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Stalin and the Jewish Question
Josef Stalin was a cruel and ruthless tyrant who ruled
Russia and the Soviet Union with absolute power for around 25
years. During his reign, in which he enjoyed personal,
absolute power in the Soviet Union, he was responsible for
uncounted millions of executions and murders. Estimates of
those killed in the purges and executions during his rule
range upwards from 20 million, and included friends and
allies of Stalin, and many murdered just because they had
abilities that might possibly lead them to become a threat to
his rule.
Less known are the preparations that he made to wage a
genocidal purge against the Jewish people under his rule.
Since his sudden death on Purim, 1953, stopped those evil
plans soon before they would have been carried out, they have
received far less attention than the crimes he actually
committed. Stalin was clearly planning a huge murderous
campaign against the Jews of Russia and the allied Soviet
republics. This is what is discussed below.
It is impossible to understand why Stalin
towards the end of his life started preparations for the
destruction of Soviet Jewry, if we do not analyze his
relationship to the Jews and the Jewish question throughout
his life.
We have many testimonies and documents pointing to the fact
that Stalin, who became famous as an expert on the topic of
nationalism and as an advocate of internationalism, had
always been an antisemite -- not only in the political and
party political arena, but also on a day-to-day level.
Actually, Stalin's expertise on the nationalistic question
was very superficial. His fame in this area was due to the
publication of a famous letter, which Lenin sent to Gorky,
stating that they had a wonderful Georgian who had written a
comprehensive article about nationalism, having assembled all
the Austrian and other documents.
In reality, Stalin did not know German and so could not have
collected all the material from Vienna himself. He was
assisted by Bukharin and Troinovsky. After his return from
Vienna, Stalin travelled to Cracow, where Lenin was also
staying at the time, and the latter edited the famous article
for him.
In this article, "Marxism and the National Question" which
was published in the weekly paper Prosvaschechnya (The
Enlightenment) in 1913, Stalin argues with Bauer, who
considered the Jews to be one entity, and attempts to prove
that the Jews from Russia, Galicia, America, Georgia, and the
Caucasus region do not make up one nation, since they are
separated from each other, live in different countries and
speak different languages.
This opinion of Stalin, which does not recognize the Jews as
one nation, is not an original one and also reflects the well-
known outlook of Lenin. But we will not pursue these issues
since we are only interested in the manifestations of
antisemitism in Stalin over several decades.
In the years prior to the Revolution he did not of course
dare to express biased opinions of a national nature -- as he
was later to do when he took over power -- but even then one
could detect this tendency in small matters. Relying on the
large proportion of Jews among the ranks of the Mensheviks in
their London conference of 1907, he wrote humorously that
whereas the Mensheviks were a Jewish movement, the Bolsheviks
were still purely Russian, and that it would therefore be
worthwhile for the Bolsheviks to arrange a pogrom within the
While in exile in Siberia, Stalin lived with a man by the
name of "Sverdlov" who complained about his extreme
antisemitism. The courts reprimanded Stalin because of this
A socialist-revolutionary called Karganov met Stalin in 1913
during his exile in Tourchan. He points out that during
debates Stalin revealed himself as an antisemite and used
vulgar Georgian expressions about the Jews.
In 1926 "Stalin began ridding himself of the Jews he grew
tired of." This was stated by The Socialist Informer,
Issue #1, 1926, which stresses especially the growing
antisemitism within party ranks. A telephone conversation
between two high-ranking Bolshevik officials would conclude
as follows: "Be well and smite a Jew."
The general mood amongst the Jews may be summarized as
follows: "There are no pogroms yet, but people live in dread
of them."
During his struggle against the opposition, Stalin started to
encourage antisemitism. In the first stage of this struggle
(1923-25) when Stalin allied himself with Zinoviev and
Kamineyev, he would play upon antisemitic feelings in a very
cautious and veiled manner. Only the more cynical
revolutionaries, who were actually trained by Stalin,
proclaimed in party gatherings that Trotsky's supporters were
"petit bourgeois" from "small towns" without explicitly
saying "Jews." (Note also that Trotsky was Stalin's main
rival for power in Russia and he was Jewish. Other Jews were
assumed to be on his side.)
