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A recent investigative report, on Israeli television, focused
primarily on religious police officers discharged from Israel
Police due solely to their Shabbos observance.
The most salient example cited in the report was the case of
Yechezkel (Chezi) Almassi of Moshav Ma'agalim in the Negev,
who wrote the following words in his opening statement during
his High Court appeal: "I am a religious Jew. I am a
believer. I observe the commandments of my religion, among
which is the observance of the Sabbath and its holiness,
along with the commandments and halachos dictated by the
verse, `Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.'"
Chezi Almassi's story started more than a year ago. He had
then served in the police force for some nine years, during
which he had carried out a variety of assignments and had
even been recommended by his commanders for the officers'
training course. From 5752 (1992) until 5758 (1998) Almassi
served at the Netivot Police Station, where he encountered no
notable friction.
Almassi, who was raised in a religious home, did everything
in his power to follow the path outlined for him and
continued to do so after he joined the police force. While he
served at the Netivot Police Station his commanders showed
consideration for the fact that he was religious. When
Almassi was required to work on Shabbos, he always walked
from his home to the police station.
Over the last several years, Almassi grew more scrupulous in
his observance of mitzvos and began to participate in
gemora and other shiurim. Then a year and a
half ago, he was transferred to Be'er Sheva where he was
assigned as a patrol unit commander in charge of some 20
policemen. The new assignment was made following a meeting
between Almassi and former Negev Region Brigadier Commander
Mordechai Nachmani.
During the course of their conversation Almassi stated that
he was religious and wanted to continue observing Shabbos. He
noted that he does not drive on Shabbos and that being
assigned to the patrol unit in Be'er Sheva was problematic
because of the distance from his home. Nevertheless, Nachmani
told him the Israeli police force works 24 hours per day, 365
days per year, and that he would have to make a decision
about his own future: he could not keep Shabbos and continue
to work for Israel Police.
Almassi pointed out that he could be assigned to a variety of
other posts that do not involve work on Shabbos, but he was
unable to sway the Brigadier Commander.
The new assignment put Almassi in a predicament. But when his
commander scheduled him for a shift on Shabbos, Almassi did
not show up for work.
You're Fired!
As a result, he was called in by Nachmani who said he had
decided to recommend that Almassi be dismissed from the
police force. Almassi then filed a High Court appeal through
Attorney Menachem Chachmon, who cited conversations Almassi
held with the District Rabbi and the Chief Rabbi of the
police force. Both said explicitly that patrol units perform
various tasks on Shabbos that involve no pikuach
nefesh or even sofeik pikuach nefesh, including
transporting policemen from their homes to the police station
and back, collecting evidence for investigations that are not
urgent, preparing written reports, writing traffic and
parking tickets, and much more. These activities have no
possibility of being performed on Shabbos.
The police rabbinate tried to assist Almassi, contacting the
Regional Commander and then the District Commander, but
neither of them responded, although the former issued orders
to assign Almassi to routine tasks on Shabbos. Even when
other station commanders and other high-ranking officers
declared that they would be willing to accept Almassi to
positions that do not involve chilul Shabbos, the top
ranks refused and continued to insist on their original
demand that Almassi be fired.
The upper echelon of Israel Police has no understanding of
the idea that real security depends on Shabbos observance:
"The Written Torah promises that if Yisroel keeps the Shabbos
as a day of rest, HaKodosh Boruch Hu will guard over
the Land, and if they do not keep it, He will issue decrees
and destroy the Land. In fact we learn that the Diaspora is a
form of punishment for chilul Shabbos" (Kad
Hakemach, Shabbos).
At a certain point various other suggestions were also
evaluated, such as finding sleeping quarters for Almassi in
Be'er Sheva near the police station. But since the problem
extended beyond the issue of riding in vehicles, to include
the fundamental tasks demanded of a patrol commander, these
options were also dismissed. During the preliminary hearing,
Almassi said several police commanders had requested that he
transfer to their units to serve in various capacities, and
some commanders had even contacted the Regional Commander --
who rejected all their proposals outright.
Specifically, Negev Detention Commander Superintendent Tzvi
Klein offered to recruit him as an escort commander -- a job
that does not involve Shabbos shifts -- when the post became
available, and even offered to find a replacement for him in
the event that he was required to work on Shabbos. In another
effort to solve the problem, Chief Superintendent David
Biton, former Ashkelon Police Commander, was willing to make
him head of the station's traffic office.
Superintendent Ron Dimri, head of the investigating office at
the Be'er Sheva station, also said he would be willing to
place him as an investigations commander, which does not
require Shabbos shifts, and said he was personally prepared
to replace him for Shabbos duty if necessary. Yet the
Regional Commander rejected these initiatives as well.
