avoided making personal enemies, which could have hindered
him. On the other hand, he led and guided those who sought
his leadership, without assuming any of the highhandedness or
airs of a leader.
For example, he did not try to do everything by himself. He
knew how to use the abilities of others and how to select the
right person for a given job. While seeking individuals who
would remain faithful to his educational outlook, he tried to
place Moroccans at the head of Torah institutions that he
established. He wanted them to control the day-to-day running
and to be seen to be doing so.
He had no personal connection with the Royal House of
Morocco. For audiences with members of the royal family or
with officials, he would send accomplished talmidei
chachomim from the kollel, rather than go himself
with an interpreter.
Rav Waltner's backers trusted him completely and he had real
power; institutions were opened by his word and appointments
made. However, he neither behaved nor wanted to be seen as a
plenipotentiary or High Commissioner. The role that he chose
was that of an administrator, working on behalf of the
community. Nonetheless, it was his vision that generated the
spirit that supported the entire kehilloh.
A Prince of His People
Rav Waltner's work took him far beyond the walls of his own
institutions. He would deliver lectures to spellbound
audiences both in Tangiers and other cities. Children,
teachers, students, academics, householders and prosperous
merchants would sit on schoolroom benches, in batei
knesset or in universities and listen to his fascinating
lectures and shiurim. He had a certain magnetism and
was an accomplished speaker. His clarifications of topics in
Jewish thought and scholarship, in the traditions of the
Chasam Sofer and the Sefas Emes and of Brisk and Volozhin and
his mussar thoughts, held everyone's attention. His
delivery was full of life and humor, warmth and love of his
fellow Jews.
Since Rav Waltner did not speak the Moroccan Arabic dialect
in which the Jewish rank and file conversed, one of the local
rabbonim would act as interpreter and convey his message to
the audience. A member of the Toledano family recalled his
father-in-law translating the address that Rav Waltner
delivered on his first visit to Meknes, into colloquial
Arabic. The topic was the two ways in which Hakodosh
Boruch Hu brings people to teshuvoh -- through
either suffering or miracles.
In time, Rav Waltner's responsibilities grew to encompass all
Torah education in Morocco. For three years, from 1958-60, he
served as director of Otsar Hatorah in all Morocco,
travelling all over the country in order to open new Talmudei
Torah and to supervise existing ones.
Otsar Hatorah had been set up by Yitzhak Shalom and Joseph
Shamah in order to combat the influence of the Alliance and
tob further Torah education among Sephardi Jewry. Yitzhak
Shalom was one of the two main supporters of Rav Waltner's
work. The other was the American Joint Distribution
Committee, whose aim was to provide social relief to
persecuted or poverty stricken Jewish populations in foreign
countries. HaRav Avrohom Kalmanowitz and ylct'a Rav
Yehoshua Abramovitz succeeded in eliciting the Joint's
support for Rav Waltner's work.
Once a year, Yitzhak Shalom would travel out from New York to
Morocco. He used to spend a Shabbos in Tangiers and he would
be delighted when Rav Waltner arrived at his hotel with a
group of avreichim and said divrei Torah in
front of him. While he was a simple Jew, he was fluent in
Tanach and it was his greatest pleasure to test the
pupils of Otsar Hatorah schools on what they were learning.
He loved the work that Rav Waltner was doing and didn't
refuse any request for further assistance. In fact, he pushed
Rav Waltner to keep on extending his field of activity and
open more and more Otsar Hatorah institutions.
Again, Rav Waltner possessed the wisdom and ability to win
the wholehearted support of the heads of the Joint for his
work. Rav Abramovitz particularly, loved to learn and to
converse with him and the two became devoted friends.
Rav Waltner knew how to speak to the financial directors,
irreligious educators, doctors, nutritionists and hygienists,
who were responsible for monitoring the Joint's overseas
projects. While their aims were primarily humanitarian rather
than religious, they saw that they had found a partner who
was proving eminently capable of carrying out their agenda as
well as his own, with practical and effective action.
