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Shmitta is Already Here
An Interview with Rav A. Cohen, Shmitta Director at
Shearis Yisroel
Advance planning is the byword of kashrus supervision.
For example, from the special arrangements that are necessary
for one Pesach until the next one, and during all the
intervening months, sources for raw materials must be located
and approved, production runs must be planned and prepared
for, distribution and marketing must be studied and plotted,
needs must be monitored and preferences anticipated.
This is never more apparent than during the run-up to a
shmitta year, when the complicated logistics of
supplying kosher produce to a burgeoning
shmitta observant community during the approximately
two years that the various shmitta restrictions affect
the ordinary channels of food production must be tackled and
successfully negotiated.
Ascending the stairs to the offices of Shearis Yisroel on
Bnei Brak's Rechov Chazon Ish, I felt as though I had been
propelled forwards in time. The streets outside were bustling
with preparations for Purim and, on a few balconies, the
first signs of the imminent approach of Pesach were even
noticeable. On the desk belonging to Shearis Yisroel's
manager, Rabbi Yekusiel Dershowitz however, a calendar for
5761 lay open, already packed with closely written notes,
lists, contracts and agreements for dates throughout that
year. The fax's beep announced the arrival of what was the
third request from a well-known provider of shmitta
produce for Shearis Yisroel's supervision.
Rabbi Dershowitz noted the widespread desire on the part of
the Torah public to benefit from Shearis Yisroel's high
standard of supervision, and he cited the daily calls to
their offices from avreichim inquiring about the
progress of their preparations, as evidence of this.
While Rabbi Dershowitz examined the newly arrived fax, I put
a question to Rav Cohen, "Have you learned from the
experience of previous shmitta years?"
Answer: Our first step has been to locate large, well
established suppliers, who will be able to meet the
countrywide demand for Shearis Yisroel produce. At the same
time though, we've chosen to work with several different
suppliers in order to prevent a price monopoly. This is one
of the things we learned from the last shmitta.
As with every shmitta, we made it clear to the
suppliers that the profit margins could not be as high as
during ordinary years and the truth is that they were
somewhat taken aback by this. However, we can already report
on plans to build warehouses in three central locations that
will have cheap and easy access.
Q. Will you also be reaching the areas outside the
large chareidi centers?
A. This is a critical issue for us, since Shearis
Yisroel was established in order to serve communities of
bnei Torah scattered all over Eretz Yisroel. We
undertake to supply produce to any location in the land.
Supplies for Shmitta
Q. Rav Cohen, what is your area of responsibility?
A. My job is to implement our numerous requirements
"in the field" and to ensure that our supervision is complete
and that we are in full control of what is being done, while
at the same time paying attention to public opinion. Our
public is alert to every detail of kashrus. Be'ezras
Hashem we will be setting up a special phone line for
shmitta inquiries, through which people will be able
to have their questions answered.
Q. Shmitta is synonymous with high prices for
fresh produce and much of the community will be very hard
pressed to absorb the extra expenses. What is Shearis
Yisroel's Vaad Hakashrus doing to bring prices down?
A. We explore every possibility of making things
easier for the suppliers, to avoid any mishaps chas
vesholom. At the same time, we are preparing to lower
expenses, so that the final price will be reasonable.
However, it is important to remember that in order to
maintain the highest possible standards of kashrus we
cannot lower our standards for the sake of the price, just as
we don't economize with any other mitzvah. Sometimes, it is
simply not in our hands.
One of the possibilities which we have begun to implement,
which can be made public at this time, is importing produce
from those areas of Jordan that are chutz lo'oretz
according to all opinions. Several weeks ago, Rabbi
Dershowitz and I met the chairman of the Farmer's Association
of one of Jordan's central areas. Jordanian agriculture is
very advanced and large tracts of land are cultivated. On the
other hand, our trade with Jordan is not very developed and
for their part the Jordanians are very interested in
upgrading it.
