I just finished reading the article on "The Perfect Toy" by
Rochel Gill.
Are you aware who Dr. Rudolph Steiner is? I am sure that
neither you nor Rochel Gill realize who he was (he is no
longer alive), so I will tell you.
Dr. Steiner is the renowned founder of Threefold Farm, a
philosophy that is based on back-to-nature, organic food, and
an educational philosophy that is very Montessori. It all
sounds innocent until you find out that it is missionary. The
people who follow this school are so nice that it takes a
while, if ever, for you to catch on to their missionary
My husband and I know this firsthand from our Monsey days. We
used to go to their farm to get unpasteurized cholov
Yisroel [this goes back several decades]. My husband
watched the milking. One day the fellow invited him into his
home and gave him some magazines to read while he was
waiting. My husband then realized why the farm was called
Threefold Farm - this stood for the trinity.
This story is tame compared to what is happening in Israel
today. There is a kibbutz, Harduf, not far from Haifa, that
has adopted the Steiner philosophy and markets organic food.
One of our friends was a mashgiach there and would
bring us grain. Then the beis din of his
Hashgocha found out they were missionary and removed
the supervision.
The worst story is that the sect has opened a school in Bayit
Vegan which attracts children from all over Jerusalem; it
offers Montessori methods, individual attention etc. Not
enough people are aware of their missionary motives to raise
a furor and have the place shut down.
Hoping you can do something to correct this. I bring it to
your attention since it certainly does not behoove Yated to
give mention and credence to the founder of this sect.