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This broad historical account of the first chareidi school in
the city of the forefathers -- Beer Sheva -- actually
recounts the history of all chareidi Judaism in Eretz
Hakodesh in the last fifty years: It has been and
continues to be a struggle for the souls of the children. The
drosho of Chazal: Ve'es amoleinu, eilu habonim,
"And our toil, these are the children" -- can be understood
in the most simple sense. How the gedolei Yisroel have
struggled, both those of blessed memory and ylct"a the
gedolim of today, how they carry on their shoulders
the heavy burden of guarding the cruse of pure oil.
Alongside these great tzaddikim, a long line of
enthusiastic, dedicated askonim work. They have
devoted their lives to the community and the individual. This
report is published on the occasion of Beer Sheva's Beis
Yaakov Mercaz girls' school building dedication, which took
place recently in the 50th year since the founding of the
first chareidi school in the Ir Ho'Ovos in the
We will mainly discuss the great figures, gedolei
Yisroel as well as chareidi activists, who sweated and
toiled to set up the wonderful Torah chinuch in Eretz
Yisroel, particularly regarding everything connected to the
impressive educational institution in Beer Sheva.
The first settlement in Beer Sheva and
throughout the South took place at the time when heretics
were at the peak of their power. They hoped, and actually
managed to do everything in their power, to abolish the
religious practice of Holocaust survivors and new immigrants
from Eastern countries and the former U.S.S.R.
On one side, important activists worked to save all those
children from spiritual disaster. On the other side, the
nonreligious parties were interested in taking the children
into their custody. Well-known are the governmental scandals,
which focused on the chinuch, the shearing of
payos, basically a rampage to override religion. The
main condition for getting a job in those days was: give your
child to our educational system and you will get work.
These struggles began during the time of the British Mandate,
when chareidi institutions were fighting to gain recognition
and funding. With the establishment of the State, the
conflict over recognition continued in the fourth educational
stream of Agudas Yisroel that later became Chinuch Atzmai.
Afterwards, the fight continued when the independent Torah
education was founded. The transition period in which
children were transferred from the fourth stream to Chinuch
Atzmai was not simple, and it depended mainly on parental
agreement, but in the end a large majority made the move.
A fascinating figure from those days of glory in the history
of chareidi education is HaRav Hillel Lieberman,
shlita, executive director of The Mercaz Beis Yaakov
in Eretz Yisroel in Yerushalayim. Then he served as director
of The Torah Education Center. One of five board members who
founded the chareidi educational system, he was involved in
the establishment of the largest and most important center
for Torah education in Israel from the first day. HaRav
Lieberman also founded and set up the organization Bnos Beis
Yaakov-Batya, and the first high school Mercaz Beis Yaakov in
Beer Sheva.
The Struggle with Minister of Education
In a conversation with Rav Hillel, he recalled those
difficult days when he held the reins of the chareidi
schools. "On every first of the month, the Lutzker Rov, HaRav
Zalman Sorotzkin, zt"l, would call HaRav Aharon
Kotler, zt"l, with genuine cries and tears saying,
`What do they want from me? I'm old and sick.' This is what
he said. Rav Aharon would raise funds abroad and send it here
so we could pay the salaries."
For two years Rav Hillel pulled the wagon. The main part of
his work was to transfer the schools that were previously
part of the fourth stream of Agudas Yisroel, to an official,
recognized position, and things were not at all easy. The
government set up great difficulties, complicated bureaucracy
and so forth, but Rav Hillel recounts that the vast majority
(excluding only two or three) of schools that were in the
fourth stream moved over to Torah education.
The first school year for Chinuch Atzmai (at the end of 5713 -
1953) began about a month after the beginning of the school
year, but even after that there was no lack of problems and
difficulties. The director-general of the department of
education at that time was Yaakov Sarid (father of Yossi
Sarid, until recently the Minister of Education). He gave
instructions to close five schools and to merge them with the
government religious schools, since they had not presented
their paperwork on time.
Rav Lieberman would not consent. He immediately sent a
telegram to the schools' principals instructing them to
continue operating as usual. Sarid was very insulted by the
instructions and he immediately asked the Minister of
Education to put Rav Lieberman in his place and to implement
the decision to close the schools. Rav Lieberman requested to
meet with the Minister and said to him, "I agree that there
is an insult to the Minister here, but the question is who
caused this insult and who is responsible for it.
"For five months I have paid teachers 100 percent of their
salaries and not 40 percent as it was supposed to be. The
government did not pay a penny for the teachers' salaries.