It's important to realize that Jordan is a very important
crossroads, through which produce from the entire Middle East
passes. The Vaad Hakashrus plans to send a delegation to
Jordan shortly, to examine kashrus arrangements
Our meeting with the chairman of the Farmer's association was
friendly and I recollect two interesting anecdotes. We
explained to the chairman that he would be unable to market
any tomatoes in Eretz Yisroel without a seal of
kashrus. The Arab, who was unfamiliar with the
procedures, asked in all innocence, "Does every tomato need a
When we explained why we were only interested in areas in the
interior of his country, we unthinkingly blurted out that the
east bank of the Jordan is actually Eretz Yisroel. We
immediately caught our mistake, which could have been very
costly in more ways than one. Under some pressure, we
hurriedly apologized and retracted. However, the Arab was not
taken aback.
"You're right," he told us. "It really is Eretz Yisrael. In
this area of Jordan there are villages with genuine Hebrew
names, such as Yabuka, from Ma'avar Yabok and
Arnona, from Nachal Arnon."
Q. What else is in the pipeline?
A. We are planning on holding a meeting with senior
officials in the Palestinian Authority.
Q. Do you intend to import from other countries as
A. Yes. Our suppliers are in contact with fruit
importers regarding the import of all types of fruits from
chutz lo'oretz.
Q. How are you coping with the legal difficulties
involved in importing foreign produce, as a result of
pressure from Israeli farmers to limit foreign imports?
A. We are in contact with the Ministry of Trade and
Industry over raising the import quotas. We arranged a
meeting between the fruit importers and Knesset members Rabbi
Avrohom Ravitz and Rabbi Moshe Gafni from UTJ, so that they
can determine how and what pressure to exert upon the
Ministry of Agriculture in order to get them to grant higher
import quotas for next year. We don't expect to score all
that highly in this game but everything depends on siyata
deShmaya. We are aware of the heavy pressures exerted by
the farmers of Eretz Yisroel upon the Ministry of Agriculture
to prevent import permits from being issued and, in ordinary
years, they are quite justified. And whatever the outcome,
Shearis Yisroel has no intention of letting down the Israeli
shmitta observant fruit growers. We'll be setting up
an otzar beis din for them to market their produce.
The Ministry's Preparations
In a communique to Yated Ne'eman, the Ministry of
Agriculture stated that the issue of shmitta is being
taken very seriously. The deputy director of the ministry's
planning authority, Mr. Yerachmiel Goldin, who is a
traditional Jew, is dealing with plans for the upcoming
shmitta. Goldin reports that the issue was discussed
in the aforementioned meeting between the chareidi Knesset
members and the Minister of Agriculture. He states that the
ministry has a definite order of priorities and that by
virtue of its policy of ensuring supplies of produce to all
the State's citizens, without exception, the shmitta
observant community will not be neglected.
First, Goldin says, as it did in the previous shmitta,
the ministry will support Israeli produce grown by gentiles
for shmitta observers by increasing their water
allowance, amongst other ways. If this does not yield
sufficient produce, the ministry will allow produce from Gaza
to be channeled to the shmitta observers. If there is
still a shortfall, the ministry will allow imports from
Jordan, on the basis of international treaties, again to be
earmarked for the chareidi market. Last on the list of
contingency plans is importing from other countries with
preferential tax conditions, subject to the Law of the
Protection of Natural Produce. (Israeli law does not forbid
importing, but ordinarily tax regulations make this an
expensive option.)
In addition, farmers who leave their fields fallow during
shmitta will benefit from a ministry subsidy, Goldin
says, noting that last shmitta, the ministry allocated
five million shekels for approximately one thousand farmers
who did no work on their land at all. A "modest" subsidy, as
Goldin put it, will also be paid to farmers who raise crops
on detached substrate material inside hothouses. According to
Goldin, the ministry's plans have been communicated to the
various kashrus supervisory bodies.
Yerushalayim Opts for Stringency:
Excerpts from an Interview with Rav Shlomo Shmuelevitz,
Director of the Yerushalayim Rabbinate's Department for
Mitzvos of the Land
"We operate according to the directives of HaRav Y. S.
