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Part I
This title will probably cause more than a few eyebrows to
rise. Many of the readers are probably wondering, "Who is
Rabbi Mordechai Miller who is being lauded in terms reserved
for only a very few?" Other readers will protest, "Rabbi
Miller was such a humble, self-effacing person, he would have
cringed to have such a title written about him!"
But it was no less than HaRav Shach who once told Rabbi
Miller, "You probably think your zechus is limited to
teaching girls, but in fact you saved the yeshivos. Your
merits are great!"
Rabbi Mordechai Miller, the principal of the Gateshead
Seminary, passed away on 3 Cheshvan last year at the age of
79 after spending more than 50 years educating thousands of
Jewish girls throughout the world. He was one of a handful of
"Rabbi Chiyas" who arose after World War II of whom it could
be said that Torah Jewry owes them its existence. He had a
major share in the renaissance of Torah Jewry today.
Endless stories can be told about other baalei chesed
and roshei yeshiva who had to deal with askonim
and the public, and rabbis who held rabbinical positions.
But about Rabbi Miller, it was just two long stories with
innumerable steady installments that carried on until the
last day of his life: educating Jewish girls and studying
Torah. The impact of his life's work cannot be capsulated
into a chesed organization or a flourishing community
but the entire dynamic Jewish world that exists today.
Alone Among His Friends
Rabbi Miller was born in 1921 in Westcliffe, a small town
near London, to a Lithuanian Jewish family. His grandparents
were immigrants to England who claimed lineage from the
Levush. They were warm Jews and baalei chesed who
provided affidavits to allow Jews to immigrate to England
during World War II.
He grew up in Stamford Hill in London and attended the local
public school along with all the other Jewish children at the
time. When he was 14 years old, his father approached HaRav
Eliahu Eliezer Dessler, the rov of the Montague Road
Synagogue in the East End, and asked him to teach his son
gemora. Rav Dessler at first agreed to teach the young
Mordechai once a week but after he saw that the youth was a
promising student, he agreed to teach him every night.
From 1935 to the outbreak of World War II, the two studied
together the entire Bovo Metzia. The at first casual
study arrangement quickly blossomed into a long term
relationship that gave the young man his direction for
Prewar England was extremely limited as far as Jewish studies
were concerned, with the Jewish community gradually adopting
the local culture -- as was happening in other western
societies. If Jewish studies had not yet been completely
relegated to the dustbin, it certainly tailed far behind a
career, rugby and comfortable living. The mood was well
expressed by a local citizen who had responded to the
proposal of Reb Dovid Dryan (the Gateshead shochet,
former talmid of the Chofetz Chaim, zt'l, and
the moving force behind the establishment of the yeshiva in
Gateshead) in the 1930s to found a yeshiva in Gateshead by
saying, "A yeshiva can take root in England like hair can
sprout on the palm of my hand."
The young Mordechai seemed to have a promising career ahead
of him. His sharp intellect guaranteed him a prosperous
profession and a distinguished position. But his life took a
different turn after Rav Dessler entered the picture. At
first the two simply learned gemora, but as their
relationship continued, Rav Dessler taught him the principles
of Jewish hashkofoh he had formulated over the years
which form the basis of a Jew's approach to life.
Nothing could have been further from the materialistic
approach of most of England's Jews, and the youth was
electrified by the scintillating ideas. Despite the fact that
Jewish studies ended for most English youths of that day when
they reached the high teen years, Mordechai keenly felt his
lack of Jewish knowledge and he resolved to learn more. He
realized that pursuing this interest would consume his
leisure time, but he didn't expect to be taunted by his
Jewish classmates for having such archaic interests.
He was sure that Rav Dessler's towering personality would
have a powerful impact on his classmates. After he had
convinced them to meet his mentor, one youth challenged Rav
Dessler, "What color is G-d?" His classmates were sure Rav
Dessler would chase them away, and they were surprised when
he calmly explained that the concept of color only can apply
to material objects but not to an immaterial being such as
Hashem. The young Mordechai commanded respect among his peers
after that.
