and Family
Hechsher Removed from French Chewing Gum
by Betzalel Kahn
The hechsher and the kashrus supervision of a
French manufacturer producing several popular brands of
chewing gum has been rescinded following reports of
kashrus problems.
Director of the Chief Rabbinate's Nationwide Unit For
Enforcement of the Law Against Deceit in Kashrus, Rafi
Yochai, has issued a statement that the hechsher has
been removed from Orbit, Wrigley's and Trident chewing gum
imported from France into Israel and also widely sold in
chareidi centers.
In the past, the Rabbinate Imports Department approved these
French products, relying upon on the hechsher of the
Parisian beis din. Recently, the beis din
rescinded its certification of this manufacturer due to
deficiencies in kashrus.