Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

16 Tammuz 5762 - June 26, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Framework U.K. goes to the Catskills USA
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

At this year's Torah Umesorah convention, only one presenter from the U.K. was invited: Rabbi Dovid Abenson, the U.K. and Europe representative of the Framework Outside the Framework remedial educational program.

Developed by Rabbi Zvi Zobin, the Framework Outside the Framework system is unique in its holistic approach to learning problems, focusing not only on perceptual difficulties but investigating potential organic causes of difficulties as well.

It is particularly significant that this program has been brought to the notice of Torah Umesorah. Held in the scenic Catskill mountains, the Torah Umesorah convention is the largest annual gathering on chinuch in the United States. Torah Umesorah is responsible for over 600 schools with 170,000 pupils across North America.

Speaking to an attentive audience, Rabbi Abenson explained that students of every age, every ability, and every background can benefit from the Framework system. He went on to say, "It is sad that `special' has become a euphemism for `problematic' and `bad.' At Framework, we put the darko of al pi darko back into `special.' We show how to develop a unique educational profile for each person, and we show how to adapt our teaching to his needs."

Breaking the workshop into four sections, Rabbi Abenson began with a video of a number of gedolim and mechanchim attesting to the exceptional results the Framework program has produced. He followed this with actual examples of Framework Outside the Framework in action, as well as an audio-visual presentation of individual clients' successes. This included a special appearance of Rabbi Abenson's Rebbe, Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon, who has given his personal brocho to Rabbi Abenson's efforts. A lively question and answer session ended the workshop.

"We need to enable the talmid to enjoy and be challenged by his learning," asserted Rabbi Abenson. "The Framework program helps develop self-confidence and improve self image by boosting essential learning skills through objective feedback."

Rabbi Abenson's presentation provided an introduction to a powerful learning tool. The Framework program's proven successes and quick results -- often after as few as four sessions -- generated so much enthusiasm that even before the conference was over, Rabbi Abenson had been asked to return to the US to train teachers in schools and to evaluate students with difficulties.

The response is most gratifying not only to Rabbi Abenson, but also to Rabbi Zobin who visits the U.K. periodically.


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