Rav Dessler dissuaded his parents from their plans to have
their son become a minister in a synagogue (a position which
rarely promoted personal growth in yiras Shomayim in
that period) and recommended instead that the young man
become a lawyer. When the war broke out, the family moved to
Dublin, Ireland to escape the blitz, and Mordechai went to
university to study law.
Life in Ireland
At this point, Mordechai was a 19-year-old serious lad who
had behind him several intense years of learning the
Desslerian thought system. He organized the local boys from
religious homes and delivered a weekly hashkofoh shiur
to them. Before delivering the shiurim he wrote them
down, and sent them to Rav Dessler for his approval. He
continued to correspond with Rav Dessler throughout the
Rav Dessler arranged for him to continue his gemora
studies with Dayan Aloni, and Mordechai additionally
undertook to keep a half-hour mussar seder every day.
During this period he studied Mesilas Yeshorim and
covered the margins of his book with private annotations.
Mordechai was also responsible for setting up a Tiferes
Bochurim organization in Dublin which continued for a number
of years afterward. The first and only time he took upon
himself a "rabbinical mantle" was when he served as rov in
the Tiferes Bochurim camp on the Isle of Man, where he was
responsible for delivering shiurim. The youths found
him a good speaker and charismatic, and he was well-liked in
particular by university students who were thinkers. Here too
the principal ideology he gave over was based on Rav
Dessler's hashkofoh.
For his law degree thesis, he wrote a book called Jewish
Law of Sale. This thesis was the fruit of two years study
of Shulchan Oruch Choshen Mishpot and related sections
in Even Ho'ezer. To write the thesis he had to plumb
through Shaarei Yosher, Ketzos Hachoshen, and the
Nesivos. Close to the end of the war he was awarded
his M.A. and LL.B (law degree). In addition to his impressive
scholastic record, he was versed in German, French, Yiddish
and Hebrew.
By the end of the war, Mordechai had a number of plans. For
one, he was thinking of moving to Israel and practicing law
there. But this plan was quickly nipped in the bud when he
asked the Chazon Ish if giving a paper to a judge in Eretz
Yisroel is considered a mesayei'a le'arko'os. The
Chazon Ish laughed and told him not to practice law in Israel
or within a short time he wouldn't come to ask such
Yeshiva Years
After giving up this idea, Rav Dessler suggested that before
going into practice in England he should first spend some
time in yeshiva. After six months in Schneider's yeshiva in
London, Mordechai headed north for the Gateshead yeshiva in
1946. He spent a satisfying year immersed in Torah study. He
was close with Rav Leib Lopian, the Gateshead rosh
yeshiva, and even had a private seder with him.
Nonetheless, it came as a total surprise to him when, at end
of that year, Rav Dessler urged him to go into education.
Rabbi Miller started his official teaching career by saying a
shiur in the Gateshead yeshiva for newcomers who
hadn't previously learned in a yeshiva.
During this period, Rabbi Miller studied Yoreh Deah
with HaRav Naftoli Shakovitzky, the previous Gateshead
rov. At the end of a year's study, Rav Shakovitzky wrote a
letter of recommendation for Rabbi Miller testifying that he
knew the first part of Yoreh Deah by heart and was
proficient in the Rema, Nosei Keilim and Pischei
Teshuva. Rav Shakovitzky sent him to a former chavrusa
of his from Slobodka who was then a rov in London to
receive semicha. HaRav Shmuel Yosef Rabinov, called
the "Divrei Shir" after his work whose title incorporated his
initials, gave him semicha predicting that he would
one day be a godol.
It was finally time to settle down. Rav Dessler suggested the
young daughter of the Bindingers, a chassidic family who
happened to live next door to Rabbi Miller in Gateshead. The
Bindingers were Polish Jews who had lived some time in
Germany but had escaped after Kristallnacht. The young lady
had been attending classes in the new Gateshead Seminary
which a German refugee named Mr. Avrohom Dov Kohn had opened
with Rav Dessler's backing, and Rav Dessler had been duly
impressed with her character. Since the young lady had
imbibed Rav Dessler's teachings for some time, Rav Dessler
was sure she would be a suitable wife for his star
Rabbi Miller's family was at first upset at the offer of a
girl from a Polish family but Rav Dessler assured them: "The
more slope a ladder has, the better it stands." He meant that
the different backgrounds would make the shidduch even
better. The young couple wed at the end of 1947.
