Gedolim Speak Out About
by Yated Ne'eman
"It is obvious and goes without
saying that all magazines published with commercial considerations in
mind and which were not founded by gedolim, do not convey the
correct hashkofoh."
It should be noted that the Israeli edition of Yated Ne'eman is
the only English language publication throughout the world that is
under the complete control of a Vaada Ruchanit. There are other
publications that are put out by chareidi staffs, but only Yated
Ne'eman is completely controlled by its Vaada Ruchanit and not by
businessmen or askonim. A representative of the Vaada reviews
all the material and members of the Vaada sometimes take an active
role in the material that is published.
The gedolim clarified their view in the wake of claims that
they appproved one of the weekly magazines that is put out by a
chareidi staff: "It is obvious that this [publication] too has no
place in the home of chareidim who make a point of reading only Torah
hashkofoh as it has been passed down to us. The whole essence
of these kinds of publications is to legitimize all views without
discriminating between them."
The gedolim shlita, once again spoke out firmly against weekly
magazines published with commercial considerations and not founded by
gedolim, since many educational and spiritual pitfalls are
likely to result from publications which are not guided by our
gedolim and which lack an appropriate message and
A few months ago the rabbonim came out against the general media and
against all media not imbued with a Torah outlook. After speaking out
against the radio, they wrote: ". . . the same thing applies to
publications widespread in many chareidi homes, which are not written
in accordance with a Torah outlook and which, as we well know, infuse
our homes with indifference and contempt for all things holy and
create discord, loshon hora, gossip and besmirch the honor of
Torah. It is therefore clear that anyone bringing a newspaper into his
home should be very particular to read only those under the
supervision of the gedolei hador shlita."
Since this letter was published, some weeklies tried to mislead the
public into thinking that these words do not apply to them, and that
it is permitted to read them.
One Hebrew magazine contained an explanatory article, attacking the
chareidi press founded by the gedolim of previous generations
and under strict ideological supervision which ensures that readers
receive only a pure and undiluted Torah hashkofo imbued with
the correct spirit. The argument made there is that the inflexible
ideological approach guiding the kosher papers "limits them, and does
not give their readers a complete and full picture." The magazine
added that their attitude is intended to "increase tolerance within
our camp, which does not suffer from an overabundance of this
attribute" and "to encourage moderation."
Rabbonim and educators have, in the past, expressed grave doubts about
weekly magazines which also publish nationalistic views and the like
that are incompatible with the Torah outlook. They said that great
damage is done to the young generation by the indistinct and hazy
ideology of publications which have decided in advance not to have any
solid educational guidelines and are driven only by commercial
motives. In order to increase sales and achieve recognition amongst
non- chareidi circles as well, they are willing to publish items which
would not appear in newspapers under the guidance of gedolim
since they have to be neutral among viewpoints.
The Hebrew magazine also included derisive comments directed by
implication at the general chareidi public and its rabbonim who are
particular to allow into their homes only those papers founded by the
gedolim. The authors of the article express the hope that
"those who are not able to read us" are only "a small minority." They
also sniffed at those who do not believe in the "ideological
supermarket." They state that magazines such as theirs are meant for
"thinking people and for people who are curious about what is
happening outside their immediate environment."
Rabbonim and educators have warned us for some time about the danger
of these magazines and expressed grave reservations about them even
before this latest article, which seeks to idealize an unacceptable
tendency and to create the impression that the strict spiritual line
followed by publications which are guided by the gedolim
demonstrates a lack of tolerance as opposed to the "moderation"
espoused by the "chareidi" magazines.
Most serious of all is the impression created by that article that the
gedolim approved their approach. The gedolim shlita were
shocked when they heard about this and decided to publicize their
views about the weekly magazines, including the one quoted above, once
HaRav Shmuel Auerbach expressed his opinion in a letter, and was
joined by HaRav Nissim Karelitz as well as HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner
(whose view was brought by HaRav Shmuel Stern).
In the letter it says: "We wish to express our opinion about
newspapers. It is obvious and goes without saying that all magazines
published with commercial considerations in mind and which were not
founded by gedolim, do not convey the correct hashkofoh,
and are consequently likely to create pitfalls, even if they are
minor. Everything that was published in our name was taken out of
context and is not connected with this matter at all. It is obvious
that this [publication] too has no place in the home of chareidim who
make a point of reading only Torah hashkofoh as it has been
passed down to us. The whole essence of these types of publications is
to legitimize all views without discriminating among them. This is not
the ideological way which our rabbonim, the transmitters of Torah,
have handed down to us. Therefore one should not deduce from this that
it is permitted to read them at all."
Rav Karelitz added to Rav Shmuel Auerbach's letter as follows: "HaGaon
[Rav Auerbach] shlita has made the point very clearly. It is
even worse to use a letter written many years ago, which has no
relevance whatsoever to the situation today."
HaRav Wosner's opinion is also cited: "And all their words are truth
and righteousness."
We should point out that the magazine also claimed to have received a
letter from HaRav Moshe Shmuel Shapira whereas in reality the rosh
yeshiva of Beer Yaakov forcefully denied their request to give
them any sort of letter. His son, Rav Tzvi Shapira, whose letter was
published in the abovementioned magazine, wrote: "It is patently
obvious that my letter which was published was never meant to express
an opinion on or take any responsibility for the contents of the
In the wake of this renewed pronouncement by the gedolim,
rabbonim and educators have said that we must continue to be wary of
this educational pitfall. They think that these publications may pose
a new threat, because they are trying to present themselves as kosher
and to justify the publication of material which has not been checked
for spiritual standards, unlike newspapers which subordinate
themselves to the gedolim, claiming that they prefer
"tolerance" and "moderation" etc. "This is an extremely severe
development and we must protest against it," they said.