These proclamations did not stand up to reality. The
opposition in those years was mostly made up of people with
deeply-rooted Russian origins: Y. N. Smirnov, Srevaryekov,
Prouvrazensky and Morlov. Trotsky's friend Rakovsky was of
Bulgarian origin, and Semilga, another prominent opposition
activist, was Latvian. There were also Georgian activists in
the opposition.
In spite of this, Stalin constantly stressed Trotsky's
"Jewishness," not only in private talks with his non- Jewish
supporters but also in talks with opposition activists.
The motif of the opposition's "Jewishness" could also be seen
in newspaper advertisements, which were supervised by Stalin.
"In the lawsuits of corrupt criminals and other scoundrels as
well as their removal from the opposition ranks, the party
machine willingly gave prominence to Jewish names of
insignificant people," Trotsky recalled later on. A Trotsky
follower called Ivan Yakovlovitch Verchov said that the
opposition reacted with revulsion and disgust to Stalin's
chauvinism and especially to his antisemitic leanings.
All these facts contradict the accepted views that official
antisemitism in the Soviet Union began during or after the
Second World War. In practice, already in the 1920s a "Jewish
domination" existed in the Party and the country as a
The Doctors' Trial and The Lawyers'
On the 13th of January 1953, the Soviet Union's official
information agency published an announcement about the
"arrest of a group of harmful doctors." The doctors were
accused of sabotaging "patients' health in a malevolent
manner" through false diagnoses and incorrect treatment
bringing about these patients' deaths.
The arrested doctors were also accused of murder through
damaging treatment of two very important Soviet activists and
of attempting to "remove from the ranks" some high-ranking
Soviet army officers. Most of the offenders were Jews and it
was pointed out that they belonged to an international Jewish
national-bourgeois organization said to be known as the
According to the charge sheet, an order had emanated from the
headquarters of this organization in the United States via a
doctor called Simliovitch and "the well known nationalist
bourgeois Jew" Michoels to "liquidate the ruling strata of
the Soviet Union."
Mass dismissals of Jews from their jobs took place throughout
the country, especially from medical institutions. Many
doctors and pharmacists became victims of their patients'
suspicions. Consistent antisemitism developed throughout the
After Stalin's death Constantin Simonov wrote: "Murdering
doctors -- one cannot, I think, conceive of anything more
terrible. Everything was done with the aim of gaining more
publicity. There was a feeling that the consequences of
Stalin's actions could not be described."
Who fabricated the Doctors' Trial? Who organized the
antisemitic system surrounding it? From the beginning it was
recognized as Stalin's creation.
A newspaper article in Pravda appeared simultaneously
with a report from the information bureau (similar articles
appeared in the Izvestya and other papers), which
stated that, "The Interior Security Services institutions did
not uncover a destructive terrorist organization amongst the
doctors in time." It was obvious from the content and style
of the article that its author was Stalin.
Documents which came to light at a later period also revealed
Stalin's role in the doctors' affair. K. Simonov, who was a
candidate for membership in the Central Committee of the
Communist Party at the time, wrote:
"A short while after the announcement that the Doctors'
Trials had been staged, the members and candidates of the
Central Committee in the Kremlin were shown documents
testifying to Stalin's active participation in the affair of
`the doctor murderers' from the very beginning. There was
Reyman's evidence about his conversations with Stalin, and
Stalin's demands to increase torture during interrogations,
as well as other testimonies which proved Stalin's role in
this affair again and again."
In the 20th party conference in 1956 Nikita S. Krushchev
admitted that Stalin had initiated "the Doctor's Trials" and
that the arrests, interrogations and tortures were all
conducted in accordance with Stalin's direct instructions.
Solzhenitzin's Claims
Alexander Solzhenitzin wrote in his book The Gulag
"Stalin planned a mass Jewish massacre. His plan was as
follows: In the beginning of March the killer-doctors were to
be hanged in Red Square. Embittered patriots (led by
supervisors) would then begin a pogrom against the Jews. Next
the Government, exhibiting great kindness, would protect the
Jews from the fury of the masses -- and already on the same
night it would transfer all the Jews to the East of the
Soviet Union and Siberia (where the construction of huts for
this purpose had already begun)."