Teaching at the Seminary
When Rav Dessler moved to Eretz Yisroel in 1947, he arranged
for Rabbi Miller to take over his lectures at the Seminary.
Rav Dessler felt it imperative to found a girls' school
because he saw that no kolel could maintain itself
unless the students had wives who shared their goals and were
willing to sacrifice for it. This is why he himself taught
hashkofoh lessons to the handful of girls in the first
years of the Seminary's existence -- even though several of
his distinguished colleagues tried to convince him it was
beneath his dignity. This is also why he pushed one of his
best pupils to take over his classes when he left for Eretz
The Gateshead Seminary was founded in 1945 with a handful of
girls. The founder and main teacher was Mr. Kohn, a German
refugee who had been brought to Gateshead to manage the
afternoon cheder studies for the local boys. Shocked
at how Jewishly illiterate the local girls were, Mr. Kohn had
set up an evening education program for post-high school
girls that featured various teachers from the local community
including Rav Dessler. The girls worked in the military
industry factories during the day and received a dose of
spirituality at night.
Rav Dessler was keenly aware of the conflagration consuming
Europe. After divine Providence arranged that his wife and
children were stranded in far-off Australia, he threw all his
energy into educating promising students who he hoped would
be the leaders of a new English Torah community. He
established the Kolel in Gateshead which absorbed elite Torah
scholars who had been stranded on the British isle before the
war, and was deeply involved in the yeshiva and Seminary. He
traveled throughout England throughout the week visiting and
teaching small select groups of scholars and promising
youths. His efforts were not limited to teaching, and a large
part of his time was spent on fundraising to keep all these
institutions afloat.
During those years, appreciation for Torah in England was
low. Only a few boys were willing to answer the clarion call
to spend years of their lives and give up a comfortable
career for the sake of Torah study. It was even harder to
find girls who were willing to give up career training to
study Torah and ten times harder to find girls who would
accept upon themselves the life of privation involved in
marrying a Torah scholar.
The very idea of a seminary sounded strange in those days. A
whole year to be spent on Jewish education? What is this -- a
yeshiva for girls? Since when do girls have to be versed in
Jewish studies? All a fine Jewish girl needs to know she can
pick up right in her own home. And who needs women teachers?
Only boys go to afternoon chadorim, and all the
teachers are men. There was something eccentric in all this
talk of educating women to be teachers.
When the Gateshead Seminary was founded, some of Gateshead's
most religious community members hotly opposed it. It was
therefore not surprising that families who were considered
the cream of religious Jewry in England refused to send their
daughters to the new school. In the early years of the
Gateshead Seminary, recruiting girls proved to be a far
harder task than fundraising. During the first decade of the
school, most of the students were German refugees who were
used to the idea of women receiving a thorough Jewish
education, and French Jewish women from traditional homes who
were searching for meaning in the wake of the Holocaust.
As discomfiting as it was to study in such an institution, it
was even more difficult to teach in it. It was only due to
Rav Dessler's urging that Rabbi Miller found himself standing
in Mr. Kohn's living room teaching a handful of girls. Many
expressed shock that a talented person like Rabbi Miller
would agree to such a low-prestige job.
Years later, after Rabbi Miller had become the vice principal
of the school, he realized that all along Rav Dessler had
been grooming him for a career in education. It took only a
few short years before he understood that the seminary would
be his life undertaking.
He was followed several years later by Rav Dov Sternbuch, a
Kolel member from an illustrious London family. It was this
team of three -- Mr. Kohn, Rabbi Miller and Rabbi Sternbuch --
who constituted the core of the Gateshead Seminary staff
which navigated it through its difficult beginning years into
becoming the illustrious, world renowned seminary that it is
For 40 years, one could not invoke the name of the Gateshead
Seminary without conjuring up a vision of these three
personalities. Mr. Kohn was the father who was personally
involved with the girls, and tended to their day-to-day
concerns. Rabbi Miller was the main teacher who imbued the
girls with Torah hashkofoh and wisdom and provided
many with crystal clear advice. Rabbi Sternbuch was the
tzadik whose tzidkus and yiras Shomayim
awed the girls, and whose lectures inspired them.
