Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Ellul 5760 - September 13, 2000 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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SONG OF ASCENT From a Small Community to the Big City

In Part Two of this series, two American `transplants', or chutznikiot describe their absorption in Israel. In the eyes of both, the point of attraction to life here is not lifestyle or mentality, but clearly only a high spiritual level and the existence of Torah centers that enable perfect Torah study for the husband.

Parental Involvement in Sibling Conflict - Part III
by Masha Wolf, M.A. Child Therapist


Empathy is a vitally important factor in helping children resolve conflicts. Sometimes children come to their parents with their problems simply because they want to be heard or understood. Often, children are not looking for solutions or action from their parents but simply want to know that their parents care about them and their problems.

Draw a Happy Child -- Preventive Art Therapy With Your Child

by Devora Piha

We have heard experts sometimes advise drawing a picture to find out what's on our mind or to pinpoint something not clear or tangible. Our choice of subject and colors give a clue to our emotional standing at the moment. The same is true for drawings by children with an added plus. Children's drawings, like children, are open, spontaneous and clear.

Poet's Corner
Har Hamenuchos

by Ruth Kruskal

The sky is a cloudless blue
Jerusalem stones bone-white in sun-bleached hue
Silence reigns in this world of its own
In the city of the departed, one -- strangely -- doesn't feel alone.

Beis Olom, the Eternal House, we call this place
Where every grave represents an individual face
Where each stone tells the story of a life
Of a dear one: be it father or mother, husband or wife.

In this place, alone one does not feel,
Here the bond with the departed one is real.
One senses the closeness of the soul whose body lies here
One prays, asks, and one feels the presence so near.

We know you are with us, even if I cannot see,
We know that Up There, by Hashem,
You pray, you intervene for me
That the way of Torah be my children's goal
That they be healthy in body and soul
That Your service be always the striving of their drives
And they be granted the strength to thus continue their lives.

This is the threshold where the World of Truth starts
Materialism doesn't count -- we always knew that in our hearts
But the proof of it lies here on this holy ground
Where our dear ones, peace, have finally found.
May the serenity here filter into our soul
As we return to that other world to pursue our goal.

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