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A few months ago, I bumped into a friend on the street who
told me that Rav Nissim Yagen had returned from the States,
and would be speaking that night in a shul in Ramot. Rav
Nissim Yagen is speaking? I asked enthusiastically. "Pick me
up -- I'm coming!" It was months since he had spoken in
public because he had been undergoing treatment abroad.
The speech was called for 8:30 p.m., and we arrived at 8:45
p.m. What a mistake! The synagogue was packed so tightly that
it was impossible to push in past the door. When a listener
had to leave through that entrance, we seized the opportunity
and pushed ourselves into the main hall and could now hear
his booming voice. It was impossible to believe that here was
a mortally sick man. (His son told me that for that lecture,
he had taken the highest dosage of pain-killer available.)
It was vintage Rav Nissim. He denounced the appalling
ignorance of Judaism among Israelis today. He talked about
the Final Redemption and various supernatural phenomena that
he had personally witnessed, and urged us to feel the clarion
call to get into spiritual shape for the great events coming
up. You could feel the tension surging through your body by
the end of the shiur. End to complacency! Time to
start putting things in order!
That was Rav Nissim. His style was blunt and demanding, yet
calm. Earthy and pragmatic, but not complex. Invoking higher
worlds and heavenly intervention, but no hocus-pocus.
Early Years
Rav Nissim Yagen was born in 1940 in Jerusalem to Chacham
Yaakov, one of the Torah scholars who frequented the beis
hamedrash of the mekubal HaRav Mordechai Sharabi
in Jerusalem. His grandfather was a noted scholar from Aleppo
who merited gilui Eliyahu Hanovi, and his father too
was a humble tzaddik of stature.
Although for his living he ran a soap and detergent store in
the Machane Yehuda market, Chacham Yaakov was a regular at
HaRav Mordechai Sharabi's beis hamedrash in the
neighborhood. The store served him more as a conduit for
kedusha and chesed than a source of
parnossa. Not only did he spend considerable time in
the store itself studying Torah, but a special Hashgocho
Protis hung over the store.
Once, on the sixth day of Chanukah, a shop owner asked
Chacham Yaakov if he would buy 25 menorahs from him
that remained from his stock. Although it didn't seem likely
there would be any takers for the menorahs this late
on Chanukah, Reb Yaakov agreed to buy them. A few minutes
later a teacher rushed into his store and asked breathlessly
if he had 25 menorahs she could buy for a school
performance the following day. He immediately handed over the
25 menorahs in the original sack, and eyed one of his
sons who was looking on astonished, "Parnossa is from
heaven, no?"
The Yagen home was suffused in spirituality and love for
Torah and this passed down to all the children.
Nevertheless, the period was one of the most trying in Jewish
history. Children of worthy, G-d-fearing Jews were abandoning
Judaism in droves, attracted by the modernism, materialism
and hedonism dangled in front of their eyes.
Rav Nissim was the oldest son in the family, and from his
youth it was obvious that he had a special soul. He studied
in a local cheder and yeshiva ketana, and then
for a short period in Slobodke yeshiva in Bnei Brak. It was a
battle to even make it through cheder, let alone more
advanced Torah studies. On one hand, his impoverished family
needed every extra person to help bring in parnossa,
and on the other hand, many of his more modern relatives
were saying that no future awaited him in yeshiva studies.
He was called a "shirker" and a "traitor." He had to
constantly defend himself. The family's extreme poverty was
unquestionable -- the family of 14 children lived in an
apartment of one and a half rooms.
The battles got worse the older he got. When he graduated
cheder and wanted to start learning in a yeshiva
ketana, his family ganged up on him and refused to allow
him to attend. He declared a hunger strike and said he
wouldn't eat until they agreed. After a week the family broke
and allowed him to attend.
By the time he reached yeshiva gedola, nothing could
persuade him to give up his yeshiva studies. But that didn't
stop the family from trying.
Gole Lemokom Torah
When Rav Nissim decided that he wanted to study in Lakewood,
everyone who heard it was stupefied. The year was 1960 and
traveling across the ocean to study in a yeshiva was not a
common practice then -- certainly not from Israel to the U.S.
