Following the success of France's Torah Days for the
country's Jewish community, Israel will host a similar event
for French speakers for the first time.
Torah Day, scheduled for Tuesday the 8th of Tammuz, will be
held in Jerusalem's International Convention Center (Binyonei
Many organizations will participate in the event, and a
special edition of the French chareidi journal
Kuntrass, will be issued for the event. Stalls
presenting various religious themes will display their wares
at the event. Thousands of Israel's French-speaking community
are expected to attend.
Torah Day will also be honored by the presence of HaRav Yosef
Sitruk, Chief Rabbi of France. HaRav Sitruk developed the
original event in France. The Jerusalem event is being
organized by HaRav Yaakov Sitruk, head of a kollel in
France and son of the French Chief Rabbi.
According to HaRav Yaakov Sitruk, Israeli reality requires a
coming together of the French-speaking community. "It is a
pity that the general French-speaking community in Israel has
no ongoing connection with other Torah centers," he said.
"Most of this sector is either religious or chareidi.
However, unlike in France where most of the Jewish community
occasionally attends synagogue and religious events, non-
religious French speakers in Israel have no link with