On the 27h of Iyar, masses of Jews came to the grave of
Shmuel Hanovi on his yahrtzeit. They filled the
structure in which the grave is located as well as the nearby
area in the Arab village of Nebi Samuel, site of the ancient
city of Rama where Shmuel Hanovi was born.
The huge throngs reached the grave at the outskirts of the
Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot by bus and car as well as by
walking. Throughout the entire night, the throngs entreated
Hashem for both private and communal yeshuos.
Many people recited a special order of prayers to be recited
at Shmuel Hanovi's grave. The order includes Chana's prayer
and chapter 99 of Tehillim as well as the Yom
Kippur Koton prayers and the Ovos al bonim prayer
of the Shlo Hakodosh.
Due to the vast size of the crowds arriving this year, the
IDF and the Civil Administration tightened their surveillance
of roads leading to the grave and at the grave itself.
The traditional torch lighting -- which according to Rabbenu
Ovadia of Bartenura prevailed 500 years ago and was
reinstated ten years ago by the Vaad Gedolei Torah lemaan
Tziyunei Shmuel Hanovi veChana Hanevia -- was held this year
on the night of the 28th of Iyar, after ma'ariv.
HaRav Dovid Shlomo Klein, the rav of Kiryat Ungvar in Ramot
and HaRav Yeruchom Fishel Adler, founder of the committee,
were honored with kindling the torches.