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Our next issue, dated erev Shabbos parshas Tzav, will be a greatly expanded Pesach issue. The issue after that will be dated erev Shabbos parshas Tazria-Metzoro.
Israeli launched its broadest offensive against Palestinian
terrorists early this week, so far entering seven refugee
camps and several cities, including Ramallah early on Tuesday
morning. Military sources said the operation in Ramallah was
aimed at taking control over most of the city and the refugee
camps surrounding it. Press reports say that the army has
deployed most of its standing army and has canceled training
whose staff and instructors are also all being deployed in
the missions. The following statement, from the Moetzes Gedolei
HaTorah in Eretz Yisroel, has been endorsed and is
being promoted by the Moetzes in America as well. It
refers to a day of prayer on Wednesday 29 Adar/March
13 -- Yom Kippur Kotton. Even though this will have passed
before our date
of publication, we feel that the message is important
even after then. In 5759 (the academic year 1998-99), a total of 109,956
talmidim, kein yirbu, learned in yeshivos,
kollelim and other institutions under the
supervision of the Ministry of Religions according to a
new report of the Central Bureau of Statistics. The Vaad HaRabbonim LeInyonei Giyur, founded by the late HaRav
Chaim Kreiswirth, av beis din of Antwerp, warned
against the danger of bringing thousands of goyim into
kerem Beis Yisroel through fictitious conversions
performed by the Chief Rabbinate.
Annual Conference Of Headteachers Of Orthodox Jewish
Schools Last month the Association of Headteachers of Orthodox Jewish
Schools held their Annual three-day Conference at the
Normandie Hotel in Bournemouth. Close to eighty participants,
representing 12,000 of the approximately 15,000
schoolchildren studying at Jewish schools in Britain,
gathered together to participate in a series of shiurim,
lectures and brainstorming sessions on various chinuch
topics. USA Shmittah Update Although the year after shmittah is almost half way
through and many of the restrictions that apply to
shmittah problems no longer apply, there is still the
overhang of the spices and seasonings that were imported to
the United States last year that were produced in Israel
under an enhanced "hetter mechirah".
To the Editor:
I am a rav in England and I work in kiruv. I am
in contact with an Israeli who was born in Rumania to a
Jewish father. He was converted in Israel at Yemin Ord
and has a stamp by the Rabbanut Yisrael on the Shtar
Giyur. It doesn't seem glatt to us here so we
wondered how to find out more.
An Israeli saying has it that it is easier to be a critic
(mevaker) than to be an ally (chaver). Whether
not this is true in normal times, it is certainly true
True Shidduch Stories
It has been said that contemporary times lack the
element of overt miracles. Where does one undeniably
see the guiding Hand of Providence nowadays? Through
When to bypass conventions and customs, when to ask,
when to answer... IN-DEPTH FEATURES Detroit Jews Bid Farewell to a Father |