Eliashiv," notes Rav Shmuelevitz at the outset, "through his
confidante HaRav Yosef Efrati [who serves as the department's
rav] who, whenever any query crops up, seeks his consent
before we move on. This is the guarantee that we don't
stumble, for `whoever seeks the counsel of sages . . . ' as
well as the channel for siyata deShmaya in all that we
do. After the decisions have been made, they arrive on my
desk for implementation."
Q. How are you preparing for shmitta?
A. When we began work around seven years ago, we had
four and a half shops. Although the department was founded
eight years ago, it was only during shmitta that
things gathered momentum. We decided to set up a
shmitta committee and Yerushalayim, the city with the
largest population in the country, proclaimed a
shmitta without the heter mechiroh.
Q. What are the shmitta committee's goals
today, in view of last shmitta's experiences?
A. We have set ourselves two main goals. Last
shmitta, we had a problem with kedushas shevi'is,
and gentile produce. There is a well-known difference of
opinion between the major poskim as to whether
kedushas shevi'is devolves on produce grown on land in
Eretz Yisroel that is owned by a gentile. For many years, the
Yerushalayim community conducted itself according to the
opinion of the Beis Yosef, that there is no
kedusha on gentile produce.
On the other hand, in accordance with the ruling of the
Chazon Ish, the modern chareidi settlements follow the
opinion of the Mabit, that such produce does have
kedusha, and therefore may not be marketed
The department, which followed the local custom, tried also
to accommodate the many bnei Torah who wished to
follow the Chazon Ish's opinion and displayed signs in the
stores stating the source of the produce: "From chutz
lo'oretz," or "From the southern arovoh", etc.
(HaRav Eliashiv holds that the northern arovoh may be
Eretz Yisroel and that produce should not be obtained from
there, but that the southern part is definitely outside of
the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel.)
Naturally, in order to avoid the controversy and the problems
which crop up according to the two differing opinions, we are
interested in importing most of the agricultural produce
from unambiguous chutz lo'oretz, such as the eastern
part of Jordan, or other areas on the periphery of the Middle
East, or even further away. It's hard to avoid the conclusion
that the peace agreement with the Hashemite kingdom might
only have come about to aid the observance of the mitzvah of
More on Supplies
Q. How do you deal with the lack of enthusiasm on the
part of the Ministry of Agriculture to import produce?
A. Last shmitta, the doors were slightly opened
to imports: some apples and some onions. With a little
effort, we could achieve a situation where most of the fresh
produce is imported. However, in order to do so we need
import permits from the ministry. This is the great problem
faced by all the kashrus organizations. According to a
trade agreement with Jordan, no permit is needed for up to
fifty thousand tons of imports and taxes are also not levied
on that amount. If we obtain the massive import that we plan,
it will solve the problem of kedushas shevi'is on
gentile produce in accordance with all opinions. We are
moving towards our goal, with the assistance of the chareidi
Knesset members.
In effect, the wholesaler is the importer. We certify that he
is under our supervision and the Ministry of Agriculture
grants him a license that diverts the imported produce wholly
to the population that consumes it.
Q. Rav Shmuelevitz, obtaining produce from gentile
owned land is quite a procedure . . .
A. For sure. The shmitta committee's first task
is to obtain a list of the farmers with whom the wholesaler
will be working during shmitta. Naturally, their
ownership of the land must be investigated thoroughly. Only
after it has been ascertained without a doubt that the land
is truly owned by a gentile, will the wholesaler receive our
permit to work with a particular farmer. During the harvest,
our mashgiach is present until the loading. Another
mashgiach waits in the warehouse. Although all agree
that the prohibition against sefichin does not apply
to a gentile's produce, new questions arise with which the
shmitta committee has to deal.
Q. For example?
A. For example telling a gentile to do a task that a
Jew is forbidden to do, which is a problem with
shmitta just as it is on Shabbos.