Rav Waltner was known for his scrupulous honesty and his
complete accountability for the funds that passed through his
hands. In consequence, no request that he made for assistance
was turned down. Rav Waltner was willing to invest large sums
in securing favorable terms of employment for the top
mechanchim that he wanted to bring to Tangiers and for
the hundreds of others who were employed in the institutions
that he supervised.
However, he was very careful with every penny that was
entrusted to him. The ready availability of generous funding
never led him to authorize needless expenses and he provided
clear and balanced accounts. While money had no importance
whatsoever to him personally, he made full use of the
resources that were available to him in order to build
From time to time, delegations of US senators or congressmen
would visit Tangiers. Rav Waltner and his Rebbetzin
tblct'a, would receive these visitors warmly and
respond to their various inquiries. Each year, Rav Waltner
would travel to the United States for the Joint's annual
fundraising dinner, where he was received enthusiastically by
the philanthropists who had taken him and his cause into
their hearts.
While Rav Waltner was highly successful in winning support
for Torah chinuch in Morocco and while he achieved an
incredible amount there single-handedly, he always felt that
with more manpower, significantly more could have been
While in the United States he approached both Reb Aharon
Kotler zt'l and the Satmar Rebbe zt'l, asking
them to send avreichim out to join him, but they both
replied that they simply didn't have people available. The
response of the Ponovezher Rov zt'l to this request
was similar.
Rav Waltner often used to bemoan the fact that the Zionist
youth movement Hashomer Hatzair had no problem in
bringing out numerous activists to Morocco, yet the Torah
community could not seem to match them.
End of an Era
Rav Waltner continued his work despite the shrinkage of
Morocco's Jewish population which began following the Six Day
War (in 1967), when many families started emigrating to Eretz
Yisroel or France.
He finally left Morocco after the Yom Kippur War. By that
time, the size of the remaining Jewish community no longer
justified the great sacrifice that the work entailed. Rav
Aharon Monsonego, who had joined him at the helm of Otsar
Hatorah and had been assisting him, continued his work after
his departure. He is still in Morocco, serving as Chief Rabbi
of a community that today numbers just five thousand
Settling in Eretz Yisroel, Rav Waltner served for a time as a
supervisor in Chinuch Atzmai schools. However, after having
enjoyed complete independence with regard to implementing his
educational approach for such a long time and with such
success, it is not hard to see that the adjustment to
becoming part of an old and established system must have been
a difficult one. He really needed the means to be able to
work independently, for by this time, it was too hard for him
to be working in both education and fundraising.
Eventually, he left Chinuch Atzmai and around fifteen years
ago, opened a kollel with the help of the brothers Mr.
Moshe and Mr. Albert Reichmann, with whose family he had been
friendly in Tangiers. With his son, Rav Meir Waltner
ylct'a, leading the kollel, Rav Waltner would
deliver shiurim and shmuessen to the
avreichim. Many young men were thus still able to
benefit from his Torah and from the accumulated experience of
his long years in chinuch.
The Sun About to Set
Shortly before Rav Waltner's petiroh, an acquaintance
who was visiting the hospital entered his room and saw a
shining light on Rav Waltner's face. Approximately forty
minutes later he was niftar at the age of eighty-four,
on erev Shabbos Chanukah 5763, just eighty minutes
before candlelighting.
Half an hour later, the Chevra Kadisha were called. When they
heard who he was, they arrived at the hospital within
minutes. Later they told members of the family that although
they hadn't known him personally, they were able to tell that
he was a great man. All their preparations were completed in
record time. The levaya left shortly afterwards, at
three-thirty, and was finished by the time of
Like HaRav Shach zt'l, Rav Waltner zt'l merited
burial on "Freitag noch mittog (Friday afternoon),"
when the seforim tell us, the niftar's soul is
spared the pain of chibut hakever. His talmid
Rav Azran pointed out that Rav Waltner had already
endured comparable suffering in Morocco, with the long,
grueling hours he had spent on the road, week after week,
travelling from one city to another to supervise and further
Torah education. "Did he need chibut hakever after
having a whole life of it?" he asked in his hesped.