The Doctors' Trial and their public execution were, according
to Stalin's plan, to be the first steps towards the mass
destruction of Soviet Jewry.
In February 1953 it was claimed that the Deportation of the
Jews had been allegedly delayed, but these were false claims.
Till the day of his death Stalin did not give up his plans
about the Doctors' Trials or the plans to deport the Jews of
the Soviet Union -- and continued his preparations for their
A. T. Rivin served Stalin many years as his personal guard.
Based on conversations with him and on other documentation,
D. A. Vakogonov claimed that on 28th of February 1953 Stalin
studied the interrogations of the "killer-doctors." On the
night between 28th of February and 1st of March 1953, during
his last meal at which he was joined by Melinkov, Beria,
Krushchev and Bulganin, he asked Beria about the progress of
the interrogations. The Security Services planned a show
trial to prove a "medical conspiracy" of an obvious
antisemitic nature.
During the meal Stalin repeated his instructions about
preparing a Doctors' Trial. This was the final meeting with
his assistants. It ended at four o' clock in the morning of
the 1st of March 1953. On the same day Stalin suffered a
stroke and paralysis and never regained consciousness. There
is no evidence to the effect that Stalin decided in February
1953 to put preparations for the conclusion of the Doctors'
Trial and the annihilation of the Soviet Jewry on hold.
Lawyers' Trial
On the other hand there is documented evidence revealing the
preparations for a Lawyers' Trial simultaneously with the
Doctors' Trial.
The chief defendants in this trial were to be members of the
Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union: Aaron Naumivitch
Treinin and Michael Solomonovitch Storogovitch. These two
scientists contributed greatly towards the preparations of
the Nuremberg Trials and tried, even in the time of Stalin's
stifling regime, to protect democratic values in criminal
The famous historian, Professor Srafim Alexandrovitz
Pokarovsky, was sent as an agent provocateur of the KGB to
incite their beloved pupil Valentin Lifshitz into talking
about Stalin.
I met Valentin Lifshitz in the science hall of the Lenin
Library during his post-doctorate studies and was
subsequently a witness to the inciting conversations between
Pokarovsky and Valentin at breakfast time in the Prague cafe
in Arbet Square. Pokarovsky began visiting Valentin at
Lifshitz was arrested at the beginning of 1952 and charged
with an attempt to assassinate Stalin. He was tortured in
order to force him into testifying against his well-known
teachers for the preparations of the Lawyers' Trials.
However, he withstood the tortures and did not testify to his
On the 27th of December he was sentenced by the military
courts to death by shooting.
After Stalin's death, by the end of April, Valentin's mother
Professor Sophia Yavesyavana Kopliyanskaya succeeded in
meeting with Beria. She was promised that her son would live
and the sentence quashed. In actual fact Valentin had been
shot in the basement of the inner jail in the infamous
Lubyanka Prison on 6th of February 1953 after which it was
reported that he had committed suicide.
A lawyer from Moscow who dealt with his posthumous pardon
after the 20th Assembly, studied the documents of Valentin's
criminal interrogation and discovered that all the charges
were based on the testimony of the agent Pokarovsky and a
typed statement by Valentin wishing Stalin a speedy death. In
fact, this statement was typed by Pokarovsky on Valentin's
typewriter while he was not at home.
Lifshitz's fiancee, Nastaya, who was present during the
sessions of his trial in the military court as a witness,
related subsequently how his face had been covered with
layers of makeup in order to hide signs of beatings and his
hair was white despite the fact he was under thirty years
old. Nastaya did not give any testimony which would have been
damaging to him.
Valentin's bravery saved the lives of his learned teachers
and the Lawyers' Trial did not take place. Stalin's death put
an end to the Doctors' Trial and the plans for the Lawyers'
Practical Steps Undertaken by Stalin towards
Organizing the Destruction of Soviet Jewry
The Deportation Plan, the Establishment of a Deportation
Committee and Lists of Candidates for Deportation
Objective documented evidence about the deportation issue was
furnished by Nikolay Nikolevitch Poliakov, who was appointed
by Stalin as the secretary of the Deportation Committee and
who was a witness and accomplice to these events. Poliakov
worked in the Internal Security Services and within the
central apparatus of the Communist party. In his last years
he was sick, but towards the end of his life he decided to
disclose facts of which he had personal knowledge.