Court Arguments
In his High Court appeal Attorney Chachmon emphasized that
with a bit of goodwill by all parties involved, good, viable
solutions could be found, since most of the commanders
currently working at the Be'er Sheva Station are not required
to work on Shabbos. Nevertheless all efforts failed, and
Police Commissioner Yehuda Wilk sent Almassi a discharge
During the time leading up to the dismissal, Yosi Shriki, the
general Negev representative in the Prime Minister's Office,
intervened on Almassi's behalf. As a result the Ministry of
Internal Security issued a statement saying the issue was
being reevaluated by Israel Police. But a few days later
Attorney Tal Braverman from the personnel department at the
National Police Headquarters sent a letter to Attorney
Chachmon saying the Police Commissioner was sustaining his
decision to dismiss Almassi. At that point Attorney Chachmon
filed a High Court appeal requesting that Almassi's dismissal
be blocked and that an interim court order be issued to keep
Almassi at his post.
Chachmon argued that "the Regional Commander did not
demonstrate proper openness in dealing with the problem that
arose, and placed the matter on a disciplinary track, failing
to heed the very difficult personal crisis in which the
appellant was embroiled, and ignoring the many solutions
presented in the matter. Station commanders and police
commanders in various other locations are often required to
find solutions to settle discrepancies between the needs of
the police on the one hand, and the needs of the religious
police officer who wants to keep the commandments of his
religion on the other hand, and in most cases, appropriate
solutions are found. Many religious police officers who made
such requests were given assignments that solved the problem,
but in the case before us the Regional Commander's position
in this matter precluded a suitable, viable solution to the
sensitive problem at issue."
In his legal arguments Attorney Chachmon pointed out that the
decision made regarding Almassi was unreasonable and, in the
circumstances, showed arbitrariness and unscrupulousness in
addition to an illegal lack of consideration for Almassi's
convictions as a religious man. Judge Beinish issued an
interim order requiring that Almassi return to his job until
a final ruling was handed down.
Despite the court order the police refused to reinstate
Almassi operationally, as commander of a patrol unit at the
Be'er Sheva Police Station.
Attorney Chief Superintendent Kedmi wrote in response to
Chachmon's protest, "Returning to work can take several
forms, including a paid vacation as was the case regarding
your client, and by so doing the police fulfilled its
obligation to carry out the interim order."
Attorney Chachmon eventually decided to file an additional
appeal to the High Court; the justices severely reprimanded
the police but did not take any action on the matter.
During the course of the appeal process, the two sides
submitted affidavits to the High Court. In Almassi's
statement he notes the fact that the unit he commanded
received national recognition for excellence. "Observing the
Sabbath is among my highest values," writes Almassi. "I
requested and I am still requesting to continue my police
service and at the same time to be granted freedom of beliefs
and freedom of religion. I am convinced that this can be
accomplished. In order to observe the Sabbath I would gladly
work additional hours and additional days every month, or
even shifts in other units or at other stations.
"I do not have the faintest shadow of a doubt that if the
Regional Commander sincerely exhibits a small measure of
understanding for my religious convictions, the matter would
be resolved, both for the police's sake and for my own, as
someone who would like to continue to serve in the police
force for many years to come."
Official Police Policy
Attached to Almassi's affidavit was a copy of official police
standing orders explicitly stating that Israel Police "will
allow all of its personnel to fulfill religious commandments
and customs." The same document stipulates, "The manner in
which this right is granted, in consideration of religious
law on the one hand and operational needs on the other, is to
be determined by orders issued by the National
As an additional example Almassi cites the standing police
order according to which a religious officer who normally
participates in a certain taanis "should be released
from all non-vital duties during the course of the fast." In
light of these guidelines, says Almassi, what took place in
the field in his case deviated markedly from these norms for
all policemen.
The reality is that on Shabbos and holidays, patrolmen also
perform tasks that do not involve pikuach nefesh, such
as transporting policemen to and from their homes, locating
witnesses and other routine work.
The policy regarding Shabbos applies to the entire police
force: "Shabbatot and holidays are rest days when only
pressing security or operational tasks should be performed.
Police officers should be dismissed from work on Fridays and
before holidays in such a manner that every member of the
police force can arrive at his home one hour before the
beginning of Shabbat or the holiday. Return times should also
be planned to allow policemen to remain in their homes for
one hour after the end of the Shabbat or holiday."
What Now?
