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IN-DEPTH FEATURES The Pshevorsker Rebbe, Reb Yaakov
Leizer zt"l --
A Year Since his Petirah In the years before the Second World War, dozens of great
dynasties flourished in Europe. Each dynasty established its
own beis
hamedrash and chassidic court to which
would flock en masse to see their Rebbe and to unload
problems and sorrows.
With the outbreak of the war, all these once famous and
glorious courts
were destroyed and the sounds of Torah and tefilla
that used
to emanate from their walls, were to be heard no more. The
few Rebbes
who survived, re-established themselves in Eretz Yisroel and
far away from the blood-soaked continent of Europe.
One solitary dynasty however, remained in Europe -- the
dynasty which was headed by Reb Yitzchok Gvirzman who was
fondly known
to all as `Reb Itzikel.'
His Task in the World
Reb Itzikel opened his beis hamedrash in
Mercatorstraat, Antwerp,
and in a short time he became a magnet for the many
downtrodden Yidden
scattered across Europe who had lost all and everything
during the
When Reb Itzikel was asked why he did not attempt to found
or other mosdos, he answered, "Everyone comes down to
world for a different purpose. Some tzaddikim are sent
to improve
the ruchniyus, others are sent for gashmiyus.
My job
is to see to gashmiyus."
Reb Itzikel remained true to his word and due to his advice
and his
brochos, many people were helped to set up new homes
and to
marry off their children in a befitting way. Many are the
told of the miracles that people witnessed as a direct result
of the
Rebbe's brochos.
On Yom Kippur 5636 (1976), when Reb Itzikel was in his 95th
his holy neshomo ascended to the Yeshiva Shel
Reb Itzikel left behind no sons, and his one and only son-in-
law --
Reb Yankele -- was crowned as the new Pshevorsker Rebbe.
Like his shver before him, Reb Yankele did not seek to
or to open a network of Pshevorsker mosdos. Even so,
Reb Yankele's
fame spread across Europe and later on across the globe until
he became
a legend during his own lifetime. The steady trickle of
who made their way to the Rebbe turned into a flood.
Specially chartered planes would bring hundreds of
who converged on Antwerp for every Yom Tov and occasion.
Amongst the
visitors were often those who had come seeking a
yeshua of
one type or another, and Reb Yankele did not let them down.
of stories abound about his ruach hakodesh and the
that he performed.
Reb Yankele would often relate stories of miracles wrought by
from a bygone era in order to evoke their merit. Later on he
dismiss the things he did and say that they were not his
but that of the tzaddik in the story.
It once happened that a kallah suddenly collapsed and
into a deep coma a few days before her chasunah. All
to wake the girl up were of no avail. In a panic the family
to Reb Yankele and begged him to help them. Reb Yankele
thought for
a minute and then he said, "Last night after davening
related a story about the Chortkover Rebbe, Reb Dovid Moshe
The Chortkover Rebbe told a Yid whose children all
died in
infancy that he should name his next child after a person who
is mentioned
in the haftorah of the week in which the child is
"Sometime later the man's wife gave birth to a baby girl. The
man looked in the haftorah of that particular week,
but couldn't find any mention of a woman's name. The
however, which speaks about Shimshon, does mention Shimshon's
even though it doesn't refer to her by name. The
gemora in
Bovo Basra informs us that her name was Sallfonis, and
Maharshal in his commentary writes that this name is a
to prevent the evil eye from harming a person! Needless to
say, the
girl lived to a ripe old age."
Reb Yankele turned to the family of the kallah and
said to
them, "After I related this story I suddenly wondered to
what was my reason for saying it. It is not parshas
Nosso this
week, nor is it the yahrtzeit of the Chortkover Rebbe.
It appears
that it is a message that we should add the name Sallfonis to
No sooner had the Rebbe added the new name than the
suddenly woke up and the chasunah went ahead as
Early Years
Reb Yankele was born on the 6th of Teves 5667 (1907), in the
village of Roig near Riminov in Galicia. As a child he was
by his father Reb Dovid Yitzchok, who was one of the
prominent Shiniver
chassidim of the area.
In a dedication to his parents in one of his seforim
Reb Yankele
wrote, "A person is duty bound to honor his father and
I am especially duty bound to honor my parents who served as
my teachers
as well. My mother taught me until I started to learn
and then I learnt from my father Chumash and
several hundred
blat gemora until I was 12."
Even after their petirah, Reb Yankele continued to
honor their
memory and was makpid to give tzedoko every day
After his bar mitzvah Reb Yankele joined the yeshiva
in the
town of Dukla. This yeshiva was intended only for geniuses
and among
those who learned there were Reb Yekusiel Halberstam
zt"l who
later became famed as the Klausenberger Rebbe, and Reb
Pinchos Hirshprung
zt"l who later became rov of Montreal.
