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HOME & FAMILY Drug Therapy -- Behavior Modification for Children with ADHDby A. Ross, M.A. in Speech, Education It is important to stress once again that good ideas and excellent advice given by the most experienced professionals, or printed in bestsellers on child managment, do not always work. Although they may work very well for some children, they do not work on others.
Am I Running After Mitzvos? There really are a lot of things to worry about, and teach, in a Torah household: honoring parents, kashrus, laws of and feelings towards Shabbos and festivals, tzedoka, maaser, brochos, good manners and so on. The list goes on and on.
Why are We Waiting? Somehow, we seem to hear the clock ticking louder in Elul, as the final countdown of the year nudges closer to zero hour.
COMMUNICATION It really was a bold move and I doubt that any successful company in a Capitalist country would even have considered making such a move. Perhaps it is typical of the sudden dramatic shifts that often happen in Eretz Yisroel. Of course, it doesn't really make any difference. When you have a monopoly, you can paint your buses with red and white stripes, or solid green, and people will still travel on them.
Only in Jerusalem -- Freilach We Shall Be Tu B'Av is supposed to be a happy day for many good reasons, but the people gathered at the bus stop at the end of that torrid day seemed distinctly unhappy, in fact, miserable. Chana Siegel, a nurse, compliments us on our Useful Household Hints which appeared for Parshas Ki Seitze, but wishes to make some corrections:
Your Medical Questions Answered!
It was August of last year. Two patients in the city of New York come in to the hospital unconscious. Tests are done, specialists are called in but the patients never recover consciousness.
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