Maybe it is necessary to merge the schools, but how could
anyone think to circumvent me and go over my head, over the
one who actually supports the school? The one who insulted
the Minister is this Mr. Sarid sitting right here and not
The Minister smiled, and eventually everything worked out.
The elderly Rav Lieberman has many stories from those first
years of chareidi education in Israel, when Rav Na'im Ben-
Eliyahu served as educational principal in the school in Beer
Sheva during the period of the streams. At his side was Dr.
Goldstein, administrative-financial principal. Rav Lieberman
even sent some of his talmidim in Jerusalem to teach
the girls of Beer Sheva. The school administration at that
time and the parents expressed their doubts about the Chinuch
Atzmai actually getting up and standing on its feet.
Therefore they decided, together with the parents, to
transfer the school to the auspices of the mamlachti
dati. "I did not believe for a minute that this would
come about," concludes Rav Lieberman.
Finding a School Principal was Kriyas Yam
We also spoke with Rav Alexander Miller, a close confidante
of maranan verabonon gedolei Yisroel, zt"l and
ylct"a, who stood at the head of Torah educational
system at the time the State was established and in the years
following. We will mainly note his close relationship with
the Brisker Rov, zt"l.
He requested that we keep our interview brief, since many
decades have passed since then. "My visits to Beer Sheva
began to be involved in opening a school. I vaguely remember
that Harpnas transferred over as a government religious
Rav Miller, who began working in Chinuch Atzmai as soon as it
officially opened, recalled that a school in Beer Sheva had
been opened several years earlier by Agudas Yisroel, then
moved to the fourth stream of Agudas Yisroel. When the
Chinuch Atzmai was established, however, it moved over to
mamlachti dati, the State religious network.
History from those days is replete with struggles that
focused mainly on the subject of chinuch. For many
years after the founding of the State, there were storms of
criticism against the educational method in the various
educational streams, and the Knesset passed a law of
mandatory governmental education, forming two central
educational streams: mamlachti (secular governmental)
and mamlachti dati (religious governmental).
"It was a period of complete vacuum, and we had absolutely no
school in Beer Sheva. Then there was an arousal, mainly
brought about by Rav Gavriel Salamon, zt"l. With him
was another Yid whose name I don't recall. Together
they worked with all their might to open a Chinuch Atzmai
school in the city.
"No one can describe that difficult, stormy period. I was the
only supervisor in the country. It was terribly difficult
until they found Rav Simcha Shulman, z"l, and they set up an
educational committee worthy of the name. They sat down and
got working on every single subject.
"Finding a man to run the school in Beer Sheva was literally
kriyas Yam Suf. Even kriyas Yam Suf is not the
right word! Whoever came into my room requesting a teaching
position, whether he could teach or not, whether he knew the
subject or not, first of all I said, just come. Come in.
"The first time I came to Beer Sheva was in response to a
request from some of the local residents who wanted to reopen
the chareidi school. There was no one in charge of opening
new schools. I traveled there and met with these people. My
base was in the home of Rav Gavriel Salamon, zt"l,
where so many legends were woven.
"We began discussing the matter at hand and I said, in the
name of the administration, that before opening a school we
have to first know if there are children. They began looking
into it and they came up with a huge list of hundreds of
children. This actually emptied out a number of schools in
the area because all the children and parents wanted
davka this school.
"I brought the matter to the hanhala. What can I say
about that hanhala, where all gedolei Yisroel
sat? HaRav Zalman Sorotzkin, zt"l, HaRav Yechezkel
Abramsky, zt"l, HaRav Yechezkel Sarna, zt"l,
were the hanhala. We spoke about a location and
building for the school. Where would they learn?
"On Rechov Ho'Ovos was a building that had previously been
used as a warehouse and for shops. It suited us very well,
and if I'm not mistaken, this was the first building we owned
in the history of chareidi education -- just a few steps away
from the home of Rav Gavriel Salamon."
There are Children to be Saved, but We Don't
Have Money
Rav Miller recounts how the suggestion to acquire a building
for a school in Beer Sheva came about in those days, when
they were not even able to pay salaries. "I came to a board
meeting with the suggestion. It was like a bombshell to go
and buy a building. Confusion broke out about this matter.
HaRav Sorotzkin said, `Mir hoben nisht kain gelt. Mir ken
dos nisht machen.' (`We do not have money. We cannot do
"Then HaRav Sarna got up and said, 'Se'iz doh kinder vos
min darf zei rateven, velen mir zoggen az se'iz nisht doh
kein gelt?' (`There are children who need to be saved;
will we just say there is no money?')