Based on High Court decisions issued over the past several
years, it seems highly unlikely that the court will depart
from its longstanding tradition of casting asunder every
matter related to religion and halocho, but maybe, just
maybe, this time the decision will be different.
This case reveals just one of many instances of secular
coercion in the State of Israel. But perhaps here one police
officer's determination will foster a positive outcome in the
Shabbos in Ashdod
The story of Chezi Almassi was played out a second time in
Ashdod with different characters and a few new plot twists.
This time the villain is Ashdod commander Chief
Superintendent Shimon Ben-Lulu.
Before his arrival in the southern port city one year ago,
religious police officers were able to work and make their
living at the local police station with no special problems.
But as soon as Ben-Lulu stepped in he called off standing
agreements regarding the religious and chareidi policemen at
the station, instructing them to come to work on Shabbos.
"Under my command religious policemen will work on Shabbat,"
he proclaimed during one of his first weekly staff meetings,
"and anybody who doesn't want to can look for a job somewhere
According to one of the local newspapers he even told the
religious policemen "to shave off their beards and go to work
on Shabbat."
Until Ben-Lulu assumed control, seven of the 150 policemen
were observant, including a few who had become more observant
over the previous few years. Ben- Lulu's predecessor,
Commander Nissim Mor (currently Assistant Police
Commissioner), was more accommodating of the religious
officers, making every effort to help them avoid chilul
Shabbos. Mor even made a formal agreement on Shabbos
observance that satisfied all parties.
Ben-Lulu's "secular revolution" shocked even the non-
religious policemen, some of whom volunteered to cover
Shabbos shifts for their religious colleagues. Ben-Lulu
refused to allow it. He claimed secular officers had lodged
complaints against their religious co-workers, an assertion
one officer later denied.
Former Station Commander Nissim Mor was very surprised to
hear about the radical changes his successor made. He says
that during his command there were agreements with the heads
of different desks to take religious officers' needs into
consideration. "Some of these agreements I inherited and left
unchanged. In the case of Ronen Avraham I myself transferred
him to the Educational Institutions patrol because he became
religious. I maintain that if someone does not honor previous
agreements, eventually the new agreements he makes will not
be honored. Although we are a police organization, if
personal needs can be taken into consideration within certain
limits, I try to do so."
One newspaper report chronicled the stories of all of the
religious and chareidi policemen who encountered problems
under the new Station Commander:
Detective Y.R. had been released from working Shabbos shifts
as a duty-investigator, with the consent of his unit's
officers and co-workers, but was then forced to resume
working on Shabbos. Officer Y.A. and several other officers
were assigned to patrols on Shabbos. Youth investigator A.N.,
who recently became religious and had been released from
Shabbos duty, was also forced to work patrol duty. N. was
also forced to come to work at the station on Shabbos, but
when the duty commander ordered him to drive home policemen
who had completed their shifts, he refused and as a result
was given a disciplinary hearing.
Ronen Avraham found the police to be highly uncooperative
regarding his insistence on keeping the sanctity of the
Shabbos. One Friday afternoon he was assigned to a shift that
ended at 10:00 p.m. At sunset, when Ronen asked whether he
would be given assignments that involved chilul
Shabbos, he was told simply that he would do whatever was
asked of him.
"They decided to make things difficult for me all along the
way. I told them I'd be willing to work every motzei
Shabbat and every Friday from morning until an hour
before Shabbat, which are times most police prefer not to
work, but I met with a stone wall. I tried to explain how
important kedushat Shabbat is to me, that Shabbat is
mekor habrachah, the symbol of the Jewish people
throughout the generations, but nothing helped."
Ronen also recalls that when he served at the Taibe Station,
the Druse and Muslim officers did not work on their fast
days. "Everyone understood that these officers could not work
on these days, but when a Jew wants to keep his religion,
here they don't let him," says Ronen.
Ben-Lulu says previous agreements with individual officers
have no relevance to him and that all of the officers at the
station should be treated equally. "There is no anti-
religious intention here and I am not waging a war against
religious officers," he insists.
The spokeswoman for the Lachish District stated that the
Ashdod Station Commander has made no declaration of war
against any one segment of police officers or another, and
also pointed out that Israel is facing a difficult period in
terms of security.
Yet the spokeswoman's remarks show a lack of understanding of
one essential fact: Shabbos, and not the police, is what
ensures the public's safety.
