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HOME & FAMILY PREPARING FOR THE FUTUREWriting for Children by R' Zvi Zobin Word processors and desk-top publishing have opened the door for many people to try their hand at writing and publishing books. It is easy to tell a story to a child so it is tempting to regard writing books for children as an easy way to become an accomplished author.
Tips on Choosing a Yeshiva Ketana This article was really written for fathers, but mothers should be aware of the procedures and options involved. Besides, much of this applies to girls in the eighth grade choosing a high school, and there are many to choose from, as well.
After looking for a job for over a year, Sheindy K. finally
landed a good position in a frum office in a NYC firm:
good pay, good conditions, nice atmosphere. Only one problem:
she had to travel an hour each way between Brooklyn and
Manhattan, which meant getting up early. She decided it was
worthwhile and used the time to prepare lessons for her
Sunday morning Talmud Torah class.
Pennee Lauders penned a load of pickled peppers...
(And by the way, the etymology of babbling is the Tower of
Babel, the origin of garbled words that didn't make any
sense. But it's fun. Almost sounds like a soccer game.)
PARENTING WITH MENUCHA In order for a child to succeed in society, both in his actions and his outlook in life -- he must be brought up with a positive self image. The formation of a child's self image is not only a result of the parents' educational methods and the way they look at him, but an ongoing process which takes a lifetime to accomplish. The parents, however, are the first ones to influence the child from the moment he is born and to help him develop -- and these first years are critical for him. How can parents raise their baby's or child's self esteem?
Dear Editor,
In Parshas Vayakhel, Rabbi Zobin ("Taking Things Apart")
suggests screwdrivers as excellent presents for children.
This reminded me of a story which happened to my grandfather,
maybe a hundred years ago, in the days before educational
psychologists. Children did as they were told (hopefully) and
there was little discussion about whether parents were doing
the right thing or not. They did what they thought was best
for their children, with at least as much success as parents
have nowadays, if not more. However, that is not the subject
under discussion..
Your Medical Questions Answered!
I enjoyed our series on bites and I hope you did too. Let's
begin a short series on the medical care in Israel and the
Kupot Cholim (HMOs).
Which kupah is the best? The answer is simple: none of
them! The religious sector is ten percent of the population
and all the kupot are actively recruiting this sector.
Klalit still has the best programs for people who are old and
infirm, but they are still very difficult to deal with for
gray areas.
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