On Shabbos kodesh parshas Lech Lecho, the Bnei
Hayeshivos-Ramat Eshkol Kehilla in Jerusalem dedicated a new
In recent years the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood has undergone a
marked spiritual revolution, as a significant number of young
bnei Torah families have moved into the area. Until a
short time ago, the borders of the chareidi center of the
area ended just a bit beyond the Sanhedria neighborhood. Now
they are rapidly extending to Ramat Eshkol.
Two years ago, the sound of Torah began to resound in the
newly-founded Ramat Eshkol evening kollel. Shiurim and
mussar discussions are delivered there regularly,
attended by scores of avreichim.
In light of this development, neighborhood avreichim
decided to open their own neighborhood shul. After
much effort, and with the help of the committee of the Alumim
synagogue headed by the neighborhood rav, HaRav Meir Mazoz, a
suitable place was found.
HaRav Yosef Efrati, head of the Beis Medrash Lehalocho
Bahityashvut Hachakla'it, was invited to deliver a halocho
shiur between kabolas Shabbos and ma'ariv.
Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Rabbi Uri Lapoliansky, who has been
assisting the kehilloh ever since its planning stages,
participated in the davening on Shabbos night.
The gabboim and members of the shul were
surprised by the large turnout of nearly one hundred people
on Shabbos night. This scene repeated itself again during
shacharis, mincha and ma'ariv of motzei
Shabbos, highlighting the real need for the new
Avreichim of Ramat Eshkol are very grateful to Deputy
Mayor Rabbi Lapoliansky, Deputy Mayor Rabbi Uri Maklev and
Rabbi Yitzchok Hanau for their assistance.