Our second objective is to improve the prices. For many
people, shmitta is associated with higher prices. We
want to lower costs, such as procedural expenses, by cutting
down on unnecessary activities and the like. We aim to reach
a large enough market to make it impossible for farmers to
bluff us over the prices and ultimately, we are striving to
attain a price level for the produce that is that same as in
an ordinary year. Who observes shmitta? The kollel
avreichim who don't have enough money for food. True,
Chazal say that Shabbos and Yom Tov expenses are separate
from the year's budget but that is something which everybody
must act upon for themselves. Where it concerns others, one
has to try and help.
Widening the Sphere of Mitzvos Hateluyos
Q. Will all the outlets that are currently under your
[department's] supervision continue to be so during
A. My guess is that they will be. Take, for example,
the chain of Co-Op stores in Yerushalayim. Last
shmitta, they carried produce that was cultivated
relying on the heter mechiroh. Negotiations are
currently underway to make the chain fully mehadrin.
There are twenty-seven branches across the city, including
those in Mevasseret Tziyon and Ma'aleh Adumim [both of which
are actually separate towns some distance away from
Yerushalayim proper, albeit within the city's urban area].
The chain's mashgiach is carrying out a virtual
revolution in kashrus and the chain of stores now has
mehadrin certification. I hope it will retain this
standing during the approaching shmitta, to the
benefit of tens of thousands of the city's inhabitants, who
are meticulous about their mitzvah observance.
Q. Rav Shmuelevitz, you mentioned Ma'aleh Adumim and
Mevasseret Tziyon. There are not too many members of the
community that is meticulous about keeping mitzvos
hateluyos bo'oretz over there, are there?
A. I must say that you've touched upon the vital
issue. Our department's task is not only to take care of the
individual consumer but to further the actual mitzvos as
well. The Chazon Ish ztvk'l, was not only concerned
with seeing that individuals kept the mitzvos of
shmitta and avoided transgressing its prohibitions. He
also saw to it that shmitta itself should not be
forgotten and that its reputation should be enhanced.
This is the gist of a letter he wrote to Reb Chaim Ozer
zt'l. "The question of shmitta has already been
settled. The Chief Rabbis have already circulated their
notices about the mechiroh . . . and they absolve
themselves with the excuse, `It can't be helped . . . ' " he
wrote sadly.
We see that there is independent value in increasing the
mitzvah's honor and broadening its influence. To this end,
under the guidance of our leaders, the Department has
undertaken to increase observance of the mitzvos hateluyos
bo'oretz, even among those who do not seek stringencies
in this area. If we are instrumental in getting people who
are not even aware of what mitzvos hateluyos bo'oretz
are, to purchase mehadrin products from the shelves of
their local stores and thus to refrain from prohibitions,
that is certainly an important and a unique goal in and of
Q. Rav Shmuelevitz, success is always measured in
relation to the level of the original aims. How will you
define success at the end of shmitta?
A. I'll answer by quoting something that HaRav Efrati
repeats time and time again, at every opportunity: "The test
of our success in shmitta depends upon how many more
Yidden we bring into the fold of those who observe
shmitta according to halocho.
Green Leaves, Clean Leaves, Kosher Leaves: A
Visit to the Hothouses at Gush Katif
What was nominally a routine visit to inspect the hothouses
at Gush Katif in the company of the rabbonim of Shearis
Yisroel, yielded firsthand experience of life alongside the
Palestinian Authority, as well as some exquisite impressions
of the way Torah scholars translate Torah study into
When I met up with Rav Cohen of Shearis Yisroel at an out-of-
the-way road junction in the south, I started experiencing
the military atmosphere that pervades the region surrounding
Gaza. A helicopter fleet flew overhead. More and more army
vehicles were visible on the roads. Suddenly, the typically
southern looking landscape was punctuated by barbed wire
fences and army outposts.
