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Bold headlines appeared throughout the media when the ruling
in the case of Nochum Korman, formerly head of security in
Hadar Beitar, was handed down two weeks ago. Under a banner
headline in Ma'ariv reading, "Life of an Arab Boy --
6 Months Community Service" was a legal article from the pen
of well-known leftist legal analyst, Moshe Negbi, with the
headline: "Condoning Bloodshed."
The competition also ran a banner headline: "Sentenced to
Community Work for Child- Killing." The accompanying article
also including legal analysis stating, "the lightness of the
sentence is very uncommon." The electronic media -- without
exception -- suspended coverage of the elections, terrorist
attacks and political negotiations to bring full coverage of
Korman's sentencing, and particularly the harsh reactions by
Knesset members from Left and Arab factions along with
spokesmen from extreme Left movements, including Gush Shalom
and B'Tzelem.
Criticism of the legal system and the prosecution was almost
unprecedented in its stridency, and if chareidi newspapers
or spokesmen had dared to voice such statements about an
issue that concerned them, these same critics from the Left
would have jumped to their feet to complain about "contempt
of court" and in all likelihood complaints would also have
been filed with the police.
"Condoning Bloodshed"
Negbi, for example, wrote, "The prosecution's consent makes
the intolerable lightness of the sentence a far greater
disgrace. Unfortunately we have already grown accustomed to
clemency toward criminals responsible for shedding blood . .
. the prosecution is forgiven of Palestinian bloodshed."
Knesset member Ahmad Tibi said, "This is a disgrace for the
entire court system and ratifies the price it sets for the
life of an Arab child."
Tamar Gozanski of Hadash said the Israeli court system has
demonstrated once again that it makes "racist distinctions
in cases of blood spilled." Naomi Hazan of Meretz made the
following comment: "This is a mark of shame for the Israeli
court system." The extreme left movement Gush Shalom, ran a
paid announcement reading, "This is an entirely cynical
ruling by a court that doesn't even feel a need to make
pretensions of decency." Meanwhile B'Tzelem issued a
statement saying, "This is a ridiculous sentence that sends
a message that Palestinian life is free for the taking."
Does the court indeed show disdain for Arab lives? Is this
really a ridiculous sentence for killing a child?
Different Versions
If anyone is to blame, it is the High Court for its ruling
handed down recently. But first a summary of the event is in
More than four years ago, Nochum Korman, then head of
security in the settlement of Hadar Beitar, received a
report of rock-throwing from the town of Hussan, on the
opposite side of the road leading to the chareidi community
of Beitar Illit. Korman set off immediately in pursuit of
the band of boys throwing rocks across the road, as his job
Throughout the court proceedings, various versions of what
actually took place in the field were presented. The
prosecution claimed that Korman hit the victim, a
Palestinian child named Hilmi Shousha, and kicked him in the
neck, causing fatal injuries from which he later died at the
hospital. The defense, however, claims that Korman did not
touch the child at all, and just shouted at him. Shousha
fell to the ground, and suffered a fatal blow to the head.
The case received a lot of attention, and the media
emphasized how it seemed that the blood of Arab children is
cheap, as the security officer beat the child to death.
When the case was first tried, Jerusalem District Court
Judge Ruth Orr acquitted Korman of charges of manslaughter.
She found that the evidence presented by the prosecution,
even if it was all accepted at face value, did not establish
beyond a reasonable doubt that Korman killed the boy. Thus
she did not even examine the challenges of the defense which
were many. Nonetheless the prosecution appealed the
acquittal to the High Court.
At this point the affair becomes more serious. The appeal
was heard by Judges D. Beinish, D. Dorner and A. Procaccia
(whose respective views on settlers in Judea, Samaria and
Gaza as well as on the chareidi sector have long been
known), and two months ago they decided to accept the appeal
and to convict Korman of manslaughter.
The High Court sent the case back to the District Court for
sentencing. Orr accepted the plea-bargaining agreement
signed between the prosecution and Korman and his attorney
Yair Golan, which was based on Orr's suggestion.