"This also started an argument among the rabbis about whether
it is possible to rely on me. I was a very young
avreich then! Then HaRav Sarna said that if we are
speaking about such a thing, we all need to travel there and
see what we're talking about. In the end, he got up and went
to Beer Sheva himself."
Rav Itche Meir Levine, who directed board meetings in those
days, said that we have to view this matter also from the
perspective of Agudas Yisroel, and they decided to travel
together. "I went with them and we saw the building. They
decided that it is worthwhile to buy it. We bought the
building and when we were ready to open the school, they
wanted to enter the building with the students in a
procession that would go through the city streets and
rededicate it.
"I don't know whose idea it was, but it caused an uproar,"
recalled Rav Miller. School administrators saw that they were
left without students. They immediately summoned the Minister
of Education in those days, Zalman Aren, who sent a demand
for immediate closure of the new school, along with an
ultimatum that if we do not close the school immediately, all
ties with Chinuch Atzmai throughout the country would be
completely severed.
"Everyone agreed, because they feared that they were
endangering the whole chareidi educational network. So they
decided to disperse the students. I remember that we did this
with tears and crying, but there was no choice. Later on, we
decided to open the school in a more quiet and limited
The school was reopened after Chanukah 5717 (1957) with very
strict instructions regarding the number of students. They
set up very rigid conditions that were very difficult to
meet. The natural process of registration and growth began. A
few years later the school received the structure on whose
site a beautiful building stands today.
"This was a school building that stood empty and useless.
They called it `Fio Trailers' which the municipality erected
when France would not give Israel Mirage airplanes unless
Israel also took two "Fio" houses for every Mirage airplane.
Because of this they bought a lot of such trailers, some of
which they made into chareidi schools (like in Rosh HaAyin,
Tiveria Ilit, Beer Sheva, etc.). The municipality did not
actually arrange those buildings for us, but when it became
clear that they were unusable for anything else, they agreed
to give them to us. Later the boys' wing was built especially
for the school by the municipality in conjunction with the
Katzen Fund and Mifal Hapais."
Rav Miller emphasizes that the school in Beer Sheva was the
southernmost educational center at the time. "In that period
we did not have schools in Yeruchom or in Dimona, nor in
Tifrach or Ofakim. This was actually the only school in the
whole region. All the schools in those settlements were
founded years after this. Everyone agrees this is an amazing
The first principal of the school was Rav Natan Roth, who
faced terrible difficulties, particularly the dispersal of
most of the school's pupils. With the reopening, Rav Miller
brought Rav Yechiel Oish, who served as principal for many
years, from Jerusalem. Following this Rav Rafael Brenner ran
the school, and then Rav Tzvi Zaltzer who heads the school to
this very day.
Let's go back to the beginning. Rav Miller tells us that
there was a demand for the school in Beer Sheva throughout
the years, and therefore a school was established in
Shechuna Daled. "A situation developed when immigrants
arrived in Shechuna Daled. The makeup of the
population compelled us to set up an additional, slightly
different school. The distance of the neighborhood from the
school in the Old City, brought us to start another school in
the neighborhood."
He then recalled that one of the first times he managed to
acquire large amounts of money for renovating and improving a
school was in Beer Sheva. "This was also the first place they
renovated the trailers, and from here all the others
learned." Concluding the conversation, Rav Miller requested
that we mention his name as little as possible, but his
actions are surely engraved on a golden tablet in the annals
of chareidi Jewish history in Eretz Hakodesh.
The First Steps
Before we get into a detailed account of Rav Natan Roth, we
will cite a fascinating anecdote from one of the first
students of the school. In the opening of her words she
points out that to reconstruct the first days of the school,
we must emphasize that its success and prosperity, and its
beautiful building were carved out from the founders'
mesiras nefesh. Only their closeness and their
unwavering dedication brought it to fruition.
Beer Sheva 5710
Chareidi families, mainly from Hungary, took their first
steps into Beer Sheva. Absorption and financial difficulties
pushed the matters of chinuch into the corner -- years
of rations, financial difficulties, language and social
absorption difficulties, and most of all, a hostility and
estrangement from any spark of Judaism.
In the absence of any educational structure in the spirit of
Bais Yaakov, the children were sent to Mizrachi schools, the
government religious institutions that were scattered
throughout the city, to the dismay of the parents. But they
could not do anything to change the situation.