The tension peaked when we arrived at the Kissufim
crosspoint, where there are several manned army watchtowers,
a lot of barbed wire, several massive concrete roadblocks and
many soldiers on alert. The police guard who stood at the
roadblock was stopping every vehicle and inspecting the
credentials of the passengers. No chances were being taken;
even a chareidi appearance may be nothing more than that. A
few long tense moments passed as the guard examined my
identity card as no other official has ever done.
When Rav Cohen told me, "Travel here is without a seat belt,"
the fear dug in deeper. As we continued, large sign posts
loomed up, with legends only in unintelligible Arabic. They
informed us at least, that we were now inside the area of
Palestinian Authority.
The view changed somewhat. There was more habitation but all
of it Arab. Houses and tents stood around haphazardly, in no
particular order. An Arab in a long white kaffiyeh sat
by the road. Many of the yellow cabs that carry Palestinian
registration plates drove past. The arrow pointing the way to
the Arab town of Khan Yunis had been erased from the Israeli
signpost, informing Israeli drivers that they are not advised
to continue in that direction.
More outposts, watchtowers, barbed wire, armed soldiers and
army vehicles with blue lights. A Palestinian factory. Flocks
of sheep, some with a shepherd and some without. Wagons
pulled by donkeys. Every Israeli here is protected by
something -- by concrete, by a shield of wire netting against
stone throwing -- while the Arabs walk about freely.
We passed through the embryonic Palestinian State and on
leaving, stopped at one last roadblock. We were checked, but
not our I.D. cards. Then we saw the Mediterranean. A
beautiful desert scene of palms along the beach, sand dunes,
the deep blue of the sea and the bright blue of the sky that
fills most of the vista, and . . . hothouses. Multitudes of
hothouses, all covered in shining white plastic, that are a
dominant feature of the landscape, whether one likes it or
As we drew nearer, we could see that the hothouses spread out
over many, many dunams, for as far as the eye could see, and
that they were surrounded by an electrified barbed wire
fence. Here again, the Arabs go about freely without a trace
of fear or concern, while the Jews stay inside their
settlements behind fences and guarded gates.
Yet despite life's bleak outward appearance, the place is
filled with a different kind of vitality. The vast majority
of the insect-free vegetables that grace the tables of
Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak, are cultivated here. What was it
that brought the venerable HaRav Chaim Shaul Karelitz, av
beis din of Shearis Yisroel, and the elderly HaRav Yosef
Tzvi Dunner, leader of London's Union of Orthodox Hebrew
Congregations, all the way out here?
Demonstrating Controls
When we arrived at the Glatt Alim plant, on the settlement of
Netzer Chazani, the rabbonim were in the laboratory,
listening as the mashgiach explained the principles
upon which the cultivation of the produce is based.
The date had been written in black marker on an erasable
Formica board: Today is yom sheni of Shabbos
Vayakheil, the twenty second of Adar I, 5760. All along one
wall, on a raised table top, rested a wide variety of
vegetable leaves soaking in bowls of water. On another wall
was a giant map of the hothouses.
The group of visitors, comprised of HaRav Karelitz, the elder
HaRav Dunner and his son HaRav Eliezer Dunner of Bnei Brak, a
member of the Shearis beis din, HaRav Tzvi Weber, rav
of Neve Yaakov in Yerushalayim and a member of the beis
din of Shearis, Rav A. Cohen, Rav A. S., Shearis
Yisroel's expert on hothouse cultivation. Rav Mordechai
Kneppelmacher, the local Shearis Yisroel supervisor, was
standing next to a lit table top, examining the green leaf in
the mashgiach's hand. HaRav Eliezer Dunner was
translating the mashgiach's commentary into English
for his father.
A large notice hangs above the laboratory, slightly to one
side: Rejected Produce. Avner Bitan, Glatt Alim's manager,
explains to me that produce that has been declared unfit is
brought to this point, where it is removed from its plastic
wrapping and usually ends up as animal fodder.