According to the agreement, Korman was sentenced to six
months' community service, after taking into account the
eight months of time he already served and other personal
reasons. In addition he was sentenced a 70,000-shekel fine
to be paid to the boy's family.
It was this point that led to the attack against the court
and the prosecution. Senior officials at the State
Attorney's Office dismissed critics' charges outright. The
director of the criminal division of the State Attorney's
Office, Attorney Nava Ben-Or, said, "The sentence agreed
upon in the plea-bargaining is reasonable, in light of the
eight months Korman has already spent in jail and the fact
that four years have already gone by."
Great Embarrassment
Immediately following the release of the ruling, Justice
Minister Yossi Beilin, known for his great affection for
Palestinians, called State Attorney Edna Arbel, and then
claimed that Arbel told him, "We shouldn't have interfered
with the sentencing." The disclosure of the conversation
between Beilin and Arbel caused great embarrassment in the
upper ranks of the State Attorney's Office, with the
director of the criminal division adhering to her defense of
the plea-bargaining agreement and dismissing criticism
lodged against her.
Based on this state of affairs, Yossi Beilin was forced to
send a "corrective" announcement to the media stating that,
considering the circumstances of the case, "The State
Attorney's Office views the ruling as a correct and balanced
legal outcome."
In a legal analysis of the plea-bargaining agreement,
Attorney Ariel Bendor of Haifa University also said, "The
High Court determined that not only did Korman not want to
kill the child, but in fact he was not even indifferent to
the possibility of his death, and hoped the child would not
die, tried to revive him and called for help . . . Korman
has been convicted of the very lightest form of
What exactly transpired at the High Court? Yated
Ne'eman received all of the documents submitted to the
court, and it appears that the High Court, presiding as the
court of appeals, arrived at its verdict without reading the
file or the District Court's, instead relying on fabricated
information. As a result, the state accepted the appeal, and
Nochum Korman was convicted of manslaughter.
The following is a list of excerpts from the High Court
ruling, matched with facts taken from the case file itself
that refute the lies and distortions which the High Court
relied on, and which require no further explanation. The
first issue relates to Nochum Korman's account of the event,
as recorded in the ruling:
"On the day of the incident, in the afternoon, while the
child was still alive, the defendant was requested by
military authorities to return to Hussan. At the junction he
met Staff Sergeant Major Shalom Amar who asked him to
describe what had taken place. At the scene of the incident,
experts from the police's criminal identification division
were also on standby. The defendant recounted his version of
the incident to Amar, who recorded his account shortly
thereafter. Amar's report read as follows:
"[The defendant] told me that he heard that rocks had been
thrown at Israeli vehicles from the hilltop. He arrived at
the new road in the patrol jeep and saw youths on the
hilltop. At first he drove a bit lower, and then descended
and entered the town from its flank. When he approached the
rock-wielding children, they fled the scene. He got out of
the jeep and chased after one of the children, and when he
reached him and shouted out, the child replied, 'No, no,'
and then passed out suddenly. He administered first aid,
lifting his legs, and when this did not help, local
residents joined him and proceeded to perform pulmonary
resuscitation, and then evacuated the child, calling an
ambulance on the way, which continued administering
treatment and took the child to the hospital."
"The defendant even retraced the pursuit route with Amar and
indicated the scene of the incident. "
Paragraph 7 of Justice Dorner's account of the events
continues, "Only during his court testimony did the
defendant relate his account of the fall, a backwards fall,
which was submitted as an explanation for the injuries. But
by that stage the defendant was already informed of the
injuries found in the autopsy and was already aware of the
possible explanations offered by the pathologist."
"Presenting a fall as an explanation for the injuries is
banal and does not depend on the pathologist's expert
opinion. However this case is unusual. For the defendant did
not tell about a fall in his statements to Sergeant Major
Amar [which were made] when he had no knowledge of the
injuries sustained, which were found, as we said, only at
the autopsy."
