The cancellation of a visit by a Jewish contingent to cities
in which Algerian Jews once lived signifies the failure of
the president of Algeria's policy of openness towards the
Jews. President Abadalazis Botipalika's attempts to establish
diplomatic relationships with Israel are also seen by
observers as a failure. In Paris it was reported that the
cancellation is regarded as a political decision, reflecting
the shaky status of the ruling president.
Moslems and conservatives from the old governmental system
including the FLN party, forced Botipalika to cancel the
visit by waging an antisemitic and anti-Israel battle,
although thousands of Algerians had awaited the delegation's
visit to Constantine. Botipalika personally invited the
delegation. Seven months ago he delivered a unexpected speech
about reconciliation with the Jewish community of former
Algerians who had been expelled along with the French after
Algeria became independent in 1962. The Jews were invited to
return or at least to visit their birthplaces and the graves
of their sages. Moslems and conservatives interpreted the
invitation as an attempt to advance relationships with
Israel, and opposed it.