But he had heard that Lakewood was the biggest yeshiva in the
world, and HaRav Aaron Kotler was perhaps the world's most
famous rosh yeshiva.
The rabbonim he greatly esteemed encouraged him. The
Amshenover and the Lelever Rebbes told him to go, and a
rosh yeshiva even offered to pay for his ticket.
He was 20 when he arrived in the U.S. and he remained until
he was 24. He studied under R' Aaron for several years and
later under Rav Shneur. He was close with the mashgiach
HaRav Nosson Wachtfogel who, together with Rav Chaim
Shmuelevitz, he saw as his mentor in mussar. He
studied diligently throughout the day, barely allowing
himself a few hours of sleep at night. During the afternoon
break, he had a special seder on the Maharal's works.
He managed to finish all of the Maharal's seforim
before he returned home.
He was well-liked by the other talmidim, and was known
for his ability to chase away depression and misery with his
cheerful personality. Privately, he was a profound oveid
whose resolutions in avodas Hashem included
watching to insure that he didn't waste a minute in bitul
Torah, and preparing the proper kavonos for
Krias Shema.
Back to Eretz Hakodesh
When he turned 24, it was time to return home. Reb Shneur
tried to convince him to remain. "Why go back to Israel?" he
told him, "Stay in America and you'll become one of the next
gedolei hador!"
He was offered attractive shidduchim with the
daughters of prominent rabbonim in the U.S. But Reb Nissim
said, "What will be with my brothers and sisters? I have to
go back and strengthen them."
Just to be sure, he did a Goral HaGra. When the posuk
he received was, "And Bnei Yaakov traveled to Eretz
Canaan," he packed his bags and headed home.
Back in Israel, he immediately got to work drawing Jews
closer to their Father in Heaven. The first objects of his
attention were his own family: He immediately enrolled all
his younger brothers and sisters in first-rate yeshivas and
Then he got to work on the relatives. Now it was he who was
"terrorizing" the less religious relatives until they gave in
and sent their children to more religious schools. His
brothers all admit that it was due to Rav Nissim that they
all ended up bnei Torah. He was soon consulted on any
important family matter.
Reb Nissim married a year later and spent several years in
various kollels in Jerusalem, including Rav Yitzchok
Unterman's kollel. This kollel was known to be
among the most prominent in Israel and it contained a select
group of scholars. Here he obtained smicha and studied
Choshen Mishpot and Even Haezer, passing
examinations on a huge quantity of material with ease.
Although he was offered countless positions as a rav and
dayan over the years, positions he could have capably
filled, he refused them all, preferring to have his own
kollel and yeshiva.
During this time, he regularly attended the mussar
shmuessim of HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz and HaRav Sholom
Schwadron, and began to give his own mussar lectures
at home which were attended by Chevron yeshiva students.
While still a young avreich in kollel, he would
see children whose parents didn't realize the importance of a
religious education. He would convince the parents to send
the children to learn in Bnei Brak dormitory schools and
seminaries -- and sometimes paid for their tuition and pocket
money despite barely having the money to live himself.
The director in one of the schools once inquired who was this
rich man Nissim Yagen who was paying for so many children in
the school? Rav Nissim ensured that hundreds of youths stayed
He had convinced one girl to study in a religious school in
Bnei Brak on condition that he buy her an expensive coat.
When the coat was stolen, the girl called Rav Nissim up in
tears and told him she wanted to leave. It was a scorching
fast day, but to calm her down, he decided to travel to Bnei
Brak. It was no simple feat in those days -- it involved
travelling through Tel Aviv and switching buses. But it was
the only way to convince her otherwise. He went out and
bought her a new coat too.
Reaching Out
His first appointment was as rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas
Ohel Moed. His first foray in reaching out to the secular
community was to organize a religious community in Givat Ada
near Haifa on behalf of Yeshivas Ohr Somayach. He became the
rav of the community which numbered 100 families.