In Paragraph 11, the ruling states, "The circumstantial
evidence in this case, centering around the autopsy findings
and the defendant's description of his encounter with the
child as recorded by Amar, have maximal weight."
The "Fall" Paragraph
Paragraph 13 states, "The account of the fall caused by
stumbling was first introduced by the defendant in his
testimony before the district court. This account is very
different from the account given to Amar in which the
defendant distinctly did not attribute the child's loss of
consciousness to stumbling of any sort. That account was
given shortly after the incident, at a time when the child
was still alive and the defendant had not seen any signs of
injury on the victim's body.
"Furthermore, the account related to Amar, according to
which, while standing in front of him, the child `suddenly
fainted,' clearly negates the account of the fall since,
according to the account given to Amar, the child lost
consciousness suddenly (emphasis of the Court)
without any discernible reason, while talking with the
defendant. But in his court testimony, the defendant said he
witnessed the process (emphasis of the Court) of the
stumble and fall which led to the child's loss of
Justice Beinish makes additions of her own on this matter.
In Paragraph 2 she writes: " . . . Lastly, but no less
importantly, attention has to be given to the fact that the
defendant made no mention whatsoever of the fall in the
initial field investigation conducted on the day of the
incident. In the police interrogation the defendant chose to
exercise his right to remain silent and only in his
subsequent court testimony did the defendant first mention
his claim that the child stumbled and fell. This account was
introduced after internal injuries were found in the neck of
the deceased in the autopsy, and after experts offered the
possibility of a fall to the ground. In general, those who
hold back their version of events damage its credibility and
the weight it carries, in the absence of a convincing
explanation for their silence. Such an explanation was not
offered by the defendant in this case."
The above excerpts were taken from the court ruling. Any
reader can clearly see the tremendous importance the court
attributed to the fact that in the initial account, Korman
made no mention of the fall until his later testimony in
court. The court mentioned this point six times throughout
the ruling!
Following are a number of excerpts from reports written by
police investigators immediately after the incident,
indicating that Korman spoke about a fall right away, while
the boy was still alive, and not just after he heard about
the findings of the pathologist.
A "Slight" Difference
All of the following excerpts relating to this case were
handwritten on the day of the incident by police
investigators at the scene. First on the list is the initial
excerpt by Detective Amar, which the court quotes. However,
the quote of the Court is selective. It ends with the words
" . . . and evacuated the child to the hospital." After
quoting the material up to that point directly, Justice
Dorner took up the narrative in her own words, writing: "The
defendant even retraced the path of pursuit with Amar and
indicated the scene of the incident."
The quote from the report is brought here in full for the
reader to judge for himself. "Nochum led me and
identification expert, Benny, over the route he took to
reach the town, the site at which he indicated the child's
Note the "slight" difference. It appears to be no accident
that Justice Dorner stopped quoting at that point. She wrote
that Korman " . . . indicated the scene of the incident,"
although the original reads, "indicated the child's
But the matter does not end there. Document Tav-4 (a
reconstruction of the events done with Professor Hiss),
written in Detective Amar's own handwriting, concludes, "At
this point I would like to say that on the day of the
incident I was here with the suspect in the reconstruction,
and this is the place which he indicated to me, and where he
claimed the child fell. Hilmi Shousha fell here . . . "
Below are additional quotes taken from notes written by a
police officer (in all likelihood Amar) on the day of the
incident and inserted into the report: "Based on our
investigation, the head of security at Hadar Beitar, Nochum
Korman, pursued children throwing stones and the children
fled, whereupon he got out of the jeep, caught up to one of
the children, and when he shouted at him, the child fell and
passed out." The following excerpt is from Officer Ofer's
duty log, who also arrived at the scene immediately after
the incident took place. It was written by hand on the day
of the incident:
"The head of security arrived alone and, he said, he
proceeded to chase ten 13-15- year-olds on foot, and one of
them fell to the ground, and he took the child who fell."