It would be remiss not to mention the total harmony that
existed among the members of the Seminary staff. The mutual
respect and admiration which Mr. Kohn and Rabbi Miller held
for each other despite their very different backgrounds was
apparent to all. They were able to work together for 40 years
in total harmony because neither of them was working for
himself. Their mutual goal was to achieve what Klal
Yisroel needed.
Mr. Kohn's son reports that his father did not hesitate to
take advice from Rabbi Miller and he implemented his advice
almost every time. When the staff appeared together on
special occasions, such as siyumim or Shavuos meals,
the girls were invariably treated to an amusing scene since
each rabbi refused to go first and insisted that his
colleagues enter or sit before him.
The mutual respect between the heads of the institution
continued after Mr. Kohn passed away and his son Rabbi Kohn
inherited his position. Rabbi Kohn gave Rabbi Miller so much
respect that it left a deep impression on the girls. One girl
explains, "Rabbi Kohn was the one in charge of day-to-day
affairs, but he honored Rabbi Miller so much that you felt
you had to honor Rabbi Miller even more."
Temptations Arise
As noted above, Rabbi Miller's position in the early Seminary
entailed no small personal sacrifice on his part. During the
late 1940s and early 1950s, the Seminary had several dozen
students from Europe and England. To keep the school afloat,
Mr. Kohn and Rabbi Miller had to fundraise throughout
England. One can imagine the difficulty this entailed in
those years just after the Holocaust. Whereas Jews were half-
heartedly willing to donate a few sterling for a yeshiva, no
one understood why a "yeshiva for girls" should be
Several times during his life Rabbi Miller was offered far
more prestigious positions. Among the positions he was
offered was that of mashgiach in the Gateshead yeshiva
and mashgiach in a distinguished yeshiva in Eretz
Yisroel. But Rabbi Miller saw his work with the Seminary as a
shlichus given to him by Rav Dessler which had to be
faithfully upheld.
However, one time in his life, in the early decades of the
Seminary, he received an extremely tempting offer -- and it
was no less a Torah scholar than Dayan Abramsky who pressed
him to take the new position.
When Dayan Swift left a large synagogue in London for South
Africa, Rabbi Miller was offered his position, which included
becoming the registrar of the London Beis Din. Dayan Abramsky
was eager that Rabbi Miller take this appointment because he
wanted rabbonim who respected gedolei Torah in this
key position. Dayan Abramsky felt it was vital for Anglo-
Jewry that Rabbi Miller undertake the job and he even
promised Rabbi Miller to learn regularly with him.
On top of the attractions of the offer itself, Rabbi Miller
was experiencing family pressure too. His family was upset
that he had turned down a job with the prestigious Teff &
Teff law firm, and they felt that at the least, he should
take this distinguished rabbinical position. His father
chided him, "If you won't be a lawyer, at least be a
prestigious rabbi! Anything but a teacher to a handful of
girls without money or fame!"
When Rabbi Miller went for an interview with the synagogue's
Board of Governors, he saw many of the board members sitting
without head-covering. He heard that he would have to wear
canonicals (black robes) for the job. He instinctively felt
this was not a place for a ben Torah. The Board gave
him seven days to think it over.
Rabbi Miller sent a telegram to Rav Dessler who was then in
Israel. Although Rav Dessler immediately prepared a reply,
the messenger which he asked to go to the post office forgot
to attend to it. When no answer arrived from Israel, Rabbi
Miller took that as a sign from Heaven and gave a negative
answer to the Board of Governors. Rav Dessler's answer came
the next day: No. The Seminary would accomplish more for
Hashem and Torah than would the rabbinical position.
Rabbi Miller's family was not thrilled when he told them that
"he had decided to exchange the laws of profits for the laws
of prophets," but Rabbi Miller never regretted his decision.
Towards the end of his life, Rabbi Miller once commented that
he suffered from so many medical conditions that he felt
certain Heaven had left intact his mind and his power of
speech because he was a faithful shaliach to his
mentor and remained teaching at the Seminary.