The yeshiva was run by the great gaon Reb Dovid Tevli
who was one of the choshuva Chortkover
chassidim and
author of a number of classic seforim. Reb Yankele
once confessed
that by the time he left Dukla he was fluent in every Pri
in Hilchos Treifos, and indeed on his departure the
yeshiva awarded him with smicha.
His Rebbe
From Dukla Reb Yankele moved on to Yeshivas Zera Kodesh which
situated in the town of Koloshitz. That yeshiva was headed by
rov of the town, Reb Chuna Halberstam zt"l, who was a
of the Rebbes of Shinive and Tzanz. In Koloshitz Reb Yankele
his home and his Rebbe, and until the end of his life Reb
regarded the Koloshitzer Rov as his Rebbe and mentor, as Reb
wrote himself.
"In the year 5684 (1924) I was zoche to be
my master and teacher the Rebbe of all Klal Yisroel,
Reb Chuna
of Koloshitz, the grandson of the Rebbe of Shinive. I was
to benefit a little bit from his light, from his Torah,
and gemilus chassodim, all of which were on an
extremely lofty
level. I remained under his guidance until Shavuos 5699
"Those who were zoche to see his face when he learned
his talmidim or by himself, how his facial features
from bright red to a ghostly white, can understand and
what Chazal tell us that `Hashem, Klal Yisroel and the Torah
are all
one.' "
Reb Yankele's devotion to his Rebbe knew no bounds. One day
Reb Chuna
asked his faithful talmid if he had any spare money to
him to distribute to tzedaka. The only money Reb
Yankele had
at that time was the nadan that he had received at his
Without hesitation Reb Yankele withdrew the entire sum from
the bank
and presented it to his Rebbe.
Reb Chuna was rather overwhelmed by the large amount and
to Reb Yankele, "You should know that your money is safer
me than in the bank."
A short time later the bank declared bankruptcy and all those
had accounts there lost their money.
In his tzavo'oh Reb Yankele asked that no praises or
be written on his matzeiva except for the following
"He was a beloved talmid of his Rebbe, the
of Koloshitz."
First Position
Reb Yankele's years of hasmodoh paid off and in 1931
when he
was still a bochur he was appointed rov of the town
in Galicia. The previous rov of the town, Reb Ephraim
Halberstam Hy"d,
left Yashlisk to take up another position. When the
townspeople asked
Rav Halberstam with whom he was leaving them, he pointed to
Reb Yankele
and said, "You see that bochur, he already knows more
I . . ."
Reb Yankele also traveled to seek the consent of the
Sadigerer Rebbe,
Reb Mordechai Sholom Yosef Friedman zt"l, who had many
in the town. The Sadigerer Rebbe gave him his enthusiastic
and thus at the age of 24 Reb Yankele assumed his first
Although Reb Yankele was very demanding on himself and
strived to climb higher and higher, he was careful not to
demand from
others to act in a way that was not in line with their true
In one of his letters he wrote, "The gemora tells us
the Amora Mar Ukva once said that in comparison to his father
he is
like vinegar the son of wine. His father would wait 24 hours
meat and dairy products whilst Mar Ukva only waited 6
"This particular gemora is difficult to understand. If
Mar Ukva praised his father for waiting 24 hours, then why
did he
not act likewise and follow the steps of his father? From
here we
see that for a chumra to have true meaning, it must be
with the overall behavior of the person. Mar Ukva did not
feel that
he was on the same level as his father and as such, it would
been incorrect for him to mimic his father and adapt this
Throughout his life Reb Yankele ran away from
machlokes and
controversy and he would often say, "If a person sees
there is only one eitzah. Pick up the ends of your
coat and
flee as fast as you can."
He would add that in his youth in Yashlisk he saw
Yidden who
became embroiled in a machlokes and they all met a
bitter end.
In a letter Reb Yankele once wrote, "I heard in the name of
Rebbe, Reb Sholom of Belz zt"l, that it is better for
person to act falsely in order to come to emes, than
to act
truthfully and to end up with sheker. I, the lowly
one, bow
my head in front of every Yid in Klal Yisroel
and I
speak to everyone in a friendly tone although sometimes in my
I am upset with them . . . "
To those who felt unable to keep silent in the face of
attacks and
slander, he would repeat the following vort in the
name of
the Chortkover Rebbe, Reb Dovid Moshe zt"l. "The
says, Siyog lachochma shetika, keeping silent is an
aid to
chochmah. If keeping silent is only an aid to
what is the actual chochmah itself? And the Chortkover
answered: `True chochmah is when you don't take to
heart the
taunts of others and you remain immune to their baits. That
is true
Five years before the Second World War, Reb Yankele married
his lifelong
helpmate the Rebbetzin Alta Bina zt"l, the daughter of
Itzikel, the Rebbe of Pshevorsk. For the next forty years,
Reb Yankele
lived in the shadow of his great shver and rarely left
side. So subservient was he to Reb Itzikel that although Reb
was already in his seventies by the time his shver was
until then he never made his own kiddush on Friday
night or
led his own Shabbos meal, preferring always to sit at his
table and hear his kiddush.