That was how things went for a number of years. But then Rav
Gavriel Salamon's children started along the same path as the
other children, but a man like Gavriel Salamon, a housewares
and electronics wholesaler, would not accept the
Rav Gavriel took a stand. In the beis medrash before
and after davening, at home, on the street, in the
bank, in his shop, and at every other opportunity, he spoke
out for the sake of chinuch. Satisfaction with life
and the substantial difficulties caused those who heard him
to raise their hands and to shake their heads in despair.
Everyone mocked Rav Gavriel for his "fantasies" and "dreams,"
but he did not falter.
At every opportunity he continued to bring up the topic as a
matter of utmost importance. And this was literally, really
mesiras nefesh. People stopped coming into his store,
because they could not stand up to his rebukes. Continuously
and ceaselessly, Rav Gavriel kept going until he managed to
gather a significant number of parents, who were willing to
remove their children from the government religious schools
and to put them into a chareidi educational framework.
Rav Gavriel formed ties with chareidi chinuch leaders.
In the first stage, a building was purchased at 3 Rechov
Ho'Ovos. Parents sent their children to this new school,
despite its inadequate supplies and a building itself that
was not exactly fit to be a school. Teachers from Bnei Brak
and Yerushalayim taught in the school.
The difficult conditions did not disturb the wonderful
Yiddishe ambience that pervaded the school. Close
relationships were woven between the teachers and the
parents, and together with the students a Bais Yaakov family
was formed which influenced other parents to transfer their
children to the new school.
The joy did not last long. The Ohel Sara school was not so
willing to give up the stream that was getting stronger every
day and was weakening the school's classes. An order came
from the education department demanding closure of the new
Bais Yaakov and that the parents return their children to the
government religious school. Seeing no other choice, the
children went shamefacedly back to Ohel Sara, where the other
children mocked them for the aborted experience that did not
turn out as they wished.
Rav Gavriel did not remain quiet, and he turned to anyone who
could help, in the municipality in general and specifically
to the education department, and he eventually won over the
chareidi educational leaders and supporters. With Hashem's
help the efforts bore fruit, and after a short while another
Jewish echo was heard in the city of Beer Sheva. When the
students grew, a new mission stood before him: to start a
local Bais Yaakov high school.
Sleep in the School
After concerted efforts, a dilapidated building was found on
Rechov HaChalutz. Daily physical hardships did not disturb
the steady learning program, to the satisfaction and joy of
the parents who did not notice the conditions that were very
difficult especially in comparison to other schools that were
much nicer. And then, one fine day, a demand for close down
arrived at the school from an unforeseen source.
The municipality's engineering department sent notification
that the building was hazardous and must be razed. Everyone
felt hopeless. Getting a different place was not realistic,
since the present structure had been acquired only with great
difficulty and vast efforts. It was clear that impression of
the schemers against chinuch tahor was a reality, and
again it came to the expression of mesiras nefesh of
Rav Gavriel.
Rav Gavriel was generally an istanis regarding sleep,
and in his old age when he was hospitalized in frequent
intervals, he would always take a pillow from his house on
which to rest his head, because otherwise he could not sleep.
But when he was involved in mesiras nefesh, his
feelings for educational matters outweighed his feelings for
personal matters.
A simple calculation revealed that the razing would not take
place during school hours, but who would guard the building
when the learning hours were finished? Rav Gavriel rose to
the occasion and went to sleep in the shaky school building.
Day in and day out for a significant period of time, Rav
Gavriel lodged in the school. At the end of this self-
sacrifice, the school left the site, but not before a
replacement was found.
Registration days for the school were a story unto itself.
Rav Gavriel's private home turned into a hectic public place,
with an office, telephone, paperwork and clerk. His whole
home was dedicated to the success of the school's
registration. The activists slept there and ate there.
But besides physical care, Rav Gavriel breathed into the air
an optimistic spirit that was so essential in those
registration days, when problems and disappointments were not
lacking. His home was also a housewares shop, in which people
bought at all hours of the day, and Rav Gavriel utilized the
contact with customers, to persuade them to send their
children to chareidi chinuch.
All chinuch and harbotzas haTorah were in his
blood, and he was ready for any mission, and not only
increasing Torah and Judaism in Beer Sheva. When he saw a boy
wandering in the street during school hours, he did not
remain quiet, but he did everything he could to place him in
a suitable educational framework. On Erev Pesach he would
distribute kimcha dePischa to needy talmidim,
and the house on 21 Trumpeldor turned into a warehouse for
Pesach merchandise, and the aroma of wine and matzo filled
the whole room.
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