Hundreds of kollel students and bnei yeshiva were
recently tested on their studies by the well known
organization, Veshinantem. The goal of this international
organization is the inculcation of an awareness of the need
for review and repetition of one's Torah studies.
In the exams conducted between 26 and 28 Nisan, each
participant was tested on the gemora he is studying,
each according to his level. Younger students were tested for
the first time on one hundred pages of gemora and
Tosafos. Veteran participants who have amassed
hundreds of pages of gemora upon which they had been
tested in the past, were tested upon them once again in
addition to new pages they had studied in the recent
zman. Among them were the "omlei haTorah" who
were tested on over 1000 pages of gemora with
Tosafos: and some on up to 1650 pages of
gemora, Rashi and Tosafos.
The number of participants has increased with each bi-annual
cycle. "The efforts of the students during the recent winter
zman and their review throughout bein hazmanim -
- a period intended for review and memorization -- are now
evident," say the heads of Veshinantem.
The tests took place on in the Peer hall (Beis Yaakov
Hayoshon) and in the organization offices on 9 Berdichev
Street in Jerusalem's Beis Yisroel neighborhood.