Best in the Long Run
With the outbreak of the War in 1939, Poland was invaded by
the Germans
yimach shemom. The day after their arrival in
Pshevorsk they
burnt all the shuls in the area and started to
restrict the
Yidden with their many sadistic decrees. Reb Itzikel
and Reb
Yankele fled to the relative safety of Lemberg, which was
under the
control of Russia.
Once in Lemberg, the Polish refugees were offered Russian
by their new hosts. No one knew whether to take up the offer
or not.
Who could possibly know what lay in store for them either
way? But
most people were inclined to take up the offer and not risk
the Russians. Reb Itzikel however disagreed, and he advised
to refuse the offer.
On the 23rd of Sivan 5600 (1940) the KGB swooped down on
Lemberg and
arrested all those who had refused Russian citizenship. Those
were taken to the train station and put on trains to Siberia.
of those on board were visibly upset with Reb Itzikel. It was
to his advice that they now found themselves being exiled to
the frozen
wastes of Siberia.
Reb Itzikel consoled them and told them he had not misled
them and
he added, "Today is the 23rd of Sivan, the day Achashverosh
the letters that he had sent ordering the destruction of the
Just as the 23rd of Sivan was then a day of salvation for the
so it will be for us as well."
Reb Itzikel's words proved prophetic when the Germans entered
a short while later and brutally murdered almost the whole
population. Those who had been exiled to Siberia were the
lucky ones.
Their refusal to accept Russian citizenship also enabled them
to leave
Russia with the war's end, a privilege that wasn't granted to
who had sworn allegiance to the mother Russia.
Reb Yankele would say, concerning their exile to Siberia,
that it
was a prime example of a situation in which a person thinks
that he
is doomed whilst in reality it is an act of rachamei
To this, Reb Yankele would add the following vort. We
say in
Krias Shema, "Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem
The use of Elokim denotes middas hadin whilst
the use
of Hashem denotes mercy. This is to show us that even when we
that we are seeing an act of Elokim, we should know
that Hashem
echod, everything is in reality only mercy, and it is up
to us
to realize it!
During the war Reb Yankele lost almost his entire family. His
plus all his brothers and sisters with all their children,
were brutally
murdered. Similarly he lost all his family on his wife's side
for his parents-in-law who were miraculously saved. Reb
Yankele however,
never questioned Hashem's ways and he accepted the terrible
with love.
In a letter written many decades later, Reb Yankele wrote,
Shabbos is the yahrtzeit of my father and mother who
were murdered
by the German reshoim yimach shemom in a forest
between Yashlisk
and Dukla. In Gan Eden and also when Moshiach will come, we
will thank
Hashem with all our hearts for all the sorrows we have
endured. Even
so we still ask Hashem that He should show us kindness that
we are
also able to appreciate, and that we should see only
The Suffering in Siberia
In Siberia Reb Yankele was assigned to a forced labor camp
where he
survived on a diet of bread and raw vegetables. He refused to
the rest of the camp food for fear that it wasn't
kosher. It
was under these conditions that Reb Yankele was forced to
steal a
piece of bread to ensure his survival. Years later, he once
that this was the only time in his life that he had taken
Even in the terrible Siberian conditions, Reb Yankele did not
his avoda. Daily, he smashed a hole in the ice and
himself in the freezing waters. It once happened that whilst
he was
under the water, he couldn't find the hole again and almost
From then on he gave up this practice.
Reb Yankele also risked his life to teach Torah to those he
came in
contact with. Although he possessed no seforim, he
regular shiurim in gemora and
In Siberia he came into contact with a descendant of Reb
Yisroel Salanter.
Never one to miss an opportunity, Reb Yankele asked his
newfound acquaintance
to teach him the derech and the teachings of the
founder of
mussar movement. Although Reb Yankele viewed himself
as a Tzanzer
chossid and his whole conduct echoed the derech
of Tzanz,
this in no way prevented him from learning and treasuring the
of other gedolim.
In a letter written as an answer to someone who wanted to
know what
is way of Chassidus, Reb Yankele wrote. "I don't know
to answer a clear ruling, for not all the times and the
places are
the same. The gemora in Bovo Kama quotes Reb
that someone who wants to be a chossid should keep the
of Nezikim, so as not to cause monetary loss to
others. Rovo
however says he should be careful to keep what is written in
Ovos and to recite his brochos with
kavannah. The
Maharal and the Maharsha both explain that in order for a
person to
achieve true shleimus, he must fulfill all three
points which
encompass bein odom leMokom, bein odom lechavero and
the person's
own personal aliya which is achieved through
with kavannah and becoming close to Hashem.