After this inspection, the rabbonim were invited to Bitan's
office for refreshments. Amusingly, some fresh lettuce leaves
and pieces of green onion had been laid out next to the
biscuits. Throughout the visit, Bitan was tense, listening
carefully to any and every request the rabbonim made.
From here, the group continued by car to Netzer Chazani's
detached substrate hothouses that are specially designed for
shmitta. HaRav Karelitz sat down in the front seat of
the car but he appeared to be bothered by something and kept
turning around as if checking something. Then I
As soon as he saw that the elderly HaRav Dunner was to sit in
the back seat, he opened the door, jumped out of his seat and
asked that HaRav Dunner be seated there, which the latter
however, adamantly refused to do. Although HaRav Dunner was
only in Eretz Yisroel for one week, primarily to supervise
matzo baking at Yad Binyomin, his grandson, who was
chaperoning him, told me that he'd felt obliged to devote one
day to Shearis Yisroel's affairs.
At the hothouse, Rav A. S. took the mashgichim aside
and began discussing with them a series of problems. I saw
HaRav Karelitz bending down to examine the plastic sheeting
that covers the entire floor area and the elder HaRav Dunner
checking the covering inside the growing basins. The plans
for the approaching shmitta have already been examined
on previous visits and have been approved.
Growing Away from the Ground
We travel on to Moshav Gadid, to the farm which belongs to
Yossi Yemini. As we drive past more sand, palms, sea and sky,
an unusual blend of desert and beach, the rabbonim talk in
learning. Maurice, Shearis Yisroel's driver, asks whether
we'll need to say bircas hagomel upon returning to
Bnei Brak. In the distance, looming above all the hothouses
like a threatening giant, is the Arab town of Khan Yunis.
"Here and in Hevron live the greatest Jew-haters," Bitan will
remark to us on our journey back.
Avner Bitan introduces Yossi Yemini to HaRav Weber as "a top
notch agriculturist." Yemini, who takes credit for many
important developments in detached substrate cultivation -- a
planting machine is one example -- enjoys full secrecy
regarding his methods, as promised by the mashgiach.
It is very warm inside the hothouse. The detached substrate
is spread out over tables, so there ought to be no problems
with holes. HaRav Karelitz removes his coat but firmly
refuses all offers to take it from him.
With the tour of the hothouses over, the senior rabbonim,
with the exception of HaRav Weber, prepare to continue on to
Yad Binyomin. Rav A. S. has been noting down problems that
have cropped up while inspecting the hothouse together with
HaRav Weber. Rav Cohen, Rav Kneppelmacher and the
mashgichim all remain too.
A call comes through to Rav Cohen's mobile phone, something
that has been happening all the time. This time he hands the
phone to me, smiling mysteriously. It is Maurice the driver,
who is driving with the rabbonim. There is something he has
to tell me: HaRav Yosef Tzvi Dunner is very excited about the
Later on, HaRav Dunner's grandson dictates to me a Hebrew
translation of what his grandfather said. "I have been
involved in kashrus for sixty years and I have never
yet come across such an innovation in achieving maximum
avoidance of bug infestation. What a great thing it is that
such a wonderful invention, that prevents Klal Yisroel
from stumbling over this serious and frequent obstacle, has
been developed in our day. Had I not seen it myself, I
wouldn't have believed it."
And HaRav Dunner's grandson adds his own admiring
observation: ". . . the way they see everything through to
the end!"
Rav A. S. settles it with the grower that the concrete
pathway along which the carts travel, will be covered with a
substance that prevents any communication of nutrients from
the ground. Avner Bitan tells me that he has received
blessings from HaRav Karelitz twice. "I have already made my
profit," he comments. Later he explains what that profit is:
the second blessing was "that my children should grow up
steeped in Torah, and not in my occupation."
Following mincha in the laboratory, an halachic
discussion gets underway in the manager's office. This is
when the process of translating halocho into action
can actually be viewed. The Glatt Alim personnel sit and
listen carefully to Rav A. S., who is occasionally backed up
by HaRav Weber, and they note down what he says.