When he returned to Jerusalem a few years later, he was
appointed the mashgiach in Yeshivas Or Baruch in Bayit
It was during the 1973 Yom Kippur War that Rav Nissim
resolved to dedicate his life to helping Jews return to
Judaism. During the war he worked in the army in the numbing
task of identifying the dead. Hundreds of dead passed through
his hands during those days and he was in constant pain to
see the young lives cut short. At that time he prayed to
Hashem, "Hakodesh Boruch Hu! I know why you took these
Yiddishe neshomos -- they didn't keep Shabbos and
other mitzvos! So let's make a deal! Let them live and I'll
work to bring them back to you!"
Shortly after, he founded Arachim with a few others. He was
the one who gave the name "Arachim" to the organization. For
years he gave seminars and lectures to the non-religious in
Israel and all over the world. Often at the end of his
lectures, he would lead the audience in spontaneous, joyous
dancing and singing of songs of emunah and ahavas
Many participants accepted upon themselves the yoke of Torah
and mitzvos after just a few hours in his presence. He
frequently stayed up until the early hours of the morning
answering questions to attendees, and for months afterwards
spent countless hours on the phone and in private meetings to
strengthen and encourage new shomrei mitzvos. He may
truly be considered among the founding fathers of the Teshuva
In 1979 he founded Kehilas Yaakov Kollel on Yosef Ben
Matityahu street for baalei tshuva which he continued
to run until the end of his life. The heavy financial burden
to support the members of the kollel rested primarily
on his shoulders, but he undertook it with a sense of mission
to enable the kollel scholars to grow to their
He was wont to say, "Mashiv haru'ach umorid hageshem --
if we foster the spirit and do everything we can to maintain
Torah study, then Hakodosh Boruch Hu will send down
the `geshem' -- gashmiyus to support us."
Powerful Tapes
Many of Rav Nissim's shiurim over the years were taped
and distributed to a wide audience. His tapes, which covered
every conceivable topic, had a powerful impact on
About three years ago he was asked to give a lecture in
Yeshivat Mikdash Melech, a yeshiva for English-speaking boys
of Sephardic extraction. Rav Nissim came, spoke and left. One
of the youths present at the shiur was a young
American bochur who wanted to remain studying in
yeshiva, but his parents had adamantly refused to let him
remain more than one year. He taped Rav Nissim's lecture and,
after he returned home, enjoyed replaying it in his car's
tape recorder whenever he travelled.
One day his mother took the car and found herself stuck in a
major traffic jam. To help pass the time, she decided to
listen to the tape of Rav Nissim's lecture.
By the time she reached her destination, she had heard the
tape twice. When she came home that night, she called aside
her son and said, "You wanted to remain in yeshiva and I
insisted you leave? I changed my mind. You can go."
An avreich who lives in Kiryat Sefer used to get up
daily for the vosikin minyan. One morning he was very
tired after a sleepless night when the clock began to ring
for him to get up. That day he decided to shut off the clock,
and stay in bed. Just before he turned over he turned on his
radio. Suddenly the voice of Rav Nissim came roaring out of
the radio -- "Get up! Don't be lazy! Get up early! If
something is important to you, you're not going to sleep
through it!" At this message from heaven, the avreich
got up.
A man in Bnei Brak who loved to listen to Rav Nissim's tapes,
bought a new car and left several tapes in it. One Friday
night, to his grief, he noticed that someone had stolen his
car. To his amazement, he found the car back in its place on
Shabbos morning! On the front window was attached a scrap of
paper on which was written, "I stole the car, I heard the
tape, and I decided to return it."
"Coincidentally," the tape in the car's player was about
theft and what a terrible sin it is. When the thief drove
off, the tape automatically went on and he heard Rav Nissim's
exhortations against stealing. The impact of Rav Nissim's
words were so powerful that he returned the car.
Rav Attias, Rav Nissim Cohen and an avreich went to
collect money in Australia for the kollel, a place
they had never gone before. Rav Nissim told them to take
along a set of tapes to give to anyone who would be willing
to set up a gemach. They completely forgot about the
tapes until their last day there. They decided to give the
collection to the first man they met in the shul.
