Keren R' Avrohom Hacohen Awards Kesser Torah and Nezer
by Betzalel Kahn
Upon recommendation of gedolei haTorah, the R' Avrohom
Hacohen Fund has awarded prizes to its two chassonim
at its annual ceremony. The prizes were awarded at a gala
ceremony on the 25th of Tishrei, the yahrtzeit of the
Chasam Sofer, in Jerusalem's Hotel Tamir.
This year, HaRav Yitzchok Meir Weiss, a former student of the
Sanzer yeshiva in Netanya and currently a student in the
Kollel Ohel Rabbenu Yochanan in Jerusalem and the Erloi
kollel in Beitar was selected as chosson Kesser Torah.
HaRav Tzvi Charlin was chosen chosson Nezer Horo'oh.
A former student of Yeshivas Torah Ohr in Jerusalem, he is
currently studying in its kollel.
The focal point of the event was the celebration of the
completion of the ninth cycle of the Reb Avrohom Hacohen
study program. Those who have completed five years studies
and passed the tests assigned by the fund were honored. HaRav
Shaul Yudah Hendeles was tested on Kesser Torah material that
included 800 pages from the intricate sugyos of
Noshim and Nezikin. HaRav Kalman Weiss, a
chosson Nezer Horo'oh, was tested on Shulchan
Oruch and Yoreh De'ah. He was recently appointed
rav of Kehillas Vizhnitz in Beit Shemesh, and also serves as
a ram there.
A hesped was delivered for the Admor of Rimnitz, whose
yahrtzeit is also that day. R' Avrohom Hacohen,
founder of the Fund, was one of the Rimnitzer rebbe's close
The Fund's governing body includes gedolei haTorah,
headed by Maran the Rosh Hayeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Eliezer
Menachem Shach,shlita, HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner and
HaRav Nissim Karelitz. HaRav Moshe Feinstein ztk"l and
HaRav Yaakov Yitzchok Weiss ztk"l formerly presided as
members of the Fund's governing board.
HaRav Avrohom Hacohen has helped many Torah and
chessed institutions in Israel and abroad. As a
mohel, he has performed bris mila ceremonies
for numerous immigrants from the Eastern Bloc. He is the
author of a large halachic work on the topic of
bris mila: Bris Avrohom Hacohen.
Sixteen years ago, he founded the Fund bearing his name. Each
year a chosson Kesser Torah and a chosson Nezer
Horo'oh are selected. These chassonim receive generous
support from the Fund for their Torah studies for a period of
five years.