In summing up, Shearis Yisroel promises that written
directives will be issued to all the hothouse owners, via Rav
Kneppelmacher. At my request, HaRav Weber adds that he has
been favorably impressed by the visit. "They have come a long
way, and show that they are well-prepared," he says, while
his satisfaction shows on his face.
Keeping Insect Free on the Mann Farm: An
Interview with Farmer Chanan Mann
Reb Chanan bends down and picks several leaves from an
eggplant bush that is growing wild on his farm. Without
speaking, he takes me to his laboratory, takes a magnifying
glass out of his pocket and switches on the light that
illuminates the entire table top from underneath. "Now you'll
see what we've got," he says. He places the magnifying glass
over a cluster of black specks in the center of the leaf and
orders me: "Look!"
What I saw there, magnified, was alive, moving, not very
pleasant and present in very large numbers.
Moshav Basra, a sleepy, upper-class settlement whose most
spiritual element is actually in its fields, is situated
between Netanya and Ra'anana, in the heart of the fertile
Sharon region. The settlement's first farm, the Mann Farm,
supplies insect-free vegetables, which Chanan Mann began
cultivating ten years ago, combining the most advanced
agricultural procedures with guidance from the bastion of
agriculture according to halocho, HaRav Yosef Efrati,
of the Beis Hamedrash for Agricultural Settlement According
to Halocho.
"You don't need to be a genius in order to grow insect-free
vegetables," Chanan tells me, "just to acquire some knowledge
of vegetable growing techniques." Without going into great
detail, the basic policy is to prevent virtually every kind
of insect from entering the hothouse by using a very fine
mesh fabric for the side walls. Each hothouse has two doors,
only one of which is ever opened at a time. It is tantamount
to cultivation under sterile laboratory conditions.
"If there is a problem as a result of insects getting in on
the clothing of a worker, or through a hole in the plastic
mesh, we spray," Chanan says. Special stickers in white,
yellow and blue, are displayed inside the hothouse. These are
colors which attract any insects that may have infiltrated
despite all the precautions.
Reb Chanan's family live in Bnei Brak. Before he started with
vegetables, Chanan raised geese on the farm. The automatic
feeding machine was operated by a Shabbos clock and the eggs
laid on Shabbos were of course not collected that day. On
Shabbos the farm's gate is closed and the Thai workers who
live there today know that any problems in the irrigation or
fertilizing systems that crop up on Shabbos, will have to
wait until nightfall, even if it means that an entire twenty-
four hour period will elapse.
Without going into all the technicalities, Chanan gives me an
idea of the dimensions of the problem by telling me that a
single louse lays six thousand eggs a year. "We work keeping
our finger on the pulse," he says.
One might have expected that given the staggering number of
Torah prohibitions that can be involved in consuming a single
infested vegetable (four, five, or six per individual insect,
and one vegetable can be home to many hundreds), every
observant Jew would have switched to buying the specially
grown produce as soon as it was introduced. But this is by no
means the case.
Chanan tells me that he once "caught" a neighbor with a
cauliflower that made no pretensions to being insect free.
Chanan wanted to prove to his neighbor that his purchase was
definitely not what he thought it was. He removed one of the
leaves and banged it several times onto a piece of paper. The
paper filled up with insects.
However, Chanan's neighbor remained adamant. "My grandmother
checked vegetable leaves, my mother checked vegetable leaves
and I'll also check vegetable leaves," he insisted. Chanan
however, refers to this as an ostrich attitude and says that
people inexplicably ignore the prohibitions against eating
insects. It is scandalous that in chareidi-populated areas,
vegetables that are not insect-free can still be found on
sale today.
Chanan takes out a list of vegetables that, under ordinary
conditions, never escape infestation. The list includes green
onions, broccoli, cauliflower and sweet corn. Even though the
climate in chutz lo'oretz is less favorable to
infestations, it is still virtually impossible for these
items to be completely clean.