In retrospect, the fame that he gave up by turning down
prominent rabbinical and yeshiva appointments pursued him
anyway. But at that time he made the difficult decisions, and
he had done it completely lishmoh. No one believed
that the Gateshead seminary and one of its main teachers
would ever achieve such scope and fame.
Once he told his son, "I have to teach in Sem because this is
a job no one else could do." He remained at the helm of the
Seminary although he would have been no less successful had
he had joined the staff of a yeshiva.
" . . . I have found that he is overflowing in the above
sections (first section of Yoreh Deah) in astounding
bekius and tremendous understanding, he also has much
knowledge in Shas and poskim, and is
tremendously talented in all subjects. Not only this, but it
is evident that he fears G-d, has extremely noble character
attributes, is polite and his derech eretz precedes
his Torah learning. He is worthy of the rabbinical mantle of
Yoreh Yoreh. I am sure that with the help of G-d, he
will exalt himself to become a godol beYisroel for he
is a worthy vessel to receive purity and fear of G-d like one
of the gedolim.
I hereby sign on [Tuesday], the Torah seder of "I will
come to you and bless you" [Yisro], 5707 [1947]
Parshas Terumah, 1953, Bnei Brak
To my yedid nefesh, my beloved and precious son, who
dwells in the hidden spots of my heart, Mordechai, may Hashem
protect him, and his distinguished and estimable wife Gita,
minoshim bo'ohel tisborech, and their precious and
beloved children, my beloved ones and my darlings, may Hashem
watch over them:
Mazel tov to you, mazel tov. Happiness and joy filled all the
chambers of my heart and a light of joy filled every corner
in the house when I heard the wonderful news of the birth of
your precious, sweet son. I sent you a telegram expressing my
heart's feeling, but what can a paper hold -- and all the
more so a telegram which must be short. Even so, I sat down
to write you as much as my talent suffices to completely
express the ruminations of my heart. Perhaps you will have
the talent to read what wasn't written, perhaps by telepathy
to see straight from one heart to another. At any event, my
heart prays that you will merit to raise him for much Torah
and immense yiras Shomayim, and may it be His Will
that he will grow great in Israel in his mind, heart and
actions, omen kein yehi rotzon.
Write me details, my dear Mordechai, my beloved, may Hashem
protect him, if the birth was easy, how much the child
weighed, how the bris milah went, etc. etc. everything
that I will find interesting and absorbing. Also, please tell
a warm, heartfelt mazel tov blessing to the grandparents. May
it be Hashem's Will that they receive much nachas from
this grandson and from all their children and grandchildren,
may Hashem protect them.
Please tell me which name you will call the sweet child?
Shabbos is drawing near and I must be short. May it be
Hashem's Will that Hashem will always give you all kinds of
Your friend who loves you and sends regards,
It's almost impossible for me to adequately describe to you
the immense sorrow and shock that I felt last Wednesday. It
took a number of hours before I could stop crying . . .
We, the students of your father, have lost a teacher who
molded our whole thinking process. He filled our mind with
knowledge on countless different subjects and showed us a
depth in hashkofas haTorah that we never knew existed
and so he opened our hearts to a quest for avodas
Every question he asked us was challenging, every answer he
provided was brilliant and satisfying, and every Shabbos
shiur we heard from him was enthralling . . .
It slowly made its way into our thought process showing us
that only Torah and avodas Hashem is more precious
than pearls and all else is an exercise in futility.
For all his brilliance he was the image of self-effacing
humility and simplicity. Which other teacher can make jokes
on his own account simply to put his pupils at ease? Even
when he would telephone me to ask about prospective
applicants to the Seminary, a joke would always be
forthcoming just to put me at ease and make sure I was not
too overawed.
A short while ago, I was faced with a question in my
classroom that I could not answer. I phoned your father for
advice and he answered with his characteristic clarity of
thought and patience and kindness.
His method of educating was so different from the method of
education today. He opened our minds with new ideas, and our
hearts to new hashkofos without being claustrophobic.
He never confined us with "nitty-gritty" but shared with us
the clarity of the idea he was teaching us and then trusted
us to think about it and internalize the lesson by ourselves.
He invited us to a "shulchan oruch" but allowed us to
digest the delicacies ourselves. One almost doesn't find
girls' education that way anymore.
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