Distorting the Facts
Additional court testimony demonstrates the fact that Korman
claimed early on that the child fell. This in itself is
sufficient to call the High Court's ruling into question
based on the grounds given in the ruling itself. Perhaps the
judges did not read the material contained in the file, but
if so it is hard to imagine how such conclusions could be
Another issue that should be addressed is Paragraph 5 in the
ruling, which reads, " . . . the defendant has therefore
been found not guilty due to reasonable doubt [that he
committed the crime]." The following paragraph continues and
begins, "This ruling was appealed by the State."
The High Court, it seems, understood that Korman had been
acquitted solely due to the fact that there remained
reasonable doubt whether he killed the boy, and the State
appealed that acquittal. But was this in fact the case?
The District Court's ruling ends (Clause 187), "In the case
before me, the prosecution has not proven the accused to be
guilty, and I have not been presented with any reliable
evidence that the accused even touched the deceased, let
alone reliable evidence that the accused committed the
abominable acts attributed to him in the indictment."
Is this "not guilty due to reasonable doubt?" Did the High
Court carefully read the ruling on which the appeal was
based? Obviously there is a tremendous difference between
overturning a previous ruling (changing an earlier ruling of
not guilty to guilty) and simply resolving issues which had
not been resolved previously (changing a verdict of not
guilty due to reasonable doubt to a verdict of guilty). It
seems that the High Court understood that the District Court
acquitted the accused based only on the presence reasonable
doubt, and therefore it took the liberty to find him guilty
by resolving those doubts. It seems likely that if the High
Court had been aware that he had been completely acquitted,
it would not have overturned the District Court's
Slight Distortion
Two further points emerged from the ruling on the appeal of
the verdict of the District Court. In Paragraph 5 the High
Court wrote, "The District Court did not address the defense
testimony, i.e. the testimony given by the defendant and the
pathologists he hired, and only referred to a summary of the
statements the defendant made to Sergeant Major Amar."
Further, in Paragraph 7, the Court wrote, "On the other
hand, the District Court did not accept the testimony of the
defendant and his pathologists, and did not rely on them in
its ruling."
These statements clearly show that the High Court understood
that the District Court was reluctant to use the evidence
given by the defendant and the pathologists, and in some way
rejected that testimony.
However, in Paragraph 189 of the District Court's ruling,
Judge Orr writes the following: "It should be noted that I
reached my conclusions based on the Prosecution's testimony,
and I did not have to analyze the Defense's testimony at
all, i.e. the testimony given by the accused and his
pathologists, that certainly support the Defense version of
the events and not the Prosecution's version."
Note the ever-so-slight difference here in the ruling of the
District Court itself and the way it was described in the
ruling of the High Court, and the vast abyss that lies
between the words "did not accept" in the ruling of the High
Court and the words "did not have to analyze" that appeared
in the opinion of Judge Orr.
It is in the space of this abyss that we can understand
where the High Court found the "reasonable doubt." Judge Orr
found that even according to the evidence of the
prosecution, if it were all taken at face value and fully
accepted, there remained reasonable doubt if Nochum Korman
killed Hilmi Shousha. Therefore, there was no need to go
further and evaluate the testimony of the defense (which, as
she pointed out, had a version of the events that was
certainly more favorable for Mr. Korman) and to decide which
version of the events is the true one.
The High Court interpreted the verdict of the District Court
to mean that the latter rejected the testimony of the
defense and acquitted Korman based on the remaining
reasonable doubt. The truth was that the District Court
simply ignored the defense since the prosecution had not
even argued effectively that a crime had been committed.
It is impossible to believe that the High Court understood
the findings of the District Court and then went on to rule
as it did. Yet from an understanding of what happened, it is
hard to accept that Mr. Korman should have been found guilty
at all.
In Paragraph 2 of Justice D. Beinish's additional remarks,
she writes, "According to the interim report, at the time it
was written, Professor Hiss leaned toward direct blows as
the cause of the hemorrhage as opposed to the alternative of
a fall, but he was unable to ascertain the cause of the neck
injury with a high probability." At other points she also
asserts that Professor Hiss tended to think that blows were
the cause of the injuries.