A proper evaluation of Rav Waltner's huge legacy is a subject
of its own. He sacrificed himself for harbotzas Torah
and shunned publicity throughout his life, and he merited
reaping a rich and bountiful harvest that few others can
Most of his talmidim are today in Eretz Yisroel. Among
them are many rabbonim of cities, roshei
yeshiva of yeshivos gedolos and ketanos,
dayonim, maggidei shiur and accomplished talmidei
chachomim. Avreichim from Tangiers arriving in
Eretz Yisroel were accepted into top kollelim. They
were already men of stature and were received like
avreichim who had been learning in Eretz Yisroel for
many years. Other talmidim serve in communities in
France, in South America and elsewhere. One can only guess at
the number of fine Torah families, several generations of
which have already enriched Klal Yisroel.
As this account has shown, many aspects of Rav Waltner's life
and work mirrored the life and work of his great teacher, Rav
Dessler zt'l. Their achievements can be strongly
compared in one particular respect. It can certainly be
claimed that alongside his rebbe, Rav Waltner ranks
among the handful of great men who were the architects of the
contemporary Torah world.
Acknowledgements: The writer thanks the members of the
Waltner family and the following talmidim and
colleagues, upon whose recollections these articles are
based: Rav Yissochor Meir, Rav Moshe Schloss, Rav Machlouf
Pahima, Rav Zecharya Gelley, Rav Yosef Azran, Rav Shlomo
Farrache, Rabbi Asher Wachnish and Rabbi Eli Rothschild,
whose written appreciation provided much valuable
In our recent series of articles dealing with HaRav
Avrohom Kalmanowitz' involvement with Torah chinuch in
Morocco, several excerpts from the memoirs of Rabbi David
Turgeman were quoted. These were taken with permission from
Rabbi Turgeman's autobiography, From Marrakesh to
Yerushalayim, published by the author in 5761.
B"H, Yom Rishon, En Route to Manchester. [5703]
Friends, my soul's precious ones,
You heartened me, dear Reb Zushe, with your great good-
heartedness, on seeing that you had prepared tea for me when
I returned from beis haknesses. Not only that, your
wife, the worthy rebbetzin tichyeh, got up for me and
pressed me to taste some of this and some of that, a great
number of different things. Unfortunately, I was unable to do
as she wished because I was utterly unable to eat.
B"H, I feel better now and have eaten my fill of the
baked items that she made me for Shabbos and I enjoyed their
great sweetness. I cannot express my great gratitude to the
two of you, for all your goodness and kindness that you are
alike in doing, each trying to go further and outdo the
other. Since I still think of you as chosson and
kallah, I shall tell you something [relevant to
Yesterday in the kollel, we spoke about that which Rav
Simcha Zissel z'l writes -- that a person is not happy
with something borrowed, only with something that belongs to
him. Whatever worldly possessions one acquires however, are
merely on loan from Hashem yisborach and for an
indefinite period, too; they are due back every single day.
If a person nonetheless finds happiness in such
possessions, he should certainly do so in the joy of a
mitzva, which is an acquisition for eternity.
Now, the joy of union in marriage is the greatest of life's
joys, though it too, is only a joy of this world. How much
greater then, should be the joy of those whose marriage is
for the purpose of elevation, whose attachment is spiritual
too. In all eternity, their joy will never be rent asunder.
These are my heart's thoughts about you, precious friends . .
. and there is more yet, as you know Reb Zushe . . . beloved
of my heart but for lack of space I must be brief. Please
tell your honored partner -- who has built her home with
wisdom and has chosen what is both good and pleasant -- tell
her the second kal vochomer . . .
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