& Comment
The Missionary Menace
To the Editor:
While the headlines herald daily of fires, strife, politics
we are also witness to how the Arabs manage to infiltrate so
deeply into the heart of Eretz Yisroel near Zichron Yaakov
and cause so much damage.
This is no coincidence. Unfortunately in those areas there is
a large undercurrent of missionaries working. Many live in
Zichron Yaakov itself (from German origin) and spread their
wings to the north with the approach of the secular year
(2000) and the millennium we have a lot to ask from He on
High: that the missionaries do not affect any Yiddishe
neshomos as they are aiming to do chas vesholom.
We need the prayers and learning from the Diaspora on our
behalf and also our intense learning and prayers to combat
their impurity. With the prayer that this year will be a
shenas kiddush Hashem and giluy Shechina that
Hashem in His infinite mercy will give over temei'im biyad
tehorim vezeidim biyad oskei Torasecha as in the times of
the Yevonim, amen
A Reader from the North
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