The police spokeswoman launched a strong attack on Ashdod's
religious policemen saying, "They have found a way to shirk
their duties and found a refuge for their problems in the
media at a time when their peers are being called to stand by
the flag . . . Furthermore, names of policemen were included
in an article after they had asked not to be mentioned and,
in a meeting with the Station Commander, had arrived at a
solution to their problems that was accepted by both
She added that the officers' employment has received the full
support of the District Police Rabbi, since their work
involves pikuach nefesh, "and the Station Command
definitely takes special needs into consideration, but each
case is evaluated on an individual basis."
Court Cases
The predicament of Ronen Avraham and Ashdod's other religious
police officers led to a High Court appeal filed by Attorney
Yoram Faye in the name of Ronen Avraham. Avraham also filed a
complaint against Ben- Lulu to the Justice Ministry's
Department for the Investigation of Police Officers. In his
appeal, Faye claimed the Station Commander's conduct
represents a violation of the Equal Employment Opportunities
Law and constitutes religious discrimination.
The High Court judges accepted the appeal and issued an
interim order to the Minister of Internal Security and the
Ashdod Police Commander not to force Avraham to work on
Shabbos until a final ruling has been rendered. Avraham's
appeal was filed while a decision is still pending regarding
Chezi Almassi, and a similar ruling is expected to be issued
in both cases.
Regardless of the High Court's decision, both Almassi and
Avraham will continue to observe the sanctity of Shabbos,
which is referred to as an os (". . . beini uvein
benei Yisroel os hi le'olom . . . " Shemos 31:17)
to demonstrate its significance to us. As long as the sign
(of Shabbos) remains, everyone knows that the tradesman or
merchant is here. But the moment the sign is taken down,
people know the merchant or tradesman has left entirely
(Chofetz Chaim). Almassi and Avraham have no intention
of taking the sign down.
Official Response
The following statement was the State Attorney's reaction to
the appeal filed by the director of the State Attorney's
Division of Labor Disputes, Attorney Nurit Alstein: "Police
command, and not the Police Rabbi, decides what activities
will be performed on Shabbat, and this is the Rabbi's own
position, both the current one and his predecessor . . .
Contrary to the positive picture the appellant [Almassi]
presents in his affidavit, his performance of duty in the
patrol was far from satisfactory . . . "
The statement goes on to say that although in his affidavit
Almassi demonstrated a willingness to work extra hours during
the week or to be transferred to various other command posts
that do not involve chilul Shabbos, in practice
"working on Shabbat is an integral part of the police's
operational work . . . Regarding the distinction the
appellant makes between assignments that can be performed on
Shabbat and those that cannot be performed on Shabbat
according to halachah, the respondents [the State Attorney]
will demonstrate that this distinction is in fact a very
complex matter, and certainly cannot be drawn in advance."
A top legal authority who examined the above statement told
Yated Ne'eman: "For the who-knows-which time the
Attorney has demonstrated that the legal system thinks we
live in a Western nation and not in a Jewish nation. This is
a response full of chutzpah that lacks any trace of
One whole chapter of the rebuttal devoted to "various posts
to which the appellant has requested to be assigned" makes a
claim that all of these positions are crucial and require
work on Shabbos. On the issue of driving policemen home at
the end of their shifts, for example, Alstein writes,
"Transporting is intended to prevent a situation in which
dozens of patrolmen who reported for work on Shabbat are left
stranded at the station for a day-and-a-half . . . "
Regarding parking tickets she writes, "It would not be
difficult to imagine cases in which illegal parking could
result in extremely disruptive situations. For example,
parked vehicles that block a lane of traffic, including
ambulance traffic, could cause grave results in terms of
human life or safety. Blocking a lane of traffic is liable to
cause conflict and strife . . . "
Alstein continues in this fatuous vein and even outdoes
herself: "Based on police experience, street vendors who sell
their wares in proximity to athletic courts and fields
sometimes sell firecrackers that may be thrown during the
course of play, resulting in injuries . . . "
Another View
Of course there is another, very different way of looking at
the issue of writing parking tickets, fining peddlers and
responding to noise complaints on Shabbos Kodesh: "It is a
sign that bears witness to the fact that HaKodosh Boruch
Hu created the world in six days and rested on the
seventh. And it is also a sign for the Jew who carries the
miracle of this glory on himself, for he believes that
HaKodosh Boruch Hu creates the world and renews it. He
rules over all and we must do His will with all our might and
soul, for everything belongs to Him. And through his genuine
belief in Hashem he invokes kedushas Hashem in his
heart, as it says, `Ki os he beini uveineichem
ledoroseichem leda'as ki ani Hashem mekadishchem.'
(Chofetz Chaim ibid.).
Both Almassi and Avraham were unwilling to desecrate Shabbos
or to accept this absurd definition of pikuach nefesh.
