and Family
Free Pneumonia Vaccinations for Elderly
by N. Katzin
Due to the increasing rates of illness and mortality from pneumonia,
the Jerusalem Council for the Elderly, in conjunction with Jerusalem
Kupat Cholim Leumit, is dispensing free vaccinations against the pneumococcus
bacteria which causes pneumonia. Recipients of old age stipends from
the National Insurance Institute who have a doctor's prescription
are eligible to receive the vaccine.
Doctors have continuously recommended that elderly people be vaccinated
against the illness. However, many did not do so due to the high cost
of the vaccine.
Nissim Alon, director of the Jerusalem Kupat Cholim Leumit, recommended
that elderly people who have doctors' referrals for vaccination call
the sick fund for appointments. Other members of the sick fund can
purchase the vaccine at a subsidized cost of NIS 49.50 per unit.
This year the number of deaths from pneumonia complications of flu
shot up dramatically. Hundreds died per week in contrast to previous
years when only dozens succumbed to the disease. The danger comes
when someone gets the flu and that relatively benign disease leads
to contracting pneumonia, which is more deadly. |