Poliakov's testimony reveals that Stalin had made a decision
about the general deportation of Soviet Jewry at the end of
the 40s. In order to supervise this operation a Deportation
Committee had been set up, which was answerable only to
Stalin. Poliakov was its secretary. Since the expelled Jews
were to be transferred to Birobidzhan and other places,
Stalin initiated an intensive construction program of hut
concentrations, which were to resemble concentration camps,
and districts designated for this purpose became closed and
secret areas. At the same time lists were compiled throughout
the country of all citizens of Jewish origin: no one was to
be left out.
There were two types of lists: one of Jews and one of the
offspring of mixed marriages. The deportation was to take
place in two stages: those born of two Jewish parents were to
be expelled first, and the children born from mixed marriages
in the second stage.
These lists of Jewish people earmarked for deportation were
compiled with the help of manpower divisions, housing
committees, the police, factory management committees, local
institutions, and internal security services throughout the
Certain difficulties arose while these lists were being
compiled. For example, when a list of Jewish people was
published by a foreign publishing company in Moscow, an
anonymous letter was sent to it claiming that the family name
of one of the editors was missing, and he was registered as
Russian but was actually Jewish.
This editor had been born in a remote village and swore that
he had been baptized. At a meeting of the Committee he
offered to demonstrate that he was not circumcised.
Eventually it was decided to send an inquiry to his home
village. Naturally nobody in this village had the slightest
idea what a Jew was. Consequently the Moscow publishing
company received the following reply from the head of the
village committee: "We do not know what a Jew is. Maybe a new
breed of cows? If so, we hardly have any cows. They died due
to lack of food."
According to Poliakov, the deportation was meant to take
place in the second half of February 1953, but was postponed.
This was not because of the lack of concentration camps (less
than half of the planned huts were completed, but this in
itself would not have held up the operation), but because
more time was needed to draw up the lists than had been
allowed for. Stalin therefore came up with a tight timetable:
the Doctors' Trial on March 5-7, 1953 and public executions
on March 11-12, 1953.
At the end of 1952 Yevgeny Viktorovitch Trala, a well- known
historian and member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, told
his relative Leo Yekov, "Preparations were being made to
expel the Jews on the 11th-12th from the European part of the
State." He said that "plans were afoot to transport the Jews
to Siberia in March- April 1953, where they would be housed
in huts that had been constructed hastily and were made of
walls as thin as one wooden plank. It was estimated that the
initial mortality rate would be in the region of 30-40
According to Trala the "program" had already been worked out
in detail: it had already been decided who would be a victim
of the "fury of the masses," who would receive the valuable
collections of Jews in Moscow and Leningrad, and who would
take possession of "vacated" apartments.
Preparations for Public Executions, Assemblies,
and Pogroms; Letters Requesting Deportations
In a conversation with the historian Jacob Ettinger, the
former Chairman of the Soviet Committee of Ministers, N.A.
Bulganin confirmed that the Doctors' Trial was meant to
conclude with a death sentence. He added that a standard
newspaper report stating that "the sentence has been
executed" would not have satisfied Stalin. Only a public
execution to terrify the population, with all the special
effects of the Middle Ages, would have suited his
Bulganin knew that tasks had already been allocated, and it
had been decided in which towns each professor would be
hanged: whether in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk or
Sverdlovsk. We know from other sources that there was also
another option, which had been discussed: that all the
professors would be publicly hanged together in Moscow in Red
Square. A third option was the organization of attacks by the
masses on the executioners next to the court, but to allow
the soldiers to restrain them.
Bulganin confirms that documents had already been prepared
for the deportation to Siberia as well as to the far eastern
section of the Soviet Union of all Jews, including all those
who had signed letters of loyalty to the regime. Which
letters are we referring to?
The execution of the doctors and increased antisemitic
propaganda against "murderers in white coats," as well as
assemblies in large industrial concerns, were meant to lead
to an outburst of pogroms and lynches against Jews throughout
the country.
