Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

23 Iyar 5761 - May 16, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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This Shabbos: Fundraising Around the World on Behalf of the Shmittah-Observing Farmers
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

In parshas Behar Bechukosai, which will be read this forthcoming Shabbos, the mitzvah of shmittah and the warnings about its nonobservance are explained. For a number of shmittah years, this Shabbos had been dedicated to fundraising on behalf of our brethren the gibborei hakoach who, with love and joy, have taken upon themselves to observe the mitzvah of shmittah according to the halocho and without compromise. The fact that shmittah constitutes the main key to our right to reside in the Land securely, as is mentioned in the parsha and explained by the commentaries, will be stressed.

From the time of the Destruction of the Beis Hamikdash there have never been as many shmittah observers as there are today. Since 5733 (1973), the year in which the Nationwide Center for Shmittah Observing Framers was founded by HaRav Binyomin Mendelsohn zt"l the ga'avad of Kommemiyus, a great change in the map of shmittah observers has transpired. The aim of the Center, which is guided by all of the gedolei Yisroel, has been to increase the numbers of the shmittah observers in Eretz Hakodesh, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Since that shmittah year the borders of kedusha and the circle of am mekadshei shevi'is have steadily and consistently increased. Initially, that circle contained only about 200 farmers located in 17 settlements. Today, it has expanded to contain some 4000 farmers in more than two hundred farms in dozens of settlements the length and the breadth of the entire Land. The total amount of farming land lying fallow comes to the astounding sum of 250,000 dunams (about 62,000 acres).

Those who visited the shmittah observing farmers this year were deeply impressed by the spiritual powers of these earnest Torah and mitzvah observant Jews who responded to the great call to join the "legion of the King" with zeal and the joy of doing a mitzvah. Much spiritual stamina is required to fulfill this mitzvah, which involves such difficulties as stopping all production and marketing and severing all commercial and work contacts. Despite the direct consequences all this has on their financial situation and obligations, these farmers are not deterred from keeping shmittah.

Even before the beginning of the shmittah year, maranan verabonon the gedolei hador of all circles and sects, without any exception, issued a call to all of our brethren everywhere to "come to the aid of the gibborim and to donate a generous amount to the shomrei shevi'is." In that call, they appealed to us to help bear the burden of the important and special mitzvah which devolves on Klal Yisroel by contributing to the special fund established by the gedolim for this purpose -- Keren Hashevi'is -- to which the gedolei Yisroel themselves personally donated significant sums.

This year, the Keren has already transferred the support to the thousands of farmers in hundreds of settlements all over the country. The amount of support each farmer receives is determined by clear criteria established by the Support Committee of the board of directors of Keren Hashevi'is which has consulted with experts in the agricultural field. The factors taken into account when determining these criteria are the types of crops each farmer normally grows and the amount of land in his possession which he has lain fallow and which he otherwise works during the six years of the cycle.

The heads of Keren Hashevi'is hope that the great arousal which will be generated this year will constitute a genuine springboard for the donation of large contributions, especially by those of means. All those who contribute to this worthy endeavor will become loyal and genuine partners with the "gibborei hakoach" in the mitzvah of shmittah. As the gedolei hadoros have said, those who donate to this fund will also merit the blessing promised to those who observe shmittah.

The Keren Hashevi'is states that the community must make a special effort to aid our emissaries, "the nation in the fields" so that they will be able to consummate the mitzvah of shmittah kehilchoso and to continue observing it, despite the many difficulties involved.

The address of the Keren Hashevi'is is: Chazon Ish 39, POB 659, Bnei Brak, 51105.


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