Yet in Professor Hiss's report (paragraph 5) he wrote: "It
is impossible to determine with a high probability (beyond a
reasonable doubt) what was the cause of the neck injury:
whether a direct injury -- a blow, or an indirect injury --
a fall."
What was Justice Beinish's source for the assertion that at
the time the report was written, "Hiss leaned toward holding
Nochum responsible for the injuries?"
In conclusion, we quote part of the report of the testimony
of an Arab woman who lives near the scene of the incident
and who testified in court: "Fatahiya looked out the window
and, at a distance of about four meters, saw a Jew standing
and a boy lying on his back on the ground in convulsions,
with the accused Jew standing at a distance of about 2.6
meters away from the child [distance demonstrated in
Later she said, "I did not see him hitting the child" (page
52). " . . . I didn't see any contact between the accused
and the child" (page 55). Section 39 continues, "She heard
the accused shout at the deceased and could not understand
what he was saying" - - testimony which matches the account
given by Korman according to which he shouted at the
deceased, "Why did you throw rocks?"
In the final analysis, if explanations are in order, they
should address all of the above discrepancies and
distortions. In view of all this it should come as no
surprise that the State Attorney eventually realized that
what Korman had already been subjected to is more than
sufficient, and there is no justification for compelling him
to spend even one more day in jail.
Even more broadly, we call upon all the watchdogs of
justice: where are you when such a transparent miscarriage
of justice takes place, as in the case of Nochum Korman?
By Jonathan Rosenblum
The following article appeared in the author's regular
column in the Jerusalem Post in November, just after
the High Court handed down its verdict. It is reprinted with
permission. Rabbi Rosenblum, head of the Am Echad office on
Jerusalem, has a law degree from Yale University.
On Sunday, the Supreme Court overturned the acquittal of
Nochum Korman on charges of manslaughter.
Korman, the security officer of Hadar Beitar, was found
guilty of the death of an 11- year old Palestinian, Hilmi
Shousha, in 1996. Korman had gone to the village of Hussan
because his and other Israeli vehicles were being stoned by
the boy.
He claimed that the boy fell and hit his head while fleeing.
The prosecution claimed that Korman had kicked the boy on
the side of the head.
In acquitting Korman of the charges in August 1999,
Jerusalem District Court Judge Ruth Orr found that the
eyewitness testimony of two of the deceased's cousins was
completely unreliable. One of the boys admitted to having
fabricated his story under pressure from the deceased's
Orr further found the testimony of government pathologist
Dr. Yehuda Hiss to have been heavily influenced by the
reenactment of the "crime" he witnessed prior to examining
the body. That "reenactment" was based on the cousins'
Orr described Hiss as having "ignored important pathological
findings that did not correspond to his [findings]."
The Supreme Court did not question Orr's determination that
the eyewitnesses were unreliable. Nevertheless, it overruled
the trial court judge and convicted Korman on the basis of
Hiss' report and other "circumstantial evidence."
In her opinion, Justice Dalia Dorner concluded that no other
logical explanation had been offered for the blow to the
back of the deceased's neck, and thereby shifted the burden
of proving his innocence onto Korman.
She also noted that when first questioned by the police,
Korman had said that the deceased appeared to faint but
failed to specify that he had fallen backward and that
Korman had subsequently refused to be interrogated prior to
his testimony at trial. (She thus appeared to be drawing
negative inferences from his exercise of the right to remain
On that basis, Dorner determined that there could be no
reasonable doubt as to Korman's guilt. She thereby
implicitly determined that Orr's decision was
To anyone trained in American law, the Supreme Court's
action simply defies belief. It violates the basic
protection against double jeopardy -- i.e., the right not to
be tried twice for the same criminal offense. The Supreme
Court, in effect, retried Korman -- only this time without
benefit of witnesses or cross-examination.