According to Stalin's plan, at that stage letters signed by
prominent Jews would be published denouncing the doctor
murderers and requesting the deportation of Jews to Siberia
and the far eastern section of the Soviet Union, in order to
protect them from the wrath of the Soviet nation. In this
letter the doctors were termed "the scum of humanity," and it
included a strong request to hand down the most severe
sentence against them, as well as a request to transfer all
Jews as quickly as possible to distant areas of the country
in order to prevent those around them from causing them
physical harm.
The letter was prepared by the General Director of the
official Soviet news agency (Tass), Y.S. Chabinson, as well
as members of the Academy of Sciences, M. Mittin and Y.Y.
Mintz. All three also subsequently collected signatures for
this letter. Prominent representatives from the sciences,
literature, art and Soviet culture -- all of them of Jewish
extraction -- were meant to sign this document.
Almost everyone who was requested to do so, signed. A few
refused to sign, including the writer Iliya Ehrenburg who
also wrote a letter of his own to Stalin, whose contents were
published recently.
In the letter, Ehrenburg writes to Stalin about his
reluctance to sign the letter and about the damage that could
result from it to the world peace movement. He asked Stalin
to relate his response to his refusal to sign via a third
party, adding that if he is told that the publication of this
letter and his signature on it would be beneficial to the
movement for world peace and to his homeland, then he will
Ehrenburg recalled what happened next:
"They came to my house: Minz, who was a member of the Academy
of Sciences, the former deputy director of Tass, Chavinson,
and another person. This was just at the time that Stalin had
made a decision to expel the Jews from Moscow and other
cities. I don't know if they came to me on their own
initiative or if someone "on top" had suggested it to them.
They showed me the text of a suggested letter addressed to
the "Great and Wise Comrade Stalin" that stated that the fury
of the masses with respect to the doctor-murderers, the scum
of humanity, was justified, and would Comrade Stalin be so
gracious as to have pity and act with mercy by protecting the
Jews from the justified wrath of the Russian nation by
sending them with guarded protection to the far corners of
the country? The [Jewish] authors of the letter had, in their
baseness, consented to the deportation of a whole nation in
the hope that they themselves would be spared from this
decree. I was not the first person whose signature they asked
for on this letter to Stalin. In their efforts to increase
the number of signatories they had turned to the historian
The historian and intellectual Arkady Samsonovitch
Yaroslimsky, a professor at Moscow University and educator of
Stalin's daughter, Svetlana Alilyuva, seemed an appropriate
figure, whose signature would add weight to the intended
Yaroslimsky related at a later period: "Minz, who was a
member of the Academy of Sciences and the former deputy
director of Tass, Chavinson, and two other people who were as
intimidating as they asked me to sign the letter to Stalin. I
showed them the door."
Ehrenburg adds the following about Minz's and Chavinson's
visit to him:
"Minz was in hysterics, whereas Chavinson ran up and down the
room, begging me to sign the letter. I showed them the way
out! I wrote a letter to Stalin in order that this letter
would reach him the quickest way possible, I went to see the
Chief Editor of Pravda and told him of my decision.
Spilov was the Chief Editor at the time. He immediately
agreed to see me, but for some reason asked me to write the
letter intended for Stalin in his office. I did this. The
letter was short and to the point: the events connected with
the Jews would have very difficult political and
international repercussions. We would lose friends all over
the world. Intellectuals in all cultured nations would turn
against us."
The letter was passed on to Stalin, probably via his advisor.
Stalin did not speak to Ehrenburg. Malenkov did so instead.
He said: "You wrote to Comrade Stalin. He asked me to speak
to you."
Ehrenburg went to meet Malenkov. This is how Ehrenburg
summarized the contents of the conversation: "The
conversation with Malenkov was pointless. He avoided any
discussion of the actual issue at hand."
The letter signed by prominent Jewish scientific and cultural
activists was passed on to the authorities and remained there
waiting for zero hour. It was meant to be published
immediately after the doctors' execution, and after the
planned demonstrations and pogroms against the Jews.
The first meeting about the doctor-murderers was going to be
held at the Stalingrad tractor plant.
