& Comment
A Segulah for Having Children
To the Editor:
I would like to bring a segulah for having children
to the public's attention. It is good for other areas where
help is needed as well. The gemora says, "Whoever is
in need of something and prays for someone else with the
same need, will be answered first."
We have all heard factual information as well as stories
about couples who had been praying for others and whose own
prayers were answered.
A Gemach linking childless couples with couples
praying for the birth of an additional child has recently
been started. The Gemach was formed with the support
and blessings of rabbonim. Those wishing to participate in
this wonderful segulah should call 08-974-3782 and
leave their particulars on voice mail. The names and
mothers' names of the couple should be given.
The Gemach is in memory of Rav Chaim Pinchos ben
Moshe and Rav Dovid Gershon ben Yosef Aharon.
P. S. It is understood that the segulah is beneficial
in other areas as well; however, the Gemach has
chosen to concentrate on this vital area.
May we hear besoros tovos, yeshuos and
Kiryat Sefer
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