The Rav's Directives
The Mann Farm operates under the supervision of HaRav Moshe
Vaye, who is known as an expert in preventing and removing
insect infestation and who pays the farm a fortnightly visit.
Although the plastic wrappers in which the produce is sold
mention that it should be rinsed in water, HaRav Vaye
recommends that to make quite sure, the vegetables should be
soaked in either plain or soapy water.
Many irreligious Jews also prefer buying the insect-free
produce, either because they are repelled by the thought of
consuming insects or simply because it is universally agreed
that strictly kosher food is of higher-than-average
One day, a nonobservant lady called Chanan up and told him
that she'd bought something grown on his farm and that it had
been terribly infested. Aghast, Chanan asked her to describe
the insects to him. It transpired that she was looking at
nothing worse than particles of the earth in which the
vegetable had grown.
All the various systems on the Mann farm, such as the
irrigation, fertilization and spraying systems, are
computerized. When the need arises, insecticides are sprayed
from large overhead fans. Chanan stresses that they try to
avoid spraying as much as possible and that it usually
doesn't have to be done very often. The sterile growing
conditions are maintained until the marketing stage.
Shmitta is Close
Preparations for the upcoming shmitta year are
underway at the Mann Farm as well, based upon HaRav
Eliashiv's directives, as conveyed by HaRav Efrati. The
principle involved is a simple one, which was agreed to by
HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt'l, and ylct'a,
HaRav Eliashiv and HaRav Wosner.
The produce is grown on what amounts to an unholed plant pot
(otzitz she'eino nokuv). In order to employ this
heter, the poskim insist upon five basic
conditions being met: first, that there are no holes in the
surface upon which the produce is being grown; second, that
the cultivation takes place inside a building, which in this
case is a hothouse. The other three conditions involve
gentiles: both the vessel inside which the produce grows, and
the substrate upon which it rests, must belong to a gentile
and finally, that all procedures involving agricultural work
that is forbidden during shmitta by Torah law, be
carried out by gentiles.
An additional requirement is that there be a double layer of
plastic separating the plant pots from the ground. "Here,"
Chanan tells me, "there are three layers anyway, for a
technical reason, so there is no problem at all." During
shmitta, one third of the Mann Farm's hothouses will
be shifted to their shmitta mode.
We sat in the laboratory, which is the room used by the
mashgiach. Chanan explains what the mashgiach's
job is. "First," he says, "we sort the vegetables long before
the mashgiach arrives. Even the gentile workers know
that infested vegetables are discarded. The
mashgiach's first task is to take samples from every
corner of the hothouse. He then checks them on the
illuminated table, using a special magnifying glass. Any
queries that arise are sent on to Yerushalayim, to HaRav
Efrati's beis hamedrash. A negative answer can mean
throwing away an entire batch, and Chanan says, "It happens
every week."
All of the Arab and Thai workers who are employed on the Mann
Farm know the halachic guidelines of the work they are
engaged in and they observe them just as the farm's owner
does. The foreign workers know that every new batch of
produce coming from the hothouses needs to be hung with a
special red sign that declares it not tithed, until the
mashgiach arrives and removes it.
When one of the Thai workers came inside during our
conversation, Chanan, surprisingly, spoke to him in fluent
Thai. Thirty years ago, he explained, he moved with his
family to Thailand, where his father was hired by the king to
establish a farm. It took Chanan two-and-a-half years to
master the language and his knowledge helps him today in his
dealings with his workers. For their part, the Thai workers
return to the Mann Farm year after year, because of the
treatment that they can only hope to receive from a Torah
observant employer.
The Mann Farm owns one hundred and thirty hothouses spread
across the fields of Basra. Leafy vegetables and tens of
different kinds herbs form the bulk of their yield.
In a brief visit that we paid to one of the hothouses, I was
able to see how it was being converted for shmitta
use. In one of the hothouses, I suddenly came across a
solitary willow tree. With a smile, Chanan explained that it
is a very special kind of willow, which he grows for his own
use on Succos!
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