The new branch of the Department for Land-Related Laws of the
Jerusalem Rabbinate was recently dedicated. Mezuzas
were affixed in the presence of Department rabbonim,
mashgichim, and inspectors.
With the expansion of the Department and its auditorium as
part of the extensive preparations for shmitta year
5761, the head of the department, HaRav Yosef Efrati will
deliver a series of bimonthly shiurim in the laws of
shmitta to the many kashrus mashgichim in
Jerusalem. In these shiurim, he will teach all laws
practical aspects of shmitta and clarify halachic
problems related to shmitta produce in the fields and
the markets.
For a number of months, Department Director Rabbi Shlomo
Shmuelevitz has been involved in intensive activity. In an
effort to formulate strict procedures and supervision
standards, he has visited many areas, contacting non-Jewish
growers, wholesalers and merchants; observing production and
growing processes and the entire marketing chain of
mehadrin produce for shmitta-observant
Alongside preparations for the shmitta year,
heads are making efforts to help all those supervising farms
and markets from all of the kashrus supervising
committees throughout the country as well as those who find
it difficult to purchase produce under supervision. In order
to enable them to know the percentages of orlah in
citrus fruit in time for the winter of 5760, they have
published a calendar with special charts and guidelines. The
calendar presents the information according to species, types
of fruits and harvesting seasons. It also describes and
identifies each fruit and its estimated percentage of
orlah produce.
Preparation of the orlah charts for citrus fruits
constitutes another aid for those involved kashrus
supervision and increases public awareness of the mitzvah to
purchase only those fruits that are free from