They met an Israeli and asked him if he would be willing to
found a tape gemach in his home. The man told them
sadly, "I unfortunately can't do it. My wife is anti-
religious and she hates rabbonim and anything to do with
Judaism. Tomorrow we're meeting at the beis din to get
divorced! She wants nothing to do with Judaism."
Under pressure of time, the rabbonim urged the man to take
the tapes anyway.
The man looked at the set hopelessly, but agreed to take
them. "I suppose I have nothing to lose," he shrugged his
shoulders. The next day he was supposed to meet his wife at
the beis din, but on a lark he decided to knock at her
door in the morning and present her with one of the tapes. He
hoped she wouldn't chase him out.
In the meantime, the man's wife was having second thoughts.
The entire night she couldn't sleep. Thoughts kept racing
around her head: "Here I'm breaking apart our home. I'm
destroying my children's life. I'm giving up a good husband.
And why? Because I dislike religion so much? Is it really
worth it?"
After deep contemplation, she decided to try to talk to G-d.
Since this was a very fateful conversation, she decided to
dress in her best clothes. Once she was ready, she stood up
in the living room and, after a long, sincere talk in which
she expressed her indecision and asked for direction, she
fell asleep out of exhaustion.
She was still sleeping when she heard knocking at the door
that woke her up. When she opened the door, she was
surprised to see her husband. He was surprised to see her so
well-dressed so early in the morning. But he just meekly
asked if she would be willing to listen to a tape by a great
rabbi? She said right away that she was willing. The tape
exchanged hands and both said good-by -- astonished and
uncomprehending the strange turn of events. She listened to
the tape right away. At noon she phoned her husband and asked
if she could have another tape. Would he mind cancelling the
appointment by the beis din, she also wanted to know.
In the end, it took only a short while before the woman
decided to commit herself to Judaism. The couple wrote a
letter to Reb Nissim expressing their gratitude for the tapes
having saved their marriage.
A strange woman appeared at Rav Nissim's funeral weeping
bitterly. Since no one recognized her, they asked who she was
and why she had come. The woman, who was from the south of
Israel, explained that she had once been bitterly anti-
religious. Then a tape of Reb Nissim's had fallen into her
hands. It had taken just one tape for her to decide to become
religious. How could she not cry that such a unique person
was gone?
His Ways
His love for Torah and its students prompted him to travel
the world to support his Kehilas Yaakov kollel. At
first the kollel was for baalei teshuva but
afterwards it took in avreichim from yeshivos. He
disliked the frequent trips he had to make abroad to support
his kollel, but mentioned that when he thought of the
students who were studying in his kollel and the
tremendous knowledge they were gaining, he didn't care how
many months he had to be abroad.
He was close to gedolim in both the Litvish and
Sephardic camp. He was wont to consult particularly with the
Steipler Rov, who once said about him that he was "among the
only machzirim betshuva who is working lesheim
Shomayim." When the Steipler was alive, he visited Bnei
Brak at least once a month to consult with him and didn't
make a move without his advice. On his recommendation, Rav
Nissim decided not to take funds from the government despite
the fact that it significantly increased his burden.
He refused to align himself with any political party or
group. He explained his attitude by means of a parable which
he heard from the Klausenberger Rebbe: "A hungry lion walked
around the forest and came across a small lamb. `How is my
breath?' he demanded from the quaking lamb. `Terrible,' said
the lamb. `How dare you talk that way to the king of all
beasts!' roared the lion. He pounced on the lamb and finished
it in a few bites.
"A few days later he was again hungry, and this time he found
a cow. `How is my breath?' he asked the cow. `Your breath
smells lovely,' replied the cow, hoping to avoid the mistake
of the lamb. But the lion replied, `How dare you lie!' and
pounced on the cow.
"A few days later, he set out again to quiet his rumbling
stomach and this time found a fox. When he posed his question
to the fox, the latter sneezed several times and replied
apologetically, `My master the king, yesterday I caught a
cold and I can't smell a thing.'"
The lesson he wanted to impart was that in many matters, a
person is better off keeping silent. Matters which are not
urgent for one's personal spiritual growth should be placed
in a corner and ignored.
