Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

30 Tishrei 5762 - October 17, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Expanded Shearis Yisroel Kashrus Activity
by A. Cohen

The activities of the Shearis Yisroel kashrus network gained considerable impetus toward the end of the past shmittah year. The BaDaTz of Shearis Yisroel prepared up-to-date writs of pruzbul in order to enable Jews to fulfill this mitzvah in the best manner possible. Tens of thousands of copies were distributed throughout the country, accompanied by explanatory information. Special botei din were set up for the pruzbolim.

Director of the Shearis kashrus system, Rabbi Y. Dershowitz, related that throughout the country, the regular botei horo'oh and the rabbonim who answer questions worked overtime during Tishrei, their activities reaching their peak right before Yom Kippur and Succos when questions regarding the fast and the arba minim streamed in.

The kashrus system prepared coins of pruta chamura. The coins were distributed and rapidly went out of circulation. Shearis is planning to issue another series of coins, of which there is a dire shortage, especially in shmittah years. One of the causes of the shortage is the biyur of the ma'aser sheini that took place this past erev Pesach.

This year, following a request by residents of Bnei Brak, stations for kaporos on chickens were set up. The response to this project was greater than anticipated, and a number of stations closed earlier than planned because their supply of chickens had run out.

The chickens were taken from farms raising chickens for shechita under the Shearis Yisroel hechsher. However his year, following the kaporos ceremony, they were sent to slaughterhouses under regular rabbinical supervision.

This year saw particular difficulties in obtaining the arba minim for Succos because of shmittah. There were no esrogim under Shearis Yisroel supervision since many farmers that had supplied esrogim in previous years to Shearis chose to observe shmittah and mafkir their orchards, instead of transferring them to the Otzar Beis Din.

Otzar Beis Din hadassim were sold this year. However, because of shmittah observance, the yield as well as the usual quality were deficient. Hadassim that were found kosher and worthy of brochos were distributed by Degel HaTorah throughout the country.

This year, two sechach retailers received hechsherim from Shearis Yisroel. The sechach was from stalks that were attached to the fibers of the plants, thus putting them into the category of kosher lechatchilah.

Hundreds of tons of chickens with the Shearis hechsher mehudar were slaughtered and sold in honor of this year's holidays. Shearis also greatly expanded its certification of other food products this year.


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