In the American legal system, an acquittal cannot be
appealed. Even in other legal systems, where such appeals
are permitted, the appellate court will rarely enter a
guilty verdict. Rather it will return the case for a new
That approach is grounded on solid policy grounds. Great
deference is shown to the ability of the trier of fact, who
observes the demeanor of witnesses, to determine their
The Supreme Court also appears to have denuded the standard
of "guilty beyond all reasonable doubt" of all meaning. That
standard is a very high one. It demands much more than that
the prosecution prove that its charges are "more likely than
not" true, or that they are supported by "common sense."
"Beyond a reasonable doubt" does not mean a determination
that the prosecution's pathologist deserves a higher grade
than that of the defense. In Korman's case, there was no
credible eyewitness. Orr found that Hiss had been eager to
confirm the reenactment he had witnessed, and that there was
testimony by defense pathologists consistent with Korman's
claim the deceased had fallen and struck his head.
Moreover, Orr was well within her rights to be skeptical of
the pathological findings of Hiss, who has long been the
subject of controversy as director of Israel Institute for
Forensic Medicine, at Abu Kabir. Last November, a local Tel
Aviv paper Ha'ir ran a 12-page expose of Abu Kabir
and revealed how the national lab allows medical students to
practice on bodies sent there for autopsies, and transfers
body parts for transplants without permission from the
family of the deceased.
The family of Alastair Sinclair, a Scottish tourist who
hanged himself in an Israeli jail, was forced to bring suit
for the return of missing body parts.
University of Glasgow pathologists who did an autopsy at the
request of Sinclair's family, found that it had been
returned without a heart (which they suspect was used for a
transplant) and without the crucial bone needed to confirm
the claim that he died from hanging.
In 1997, Hebrew University geneticists concluded that Tzila
Levine of California was the daughter of Margalit Omeissi, a
Yemenite immigrant whose infant daughter disappeared from
the Rosh Ha'ayin infirmary in 1949. Hiss, however, conducted
new tests against the family's wishes and concluded that the
two were not related.
Last month, Moshe Landau, former president of the Supreme
Court, complained bitterly in an Ha'aretz interview
of the arrogance of the present Supreme Court. The justices
seem to be of the opinion that there is nothing beyond their
ken. Justices, for instance, have termed it "common
knowledge" that religious and non-religious Jews cannot live
together in Rechovot where, as it happens, they have done so
for 100 years.
They frequently review, as the court of first instance,
complex administrative law issues, without having the time
or means to develop a proper factual record. And today the
justices feel no compunction about assuming the most ominous
responsibility imposed on any judge -- that of consigning
someone to years behind bars -- without even a trial.
by Eliav Shochetman
(Taken from an article published in Makor Rishon,
2 Shevat, January 26, 2001)
I myself think that the guilty finding is based on a series
of errors on the part of the High Court, and in truth Nochum
Korman is, apparently free of all guilt.
One of the most basic legal principles is that an appeals
court does not involve itself with the findings of the first
level court as far as the reliability of witnesses and
establishing the fact of the case. In direct opposition to
this, the High Court decided in this case to get involved in
both questions about the reliability of the witnesses and
the determination of the facts.
For example, the District Court found that there is no
reason to analyze the testimony of the defense since the
prosecution had not only failed to prove guilt, but some of
the proofs that it brought actually strengthened the case of
the defense.
One of the important elements in the acquittal of Korman was
the opinion of the prosecution's pathologist, Professor
Hiss. In his opinion, Hiss found that death was caused by a
hemorrhage in the brain. He noted three possible causes for
the blood found at the base of the brain.
1] A congenital defect in the artery that was not found in
the postmortem autopsy and which, as a result of a sudden
pressure caused a tear in the artery at the base of the
2] A tear in the spinal artery caused by the child's
3] A tear in the spinal artery caused by blows to the
Professor Hiss said explicitly that he could not completely
rule out any of these possibilities. Even with regard to the
congenital defect Hiss said that no such defect had been
found but "it is not always possible to find such a defect
due to technical limitations."
After the District Court found that the version of events
given by the defense is fully consistent with one of the
possibilities raised by Professor Hiss, it came to the only
conclusion that it could come to: that the defendant should
be acquitted of any guilt since even according to the expert
of the prosecution it cannot be ruled out that death was not
caused by blows to the child.