His Derech in Chessed
Rav Nissim's trademark was his tremendous love for every Jew,
his consideration for his fellow man's needs and the
countless deeds of kindness which he excelled at. His many
acts of chesed were accomplished with subtle finesse.
The assistance he gave encompassed both the physical and
spiritual. Time and again, one hears from hundreds of people,
"He made us feel like we were his only child." "Rav
Nissim will take care of it for me." "He made me feel like he
had all the time in the world for me."
He had a particular finesse in how he performed kindnesses.
If he saw that the jacket of an avreich was dirty, he
wouldn't tell him openly "Your jacket is dirty" and certainly
said nothing which could sound the slightest like a rebuke,
such as "How can you go around like that?" Instead, he might
ask the avreich if he could lend him his jacket
because he wanted to show someone the color, or some other
concocted excuse, and then he would have it dry cleaned right
He once noticed one of the avreichim in his kollel
had come to learn wearing torn shoes. Rav Nissim asked
him, "Do you have Shabbos shoes?" When the avreich
confirmed this, Rav Yagen told him to bring him the
Shabbos shoes the next day. In his office, Rav Nissim made
him put on the Shabbos shoes, and leave the regular shoes
with him. Before the avreich left for home that day,
he had in his hand a pair of weekday shoes which had been
repaired and put into decent condition. He did this with the
avreichim's suits too.
His son once woke in the middle of the night and saw his
father washing his hands, dressing himself, going over to the
shtender in the corner of the salon and beginning to
pray earnestly.
"What happened?" the son asked, surprised.
Rav Nissim replied that someone had just phoned from the
maternity ward to say that his wife was having a difficult
birth, and asked him to pray for her. That alarm was
sufficient to get Rav Nissim out of bed and sacrifice his few
daily hours of sleep to pray for this woman in need.
"But do you know who it is?" the son persisted.
"No," replied Rav Nissim, "but it makes no difference. When a
Jew is in trouble, one must help him and pray for him no
matter who he is."
Many couples came to him with their domestic harmony
problems. He had a natural instinct to immediately understand
the problem and to know just the right thing to say. In one
case when a couple came, Rav Nissim suddenly asked the man if
he regularly studied Torah and if he had a chavrusa.
The surprised man stuttered, "No" and Rav Nissim
immediately arranged a regular Torah seder for the
husband -- when the couple left, they were unsure exactly
what Rav Nissim had in mind. But when the man began studying
regularly, his esteem rose in his wife's eyes and this
contributed greatly to the return of sholom bayis.
His interest in helping promote domestic harmony wasn't just
for others; his own domestic harmony was no less important.
Sometimes his wife would wake up early in the morning to find
the sinks completely clean and the floor newly-washed -- and
she knew that she had retired the night before with the sinks
filled with the supper dishes.
His gabbai, Rav Moshe Roesh, mentions that at times he
even washed the dishes in his yeshiva, and swept the floor in
the beis hamedrash. "His mercy is over all of his
creatures," he would quote to explain why he was lightening
the load of the cleaning lady.
At the bris mila of his grandson in the month of
Tishrei, he had just returned from painful treatments abroad,
and his sick body was wasted and worn out. But he stood
during most of the event, serving the guests and exchanging
friendly talk with them as if he were feeling fine.
He worked patiently with numerous people, helping them take
each additional step to a full Jewish life. When a man
expressed willingness to finally give up using a razor, Reb
Nissim travelled out to Bnei Brak to present him with a
shaver just a few hours before Shabbos.
He traveled to Beit Shean to bring a woman a head-covering
when she finally decided to accept it upon herself. He
provided countless sets of tefillin and talleisim
to Jews who had undertaken to pray and fulfill these
mitzvos. "Once a person has made his decision, you must help
him right away to keep it," he would say.
He fulfilled this with mesiras nefesh five months ago.
