& Comment
Medicines Without Hechsher
To the Editor:
I would like to apprise our readers of a common phenomenon:
the lack of attention to the problem of hechsherim on
over-the-counter medicine.
Many of these medicines are in the form of flavored pills to
be sucked. Many halachic authorities are of the
opinion that medicines of this type require a
hechsher. I encountered this phenomenon personally
while looking for a heartburn remedy. The pharmacist claimed
that, "all of them are kosher; everyone buys them." But I was
persistent. Among the various remedies which he suggested I
discovered one which also has a hechsher: Tums.
A pharmacist is not a posek, and we who are so careful
about all that enters our mouths should be cautious in this
area, too. One "cautions only the alert."
S. Cohen,
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