and Family
Public Awareness of the Shomer Shabbos Vacation Sites
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The public awareness of the importance of frequenting only
shomer Shabbos vacation and amusement sites has
currently been gaining impetus.
Before visiting a vacation site or amusement site, more and
more groups, camps and families check to see if those places
are closed on Shabbos and do not trample its sanctity. During
recent months, the Vaad HaRabbonim Lemaan Kedushas HaShabbos
B'Eretz Yisroel has been making all-out efforts to instill
this awareness in the general community. The members of the
committee are: Rabbi Avrohom Yeshayohu Fein, Rabbi Moshe
Yadler, Rabbi Hillel Weinberg, Rabbi Tzvi Odesser, Rabbi Amir
Krispel, Rabbi Shmuel Binyomin Sofer, Rabbi Yosef Deutch.
They were appointed to the committee by the maranan
verabonon, the gedolei Yisroel.
Special attention was given to a list of places which do not
desecrate the Shabbos issued by the Vaad this last week. The
Vaad was besieged with questions as to how to ascertain the
nature of various sites and their kashrus. The
directors and owners of vacation sites are pleased by the
response of the chareidi and religious sectors, which
encourage and prefer shomer Shabbos companies, while
they refrain from visiting places which ignore the sentiments
of the religious sector and scorn all that is sacred by
operating on Shabbos.
The secretary of this Vaad HaRabbonim relates that without a
doubt, public cooperation on this issue, encourages Shabbos
observance in country's cities. This, they say is manifested
by requests of various vacation and amusement cites to join
the circle of Shabbos observers, even if the only motive of
the owners of these places is the commercial one of
increasing its clientele.