Years before, Rav Nissim had pioneered a "Wipe Out the TV"
campaign and promised to give sets of Yalkut Mei'am
Lo'ez, tapes and other religious articles to whoever
agreed to throw out his TV. When the religious radio channels
announced a campaign to rid the house of TVs five months ago,
a certain athlete who had recently become religious was heard
saying that if Rav Nissim comes to his house, he will finally
get rid of his TV. This man kept the TV in his house just to
see the sports games that he loved so much. As soon as Rav
Nissim heard this, despite the fact that he hardly left his
sickbed at that point, he ordered his driver to take him to
the sports star. All the protests of his family and secretary
didn't help. His secretary helped him climb the formidable
three flights of stairs to the athlete's home, and then he
spoke with the man at length on the importance of having a
clean environment at home and about the deleterious effect of
a TV. Rav Nissim left only after procuring the man's promise
to throw out his TV.
His brother-in-law, Rav Nisan Cohen, once noticed that every
few days Rav Nissim changed his kippa. He didn't
understand why until he saw him influencing a Jew to become
religious, and then giving him his own kippa to wear.
Rav Nissim knew that the Jew would feel honored to wear the
rav's kippa, and it would help solidify his
Although his acts of kindness encompassed every form of
gemilus chesed, he excelled in all the facets of
hachnosas kallah -- making shidduchim, finding
funds to wed poor couples, and making the wedding itself a
supremely joyous event. His devotion to helping found Jewish
homes led him to conclude a shidduch for his own son
just days before he passed away.
It is hard to say which facet of Rav Nissim was more
prominent: his honesty, his fearlessness at saying what had
to be said, his industry at accomplishing everything he set
out to do, his alacrity, or his special charisma. His
personality was a formidable combination that drew everyone
towards him and changed so many lives.
His Name was Meaningful
Rav Nissim was also famous for effecting numerous yeshuos.
Stories abound of cures he effected despite the dire
predictions of doctors.
In one case, the wife of one of the avreichim in his
kollel phoned the rav to relate that her mother in
France was in critical condition and the doctors were giving
her no more than a few days to live. The woman wanted to know
if the doctors could disconnect her mother from life- support
machines so the family could sit shiva and still have
enough time to prepare for the upcoming holiday of Pesach.
Rav Nissim told the woman that this was forbidden and, to her
surprise, he added that her mother would be home with her for
the Seder night.
A few days later the woman phoned and asked her question
again. Rav Nissim reassured her, "Your mother will be home
with you for the Seder night!"
The mother's health continued to deteriorate but Rav Nissim
was unperturbed.
Then the mother made a sudden recovery, and the astonished
daughter and son-in-law were able to bring her home for
Pesach, exactly as Rav Nissim had predicted. The sick woman
explained, "Don't think the doctors weren't right! My soul
went up to heaven, but they told me that they can't take me
because of a rav in Jerusalem who won't let them . . . and
they returned my soul to my body."
One time a woman came to his office. She kept mitzvos but
didn't cover her hair. She was married 13 years and hadn't
been blessed with children. She was in despair.
When she explained what she wanted, Rav Nissim told her, "Are
you willing to make a deal?"
"Not in mitzvos!" she exclaimed.
"Why not?" Rav Nissim queried her.
"I'm religious enough," she said stubbornly.
"You're asking from Hashem a child -- can't He ask something
from you?" Rav Nissim chided her, and then he said, "He wants
you to cover your hair."
But the lady was skeptical. "After all the medical tests they
said I have no chance. Are you sure I can have children?"
Rav Nissim assured her, "You're doing something hard for
Hashem -- I'll ask Hashem to do something hard for you -- to
give you a child." But she was still skeptical. Finally Rav
Nissim told her, "You know what? Don't cover your hair now.
On the day you hear you're pregnant, promise you'll cover
your hair." The woman signed.
Then she thought a minute and asked him, "How long do I have
to wait?" Rav Nissim told her a month.
She answered, "OK! This deal is good for a month!"
Within the month she phoned him to tell him the good news.
This may sound like an amazing story, but it was just one of
hundreds of such stories. There are hundreds of children
alive today as a result of his blessings.
It was impossible to believe that a man as active as Reb
Nissim was not well for many years. When he was still a young
man he began suffering from heart problems.