The Erection of Huts in Locations which were to
Absorb the Deported Jews, Means of Transporting the Jews,
Stalin's Instructions about the Partial Destruction of the
Jews on the Way
The most authoritative testimony about the preparation of
transportation for the expelled Jews comes from the former
Chairman of the Soviet Committee of Ministers N.A. Bulganin,
who spoke to Jacob Ettinger in 1970. Bulganin, who was Soviet
Defense Minister at the time of the preparations for the
deportation of Soviet Jewry, said that he received an order
from Stalin to transfer to Moscow and other major cities
several hundred railroad cars of the Soviet army. However,
not all the exiles were to reach their destination. Bulganin
claimed that Stalin had planned to organize accidents and
attacks on the way from "elements within the nation."
By February 1953 freight trains without seats were waiting in
the suburban train area next to Moscow, in Tashkent and in
other locations.
In 1966 the writer Vladimir Orlov and the poet Semion Kugen
visited a pensioners' camp in the far eastern section of the
Soviet Union together with Latishov, the secretary of the
local Komsomol Committee in the district of Chavrobask. Orlov
recalled an incident from this journey:
After about twenty minutes Latishov looked at us in a strange
way and in a voice full of fake joy shouted out: "And now,
for the sequel!" We walked along a wide forest path for about
twenty minutes with Latishov nodding with his head towards
the left: "Look!" We looked. About twenty meters from us was
a long hut with a narrow roof and small windows just
underneath it. Weeds and even young shrubs had pierced its
neglected walls. Beyond this hut, as far as the eye could
see, were more of these depressing structures.
"This is a city in its own right," said Latishov.
"A camp?" asked Semion.
"Not a pensioners' camp," Latishov sniggered, "but one
designated for you."
"What do you mean, `us'," I too asked in my innocence.
"For you -- the Jews!" our new friend forced himself to
"You mean our youth was to come to an end here in these
"But why?" Semion asked in disbelief. "There must be some
reason to deport to this place people who had survived Nazi
"A reason had already been fabricated in advance: the
doctors' trial," said Latishov. "Comrade Stalin took
everything into account. He decided to protect the Jewish
nation from the justified fury of the Russian nation. If the
Leader of all Nations would have stayed alive another half a
year you too, my friends, would have rotted in these
Further testimony of these huts was given by Olga Ivnovana
Goloborodko, head of the pensioners division of the Soviet
Social Security Office. In the fall of 1952 she found out
quite by chance that "they are preparing huts for the Jews
who are to be expelled from the central towns. When I heard
about this, I just sat there and thought I would go crazy,"
she recalled. "Four years later at a government meeting the
issue arose about where to store the crops from uncultivated
lands, since they had not managed to build granaries. Someone
remembered that there were empty huts in Birobidzhan, which
had been built for the purpose of housing deported Jews. A
special committee was sent to the area. Its members
discovered huts, each two kilometers long. The walls of each
were just planks, which all seemed about to collapse. The
huts had pointed roofs and broken windows. Inside were two
rows of benches. That was sufficient for the Jewish ghetto,
but the huts were declared unsuitable for storing grain. The
Committee reported back to Krushchev."
There is also testimony about Stalin's plans to organize
pogroms and the destruction of part of the Jews during the
course of their deportation.
Professor Yuri Burev in his book describes a meeting he had
with Iliya Ehrenburg. He recalls what Ehrenburg told him
about his conversations with Krushchev who himself recalled a
conversation with Stalin:
"The leader's mind was quite made up: `When they are
expelled, acts of violence need to take place in their homes.
The fury of the masses must be allowed to find expression.'
Krushchev played the innocent and asked, `When who is
expelled?' `The Jews', answered Stalin. `It is essential that
not more than half of them reach their places of
resettlement.' `Spontaneous' acts of the fury of the masses
were planned to take place on the way: attacks on the trains
and the murder of their passengers. That was how Stalin
planned the Final Solution to the Jewish Question in Russia,
as related by Ehrenburg."
Burev continues: "A veteran railroad worker living in
Tashkent told me that at the end of February 1953 trucks were
actually ready and waiting to transport expelled Jews. Lists
of candidates for deportation had already been drawn up. This
he was told by the head of the local bureau of the Interior
Formulating an Ideological Basis for the
Deportation of the Jews
For this job Stalin chose Dimitri Ivanovich Chesnokov, who
completed his task in time. How was this young philosopher
chosen from all of the party guard?
