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We are considering publishing an email edition of Dei'ah Vedibur including more material than appears in the Web. In addition to the material that appears here, the email edition would include the "Israel News" that appears in the print edition of Yated Ne'eman. This is an 8-10 page collection of short items that give a fairly complete picture of the major news from Israel each week. The price of this email edition is expected to be about $50 a year (about 50 editions, depending on the way the yomtovim fall out). If you are interested, please drop me a line: editor@shemayisrael.com
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said that he is working with
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Binyamin
Ben-Eliezer on a new diplomatic initiative to complement the
current military plan to restore security. On Monday
knowledgeable sources in the security services said that
there are no more senior terrorists at large in the
territories of Yehuda and Shomron. On Friday, electricity rates to private homes are set to rise
8 percent. Altogether, electricity prices have risen in the
last two months by 13 percent. Of this, 8.6 percent is
attributed to the combination of the increase in the CPI, an
increase in the price of fuels and the depreciation in the
value of the shekel. The Supreme Court finished its term with the most important
ruling in many years on religion in the schools, upholding
the constitutionality of taxpayer- financed vouchers for
parochial school tuition. A program that is neutral and lets
parents choose between religious and nonreligious schools
will pass muster, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist's
majority opinion made clear.
In order to prevent michsholim and debasement, we
have been asked by the gedolei Yisroel shlita, to
publicize these letters concerning organized tours to
Lithuania and other sites outside of the Land of Israel
under the guise of pilgrimages to gravesites of our great
rabbis. Maranan Verabonon Call on Avreichim to Participate in Lev
L'Achim Enrollment Drive Thousands of avreichim are set to begin one-day
enrollment drives in 15 towns and cities throughout Eretz
Yisroel as part of ongoing efforts to boost the placement of
children in Torah-based schools in the coming year. Palestinian Incitement Must Stop
Now that the nature of Arafat and the Palestinian society
that he built has become exposed to the world, the importance
of many of the neglected paragraphs of the original Oslo
agreements becomes painfully evident. Even many elements of
the Israeli Left -- apparently the last to cling to the hopes
raised in Norway almost nine years ago -- are beginning to
admit that the constant, vicious incitement against Israelis
and Jews that is practiced throughout the Palestinian
Authority is a key factor in the constant tension and now
escalating violence against us. PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE
Chazal said it all -- Pas Shacharis. Every day, not only
during the school year. Regularity in eating will start every
day off on the right foot. For MOMs too! Now's the time to
begin the habit. IN-DEPTH FEATURES Tosefta Megilloh with the Commentary Toledos
Yitzchok The Jews of Libya