"I, the young one, explained that although all these three
are needed to achieve shleimus, each amora only
one of the three. Reb Yehuda lived in Pumpedisa which was
with ganovim (as we see elsewhere in Shas),
he stressed the quality which was lacking in his town. Rovo
lived in Mechoza which was a prosperous town and there were
few robberies
there. They however were lacking in bein odom leMokom
Rosh Hashana 17a) and therefore Rovo needed to stress
the part
they lacked.
"Similarly we find different derochim concerning
and rebuke. The gaon and tzaddik Reb Yisroel
stressed mainly the mitzvos bein odom lechavero whilst
gedolim stressed the mitzvos bein odom
"We find also another machlokes concerning learning
The mekubalim held that everyone is obliged to learn
whilst other gedolim opposed them and forbade the
of kabolo and only permitted it to be learned in
After the war's end Reb Yankele took up the position of
in the town of Breslau. For close to two years he
administered to
the difficult sha'alos that had to be solved.
regarding agunos, chalitza and heter meah
rabbonim were
almost daily occurrences.
An appreciation of Reb Yankele's greatness can be gleaned
from what
he himself once answered when he was asked how many times he
had finished
Shulchan Oruch Yoreh Deah. "40 times for sure," he
admitted. "After that I didn't keep count any longer!"
From Breslau, Reb Yankele moved to Paris where his
shver was
residing and then finally they both moved to Antwerp.
With Reb Itzikel's petirah on Yom Kippur 1976, Reb
was chosen as his shver's successor. In his last weeks
his petirah, Reb Itzikel weakened greatly. He called
Reb Yankele
and instructed him, "Yankele, from now on you shall sit on my
place and take kvitlech for I no longer have
The Pshevorsker Rebbe
Even so the new appointment came as a shock to Reb Yankele,
and he
once innocently commented, "I had thought that the
would look elsewhere for an ehrlicher Yid and make him
Rebbe . . . "
Indeed even once Reb Yankele had assumed the position of
Rebbe he
refused to disregard many of his practices which he had kept
for decades.
He had a practice (one of the many such tasks) of tearing
toilet paper
in the toilets in the beis hamedrash every erev
and Yom Tov. When he noticed that the toilets needed cleaning
he didn't
hesitate to clean them either.
He was once `caught' by one of his chassidim whilst he
busy standing on a table, cleaning the beis hamedrash.
the look of surprise on the Yid's face, Reb Yankele
"Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot that I am a Rebbe . . . "
Despite his simple ways -- or perhaps due to them -- Reb
would often innocently repeat what he had been thinking, not
the impression these amazing comments left on all who heard
Once, on erev Yom Kippur Reb Yankele was asked by his
why he wasn't busy doing teshuva as befits such a day.
if one sins, does one need to do teshuva," Reb Yankele
answered. "And I never sinned."
When he was once told of a newly-married couple who had just
divorced he remarked, "I had wondered why I didn't see the
of their zeides at the chuppah. Now I
(In the Zohar it is written that the neshamos
of the
deceased come down to this world to be present at the
of their offspring.)
On another occasion when someone asked him for a
brocho for
children he sighed and said, "It's a pity you didn't come
There was a whole bag of neshamos but I already gave
them all
After a moment's thought Reb Yankele added, "There is
one neshomo left. It has a small blemish, but if you
you can have it."
Left without much choice the Yid accepted the offer.
Not long
after, his wife gave birth to a baby with a defect in its
Three times a week, Reb Yankele delivered a shiur in
his beis
hamedrash. He would spice his shiurim with
beautiful stories
from tzaddikim from bygone eras. Reb Yankele laid
great importance
to these stories and he would say, "Chazal say, `If you want
recognize the Creator of the World learn aggada,
thereby you
will know Hashem and go in His ways."
Reb Yankele would say that these words of Chazal refer not
just to
the aggada mentioned in the gemora but also to
the seforim
and the stories of tzaddikim which give us an
of Hashem and how we should serve Him. So far one volume of
stories has been printed and another two will be ready
In his humility, Reb Yankele once said that perhaps the
reason he
was saved from the war was so that he could relate his
stories which
strengthen emunah. Indeed Reb Yankele did not regard
about tzaddikim as mere incidents, but as lessons in
In his later years Reb Yankele grew increasingly weaker.
Seven years
before his petirah he fell ill and until the end of
his life
he knew only pain and suffering. Nonetheless he continued his
hakodesh and when his strength allowed, would give a
short tish
and grant his brochos to the crowds that continued to
knock on his door.
Last year, on the last Shabbos of his life his condition
deteriorated. Two days later, on the 27th of Cheshvan 5759,
he was
Zechuso yogein oleinu.
He is succeeded by his only son, HaRav Leibish Leizer
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