Two years ago he discovered he was afflicted with a mortal
illness. He spent many months undergoing painful treatments
both in Israel and abroad, accepting it all with love. He
said he yearned to remain alive so he could complete the
nation's return to Judaism in which he had played so
prominent a role. The only complaint that people heard from
his lips was that since he was a child, he had never felt
such hester ponim as he did now. He suffered more from
this hester ponim than he did from the disease.
Two months before his death, a prominent rosh yeshiva
came to visit him. Reb Nissim sighed and asked him,
"Isn't there anyone today like the Chazon Ish who can pull me
out of this disease?"
The rosh yeshiva, surprised at the strange request,
told him, "No, there is no one today who can do such
Reb Nissim commented with a sigh, "I myself pulled several
people out of their disease when they had accepted upon
themselves to do tshuva."
"Truly?" the rosh yeshiva asked him in amazement. "I know of
a 5 year old child in a hospital who is in a coma right
Rav Nissim responded, "Today he will open his eyes at 5
The astonished rav phoned the family that afternoon to
report, "The child opened his eyes at 5!"
Forty days before his death, Reb Nissim's demeanor changed
radically. He no longer spoke of the hester ponim that
afflicted him and instead spoke about being a sacrifice for
Klal Yisroel. His family didn't know what to make of
During the difficult last weeks, when his body was paralyzed,
he was meticulous that his hands be washed when he woke up,
since he was aware that he was frequently saying
The Thursday before he passed away, he was slipping in and
out of consciousness. Ever so often he opened his eyes and it
was clear that he was seeing beyond the space in front of
him. He told his son during one such moment, "How much a
person must be careful not to hurt another!" He repeated it
again and then closed his eyes.
That night his son became engaged, a happy occasion which Rav
Nissim had urged. Although he couldn't attend the event, he
gave it his blessing. The family celebrated the engagement
party together that Shabbos, leaving only a son-in-law with
Rav Nissim. The doctors had informed them that he still had a
few days to live.
But that Shabbos he took a sudden turn for the worse. From
four in the morning, his body began to lose its vital
functions. The non-Jewish doctor who was attending him
offered to travel out to his family to let them know of
developments, but Rav Nissim forbade him to do so because he
didn't want to cause them anguish on Shabbos.
The last words he told his son-in-law were, "Those who bring
the public to righteousness are like stars forever." Then at
11:00 a.m., his eyes closed forever while those gathered
around his bed recited Shema. They held their emotions
until the end of Shabbos, when the family gathered together
and their weeping and sobs filled the hospital ward. He had
passed away on Shabbos, 14 Sivan, at the age of 59.
The large levaya was held on Sunday noon near his
kollel on Yosef ben Matityahu street, attended by many
During the shiva, one of his close talmidim
revealed an awesome event which had transpired 40 days
before Rav Nissim's death.
Rav Nissim had called aside this talmid and told him
that he wanted to tell him something which he couldn't
confide to the family, lest they become sick with worry. Reb
Nissim had been told by heaven that he could choose: he could
recover and continuing bringing Jews back to tshuva as
he had done till now -- but a million Jews would die; or he
would die now and save a million Jews. For one who loved his
fellow Jews as intensely as Rav Nissim, the answer was
obvious. He chose to give up his life and save the lives of
He departed from his talmid, "Don't worry, just as I
worried for you here, I'll worry even more for you from
When they heard the talmid's words, the family understood the
meaning of Rav Nissim's mysterious words, and the acceptance
and peace which had wreathed his last weeks.
The family is also preparing to publish Rav Nissim's
chiddushim in Chumash, Mishlei, Tehillim and
Iyov and a biography. Anyone who has material to
contribute is invited to send it to: Kehilas Yaakov Yeshiva,
POB 5640, Jerusalem, or Telefax: 972-7-5383715.
Rav Nissim left behind him a kollel for excellent
Torah scholars, 400 cassettes of his speeches, a large
selection of literary poems and songs of love of Hashem, and
extensive mussar writings. His lips are still moving
in his grave.
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