This decision should have blocked any possibility of appeal
of the absolute acquittal of Korman. However, amazingly, the
High Court decided -- apparently in absolute contradiction
to the facts -- that the District Court did not accept the
testimony of the defense as reliable, and not only that, but
it also decided -- again, apparently in direct contradiction
to the facts -- that Professor Hiss ruled out absolutely (!)
any possibility that death was caused by a congenital
Not only that, even though the District Court accepted the
version of the defense (that the deceased boy fell) as
establishing a reasonable doubt as far as acquitting the
accused of all guilt, the High Court came along and
determined -- apparently, in violation of all (legal)
principles -- that there was no basis for accepting this
version, and that in fact it was not accepted (!).
There was a photograph on which the judge of the District
Court based her determination that in the area of the
incident there are objects projecting from the ground and
therefore there is a possibility that the boy fell on them
and was hurt. In the course of its argument the High Court
said that from looking at that photograph "it is evident
that the area is completely clear." This finding is not only
a gross interference in the factual findings of the District
Court, but according to the opinion of an expert in
interpreting such photographs, the photograph does actually
confirm the possibility that the boy was struck by objects
projecting from the surface of the ground in that area.
The result is that the High Court not only interfered with
the factual determinations of the lower court in violation
of all the rules, but it also made a critical factual error
in the factual findings that it raised. This mistake was an
important element in its decision to convict the accused. I
am doubtful that there is any precedent to this strange
conviction in Israeli jurisprudence.
The law also demands that to convict of murder the accused
must have known that his deed could have caused the death of
a person.
The High Court found no difficulty in finding that the
accused was certainly "aware of the fact that such a blow
could have caused the death of the boy." It should be
stressed that according to the pathologist the blow (which
according to Korman was a fall) was not particularly strong.
The whole case is a death that the pathologist himself said
is extremely rare, and in his entire medical career (25
years) he had never encountered a similar case.
Despite this, the High Court saw no difficulty in comparing
this case to another case in which the accused plunged a
knife into the chest of the victim in which it was
determined that it could be assumed that the accused knew
that the victim may die. In my estimation, this new law,
that has no precedent in Israeli jurisprudence, would, if it
had been made by a first-level court, not have withstood an
appeal and it would have been canceled.
If there is something in the tragic death of Hilmi Shousha
that requires protest, it is not the light punishment that
was given to Nochum Korman, but the ease with which a man
was found guilty of a crime that it appears according to all
the evidence he did not commit, and also the fact that his
conviction was reached in violation of many of the basic
rules of the legal system of Israel.
According to the legal system of Israel, it is not only
possible that a person can be wrongly convicted, but because
of the principle of the finality of judgment there is no one
who has the power to rectify the terrible wrong that was
done to Nochum Korman.
Eliav Shochetman is a professor of law at the Hebrew
The High Court will be asked to intervene in many more
political and social conflicts as time goes on said Court
President Aharon Barak who declared that "not taking a stand
in these circumstances would, in itself, be taking a
Speaking at a swearing-in ceremony for new judges at the
President's residence in Jerusalem, Barak said that there
will be no alternative to judicial intervention as a result
of the growing number of petitions to the court on social
and political issues.
He said the coming years "are fateful for Israel, both
internally and externally, and it is to be assumed that some
of the public debates that divide the nation, including
weighty political and social issues, will find their way to
the courts, as happens in the U.S., Canada and much of
Western Europe."
Under these circumstances, said Barak, the court's role is
to find a mutually agreeable solution to the problems
brought before it. But sometimes, there is no alternative
but to rule.
The judges, he said, will decide on the basis of the law,
not according to their personal views. Judges do not look at
the wisdom of government decisions, but at their legality,
he insisted, emphasizing that "nobody will influence the
As for public confidence in the courts, Barak said "that
doesn't mean popularity. It means the public's feeling that
the courts rule decently."
In light of what we have written here, though Justice Barak
did not sit on the Korman case, he might want to look into
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