On 30 Av, the bitter news of the petirah of HaRav Moshe
Menachem Yaakobson, zt"l, the rav of Beer Yaakov and
one of the greatest marbitzei Torah of our times, was
announced. The petirah occurred in Beer Yaakov, where
HaRav Moshe Menachem had presided as rav for 50 years. His
levaya set out from the synagogue in the Beer Yaakov
HaRav Moshe Menachem Yaakobson was one of the most venerable
rabbonim in eretz Yisroel; one of the first of the
early settlements. He received smicha from the
gedolim of the previous generation, chief among them
his rav muvhak, HaRav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman of
Slobodke and Baltimore.
As a young man he was brought to Beer Yaakov by its roshei
yeshiva. He served as a ram in the Beer Yaakov
Yeshiva until he was asked by the roshei yeshiva, HaRav
Moshe Shmuel Shapira and HaRav Shlomo Wolbe, to serve as the
moro de'asra of the Beer Yaakov.
As av beis din and one of the founders of the Beer
Yaakov Torah community, he sanctified Hashem's Name and
spread love of one's fellow. He founded the Beer Yaakov
Seminary for girls, and was a pioneer of Torah education for
children from Sephardic backgrounds. Thousands of Torah-true
homes exist today in the merit of this seminary. As father
and patron of all of the members of the settlement, including
those who were not Torah-observant, his main objective was
the founding of local Torah and chessed institutions.
The unique character of this settlement is to his credit and
his special brand of leadership, a by-product of the great
esteem in which all members -- religious and secular, young
and old -- held him. By virtue of his unique personality,
there were no breaches in kerem Hashem throughout the
years in which he presided in Beer Yaakov.
His life was one long saga of chessed and dedication to
one's fellow, and he became known as a "genius" in
chessed with a special capacity to draw others closer
to Hashem and His Torah. Throughout, he consulted the
gedolei hador and great poskim. He was very close
to the current gedolim, such as Maran HaRav Eliezer
Menachem Man Shach, shlita, as well as those of the
past such as the Chazon Ish and the Steipler Rov. He also
consulted many admorim to whom he was attached during
the life of his father, HaRav Binyomin Zeev Yaakobson.
His devotion to the chareidi Machzikei HaDas community of
Copenhagen constitutes a special chapter in his life. For a
number of years he served as rav and moreh
horo'oh of Copenhagen in place of his father, HaRav
Binyomin Zeev Yaakobson, zt"l, the rav of Copenhagen
who was one of the heads of the Vaad Hatzoloh and one of the
founders of Agudas Yisroel. For a time he also taught in
Russia, as well as in a yeshiva for Israeli chozrim
biteshuva in Monsey. He maintained contact with his Monsey
students until his final day.
He is survived by children and grandchildren who are engaged
in Torah study, chessed, harbotzas Torah and kiruv
rechokim. His oldest son, HaRav Avrohom, has replaced him
as rav of Beer Yaakov.
He suffered from various illnesses during the past three
years. Until his final days, he dedicated himself to his
Torah and chessed enterprises.