Over the last few weeks a number of major events have taken
place for the girls of Yesoiday HaTorah School --
Year 1 girls took part in a Chumash party last
Sunday, and this enthusiastic and high achieving class
created a most moving and beautiful atmosphere. The children
recited their pesukim beautifully, sang melodiously
and answered questions very accurately. Rabbi Yodaiken, the
Headteacher and Menahel, addressed the children and
explained to them how important their mitzvos are to Hashem.
Mrs. Stamler spoke on behalf of the parents, expressing her
appreciation to the school for the great efforts put in by
the staff. The event was a source of great nachas to
mothers and grandmothers.
Year 2 completed the whole Sefer Tehillim and a grand
Siyum took place. The girls said divrei Torah
and Rabbi Yodaiken explained to the girls about the beauty
of Sefer Tehillim. The guest speaker, Rebbetzin
Goldberg, told the girls how saying Tehillim is
appropriate and meaningful in all situations.
Year 4 girls took part in a beautiful Bircas Yaakov
farher and presentation. The children said their
pesukim beautifully and answered questions in great
depth, showing a complete understanding of the explanations
of Rashi on these pesukim. Rabbi Yodaiken spoke about
how little things count such as greeting people. The girls
then went on to do a presentation demonstrating the
wonderful aspects of the Bircas Yaakov. This event
was thoroughly enjoyed by mothers and bubbes.