Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

14 Shevat 5761 - Febuary 7, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Home and Family

a children's tape by Naomi (Nesha Batya Brudner), Jerusalem
reviewed by Rosally Saltsman

The world of English tapes for religious children is relatively small. And in that world, some offer entertainment, some Mussar, some learning, very few all of the above. "Something Wonderful" is in the latter category and fully lives up to its name.

This cassette includes ten original, upbeat songs in the context of a class that plumbs the depths of hashkofoh and mussar. Everything about this tape, from its graphics on the cassette jacket, its lyrics, melodies and dialogue, is optimisitc and cheerful without being cliched or sappy. It is actually quite real, with children expressing themselves naturally in a song about how they really want to be good even though they sometimes aren't.

The tape is geared towards kids aged 3-13 but Naomi says she gets calls from adults who have told her that "Something Wonderful" has encouraged them to work on their middos and has uplifted them when they were depressed. Several women have said they were inspired to do a nightly inventory from the song of the same name which expresses the complicated concept of reviewing your deeds as presented in Mesillas Yeshorim by the Ramchal, in terms kids can relate to. One woman says she plays it every day.

The tape offers important messages. The theme of each song is introduced by pleasant patter between the "Guest Teacher" and the class. The title song, "Something Wonderful", starts with "I have something wonderful inside of me, a gift that Hashem gave me" -- a neshoma. The songs deal with mature Jewish theological concepts in terms which are chewable and digestible for young children. Concepts such as the struggle between yetzer hatov and yetzer hora, being a part of Hashem, loving your neighbor and improving your character. As one teacher told Naomi, "This teaches cheshbon haneffesh better than we do."

"Something Wonderful" has won critical acclaim from two very prominent names in chinuch. Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller says, "A unique tape that can touch your children's hearts and minds and make your parenting easier, sweeter and more successful. I highly recommend it."

Rabbi Zev Leff adds, "Very educational, very enjoyable and very inspiring."

It is hard to be anything put positive and superlative about "Something Wonderful." The tape promotes self esteem and a positive attitude while showing respect for the way that Jewish children grapple with important issues in their lives. Optimism and self-esteem are qualities that are getting more and more difficult to come by in our increasingly dangerous and negative world.

The tape features the vocal talents of Leib Yaakov Rigler and very catchy tunes. Naomi, who has a Masters in psychology and has studied voice, piano, clarinet and guitar, says she chose this particular musical mode because "I grew up in New York and was exposed to secular musicals in my youth. They have fabulous energy; they're very positive, very upbeat and there's also a back- and-forth motion." This creates a dialogue.

Kids love it, adults love it, teenagers may be the only audience it isn't suited for, but they may outgrow their pseudo sophisticate posture, with exposure, and come to love it, too. This is, definitely, in any case, a family tape.

It's a tape in which kids learn to love themselves. The songs are intelligent. "Kids are so smart, and they need to hear `I love you'," says Naomi. "Their personae are set early by age eight and they need to have the messages of being loved, having respect for themselves and others. These and other Jewish concepts have to be instilled early in life."

According to Naomi, there was a lot of Hashgocha Protis in making this tape come out as professional as it is. She has a few new projects in the works that you will surely look forward to. If this one is any indication, the coming ones are sure to be Something Wonderful, too.

The tape is available in stores in Jerusalem and can be ordered by writing M & M enterprises in America, POB 751103, Forest Hills, New York, NY 11375, or by calling 718-793-7667 or 1-800-VIP-MUSIC.

You can speak to Naomi at 02-654-0089.


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