Yet entire paragraphs of the State Attorney's rebuttal
discuss the issue of "pikuach nefesh." "In practice
the appellant does not distinguish between standing police
orders and religious commandments, and he conducts himself as
if religious commandments determine his duties on Shabbat. It
goes without saying that such an approach cannot be
recognized in a hierarchical, semi-military system like
Israel Police, and the Police Rabbi himself stated that even
he, as someone who serves on the police force and is subject
to its orders and regulations, is not authorized to set
policies regarding the duties of an officer on Shabbat, as
required by police orders."
Almassi maintains that there are plenty of policemen who want
to work on Shabbat and the State Attorney is trying to catch
him for supposedly gaining benefit from his colleagues'
chilul Shabbos.
In Ronen Avraham's High Court appeal, as well, the State
Attorney's remarks seem to suggest an attempt to keep
religion from encroaching on accepted police practices. The
rebuttal notes that the police receive numerous requests by
policemen who do not want to work on Shabbos, and in the
Southern District alone, "a significant number of observant
officers have asked to be released from work on Shabbat and
are awaiting legal decisions on the matter."
The conclusion of the State Attorney's rebuttal includes
extensive remarks clearly indicating that the Chief Police
Rabbi has no authority to determine which activities are
considered chilul Shabbos and which fall under the
category of pikuach nefesh. "Police orders explicitly
state that the Chief Police Rabbi is the posek in
matters of religion and kashrus and is responsible for
directing religious matters. The Chief Police Rabbi has no
authority to determine police practices regarding operational
or security matters."
The final conclusion: "Due to the nature of Israel Police's
activities, it cannot permit the release of police officers
from mandatory duties on Shabbat. . . . It should be stressed
that the case before us is not an individual problem but as
the above shows, an institutional problem. This fact must be
taken into consideration as well."
The legal system is conveying a message that the religious
are not wanted in Israel Police, just as they have
effectively been barred from the Israel Electric Corporation
and other companies and factories that desecrate Shabbos
From the beginning of the deliberations, deciding judges
Eliyahu Mazza, Yaakov Turkel and Edmund Levi suggested that
Almassi retract his petition, explaining that police command
alone -- not the Police Rabbi or the petitioner himself -- is
authorized to determine who works on Shabbos and which
assignments he covers.
During the course of the deliberations Attorney Chachmon
tried to cancel the letter of dismissal before it took
effect, since his client Chezi Almassi was willing to take
off his stripes and return to the ranks as a regular
policemen at the Netivot Station, which he could reach by
walking several kilometers from his home. Both police
officials and the State's Attorney rejected the proposal.
In response to the High Court decision Chachmon said, "The
implication of the High Court's position is that a religious
policeman who earnestly wants to work within the police
system and on the other hand to observe the mitzvos may find
himself discharged. This is an unacceptable reality in a
Jewish state, and contradicts the principle that a religious
person should be allowed to carry out his beliefs. The High
Court's stance also contradicts the police's standing orders,
which clearly stipulate that religious needs must be taken
into account and that the Police Rabbinate be consulted."
Almassi claims that many officers who tried to allow him to
keep kedushas Shabbos received instructions from above
"to crack down on me as much as possible and not to help
With tears in his eyes, Almassi's father reads aloud a letter
he sent to Minister of Internal Security Uzi Landau. "I am
unable to sleep at night. I carry with me a feeling of
anguish over what was done to my son. As a Jew living here in
Israel, it is difficult for me to accept this policy. It is
difficult for me to see my grandchildren suffering merely
because their father was fired for wanting to keep his
religion's commandments."
In Maasai Lemelech the Chofetz Chaim explains that
there are various levels of Shabbos observance: Some people
are careful not to desecrate the Shabbos, while others not
only refrain from chilul Shabbos but meticulously
honor it as well. In the final analysis, reward is granted
according to the effort invested in observing Shabbos.
Chezi Almassi and Ronen Avraham were willing to make
sacrifices in order to keep Shabbos, and have earned a great
reward for this kiddush Hashem.
Yirmiyohu admonished Am Yisroel to keep the Shabbos
and told them that keeping Shabbos would preserve Jerusalem
and the Davidic Kingdom. He prophesied that if they did not
observe Shabbos, the city would be destroyed. Said Yirmiyohu,
"And if you listen to Me and . . . sanctify the Shabbos Day
to do no work. . . . then this city will be settled forever.
If you do not heed me to sanctify the Shabbos Day . . . I
will light a fire . . . and it will consume the palaces of
Jerusalem, and it will not be quenched. (Yirmiyohu
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