Yuri Andreyevich Zhadnov, while he was still married to
Stalin's daughter Svetlana, became friendly with Chesnokov
and helped him in every possible way. Amongst other things,
he gave Stalin a copy of Chesnokov's book on the Soviet
nation. Stalin was much taken by the book, since in it he was
mentioned in every second paragraph.
Zhadnov eventually included Chesnokov in the list of guests
for Svetlana's birthday part (the list was approved by the
Interior Ministry). At the reception, which was attended by
Stalin, Zhadnov introduced him to Chesnokov.
Stalin told him: "I know your book about the State. It is a
very useful book. Which topic are you researching at the
moment?" Chesnokov replied that he was looking into the
question of minorities in the light of Marxism.
"Which aspect exactly do you have in mind?"
"I am looking into theoretical questions connected to the
small minorities, who do not fulfill the criteria of
Socialism: Klemiks, Germans from Povolzhei, Tartars from the
Crimea, Chechnians, Ingoshes, and other nations which have
been exiled from place to place, and the theoretical basis of
expulsions of this kind. There is also the case of the
Following this conversation Stalin asked Chesnokov, who was
the editor of the periodical Philosophical Questions
to prepare a theoretical investigation which would form a
basis for the deportation of the Jews to Teiga and Arva. For
this purpose Chesnokov was sent to the Party's Central
Committee next to Moscow, where he started his research
The study was completed around the beginning of February
1953. It was approved by Stalin, printed in millions of
copies at the Interior Ministry's printing press and
transferred to the storage areas of the Interior Security
Services, where they were to be kept until their urgent
dissemination at the relevant time. Positive reviews of the
study were going to appear in the central press, the radio,
and other mass media.
In this study entitled, "Why do the Jews Have to be Deported
from Industrialized Areas of the Nation?" Chesnokov offered a
"scientific" explanation based on Marxist-Leninism for the
necessity and historical justification of the steps being
undertaken by the Party and Comrade Stalin himself to deport
Soviet Jewry.
Chesnokov attempted to prove that the Jews by their very
nature had always been an enemy of the nation and of
Socialism. Here he relied on the experience of Stalin and his
colleagues, who had hounded members of opposition parties of
all kinds in the 20s and 30s, all of whom were Jewish.
In October 1952, at the 19th Party Congress the ideologue of
deportation Dimitri Chesnokov was chosen, at Stalin's
suggestion as a member of the presidency (and according to a
later formulation, as a member of the Politburo). In
addition, he left his post as chief editor of the periodical
Philosophical Questions to take up the position of
chief editor of the journal Communist, which was
considered a much more senior post in party circles.
This meteoric promotion was due to Chesnokov's philosophical
study justifying the deportation of Soviet Jewry. Although he
was dismissed from his new position one day after Stalin's
death, on 6th March 1953, this did not impinge on his career.
He subsequently served as First Secretary of the Party
Committee in the district of Gorky, as the Chairman of the
State Committee for Radio and Television and in other key
positions until his death in 1973.
He did not mention at any time his theory, which formed the
philosophical basis for the deportation of Soviet Jewry. It
should be pointed out that the antisemitic theories of
Chesnokov's study found their way into various pamphlets in
the late 60s and in the 70s.
Sudden Death
The trial and the rumored purge that was to follow did not
occur because of the sudden death of Stalin on March 5,
Soon after, in April, Pravda announced that a
reexamination of the case showed the charges against the
doctors to be false and their confessions to have been
extracted under torture.
In his famous secret speech at the 20th Party Congress
(February 1956), Nikita S. Krushchev, in the course of a wide-
ranging denunciation of Stalin, asserted that his predecessor
had personally ordered the "doctors' plot" then to signal the
beginning of a new purge. Krushchev revealed that Stalin had
intended to include members of the Politburo in the list of
victims of the planned purge.
Most of the material in this article was taken from a
booklet entitled: Hachanotav shel Stalin Lehashamdat
Hayehudim written by Yaakov Eisenstadt (Pp. 11-13, 41-55)
who passed away around a year ago. It was published in 1995
in a very limited edition. His son Rav Alexander Eisenstadt
is one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivas Toras Chaim
in Moscow. We were urged to make this material known to the
Torah world by HaRav Ben Zion Silber, rosh yeshiva of
Toras Yeshurun.
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