HaRav Yitzchok Shimon Shapira zt"l
by Betzalel Kahn
Shocked and pained, a large group of Jerusalem's residents,
headed by gedolei HaTorah, admorim and rabbonim,
followed the bier of HaRav Yitzchok Shimon Shapira, one of
the venerable mechanchim in the Eitz Chaim Talmud
Torah, who was niftar unexpectedly on Thursday night,
9 Tammuz. He was 68 at the time of his petirah.
The niftar, who was born in 5693 (1933), was the son
of HaRav Dovid Shapira zt"l, author of Shut Bnei
Tzion and a direct descendent of the Megaleh
Amukos. The niftar's mother was Rochel, the
granddaughter of HaRav Moshe Nochum Wallenstein, the
ravad of Jerusalem. In this illustrious home, he
absorbed the outstanding yiras Shomayim and love of
one's fellow that characterized him his entire life.
Twenty years ago, when the Veshinantom organization for the
review and the deepening of one's understanding of Torah
shebe'al peh was founded, he plunged himself into this
endeavor with every fiber of his soul, making all out
efforts to increase the awareness of the importance of
review and repetition of one's Torah studies.
The niftar developed the organization step by step,
while being lauded by the entire world for his dedication.
Gedolei HaTorah held him in esteem and highly valued
his efforts to increase Torah study.
On chatzos last Thursday (9 Tammuz) he suffered heart
failure and was niftar. His sudden petirah
shocked his family all who knew him, and they found it
difficult to accept the bitter news.
On Friday afternoon, he was buried on Har Hamenuchos beside
his illustrious father.