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Introduction: A Unique Figure
He was a gaon and a tzaddik, acclaimed by his
mentors as an outstanding talmid chochom. From his
childhood home in Switzerland, he travelled eastwards to
learn Torah. He grew close to the giants of the prewar Torah
world and remained the friend and confidante of their
spiritual heirs throughout his life. He was always the first
to act on behalf of any holy cause, sparing neither effort
nor expense. He left behind a record of seventy years of
communal work, of rescue, relief and Torah support. Despite
his own greatness and his multifaceted achievements, he
always assumed the role of talmid. A truly unique
personality, he possessed a blend of qualities that is
virtually unequaled.
It is extremely difficult to appraise the life of a great Jew
from the last generation, if only because of the sharp
descent that has taken place between it and our own, which
removes our frame of reference for correctly grasping the
nature of the times and the greatness of the men who peopled
them. In this case, the task is made even harder by our
subject's having been the close disciple and confidante of
some of our nation's leaders, from whom he received
instruction and guidance that stemmed from even earlier Torah
giants. Added to this is the task of trying to appreciate a
man who was extraordinary in his own right, whose excellence
encompassed far more areas of endeavor than that of most
other people, as the following brief glimpses of Rav Wolff's
multifaceted character demonstrate.
Fifty years ago, the Chazon Ish zt'l, remarked that,
"Switzerland consists of two people: HaRav Moshe Soloveitchik
and HaRav Ze'eiv Rosengarten" (reported by HaRav Chaim
Greineman). The Brisker Rov zt'l, commented, "I didn't
find a lamdan like Reb Wolff anywhere else in Europe!"
(quoted in the name of HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik). It was
perhaps HaRav Yechezkel Sarna zt'l, though, whose
description was closest when he said, "Reb Wolff is the most
distinguished ba'al habayis in Europe!"
On the one hand, Reb Wolff indeed conducted himself like a
businessman and a ba'al habayis but on the other, he
also learned Torah with tremendous application and was a
great yirei Shomayim. When he prayed or made a
brocho, each word was uttered in fear and dread. A
grandson who heard him praying shema koleinu on one of
the last days recalled how he wept profusely, so that he
might merit being `an ehrlicher yid.' Reb Wolff was
widely renowned as both a pillar of Torah and a pillar of
This account therefore does not attempt to evaluate. His life
is the story of the fullest realization of the ideals which
he imbibed during his formative years from his great
teachers. The best perspective we can hope to gain will be
from a review of those early years, which are rich in
historical anecdote and which chart the development of an
ever growing closeness to the great men who handed Torah
across the gulf that separates a spiritual world of breadth
and depth that is no more, from our own impoverished one.
A Jew once consulted HaRav Shach over a favor that he had
been asked to do for a grandson of Reb Wolff's, which
involved him in a certain difficulty. HaRav Shach's response
to the man's question was, "All of Klal Yisroel is
indebted to Reb Wolff. Are you a part of Klal Yisroel?
If so, you are obliged to do it!"
Raised for Torah
HaRav Ze'eiv Rosengarten was born in Teves 5674 (1914). His
father, Rav Chaim Yitzchok Ozer zt"l, was one of the
founders of Kehillas Agudas Achim in Zurich. It was he who
brought HaRav Yaakov Breisch zt'l, author of Shu"T
Chelkas Yaakov to serve as the community's rav.
Reb Yitzchok was one of the senior and distinguished
followers of the Admor Rav Boruch of Gorlitz zt'l, a
son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz zt'l. Reb Wolff
would relate that his father once fell mortally ill and was
close to dying R'l. While he was ill, the Rebbe of
Gorlitz appeared to him in a dream and asked him to undertake
to eat the melave malka meal every single week, as
mentioned in Shulchan Oruch. Reb Yitzchok did as his
rebbe asked and he recovered. This incident always
remained a puzzle to him because the Rebbe of Gorlitz, like
his father the Divrei Chaim, had not been scrupulous
about eating melave malka for a number of reasons.
At a young age, Wolff entered the yeshiva of Montreux. It was
there that he made his first acquaintance with HaRav Chaim
Ozer Grodzensky zt'l, who was taking a few weeks' rest
in the town after attending the Knessia Gedola in Vienna.
One day, Reb Chaim Ozer tested the young bochur on the
gemora he was then learning, in Bovo Basra. One
of the questions involved bringing a proof from a
gemora in Kiddushin, with whose discussion
young Wolff wasn't very well acquainted. Reb Chaim Ozer
recited the entire page from memory, and commented afterwards
that, "Many tens of years have passed since I saw that
After the test, Reb Chaim Ozer gave Wolff a copy of his
sefer Achiezer as a gift, inscribing it, "To the dear
. . . multi-talented . . . Ze'eiv Rosengarten."
Reb Chaim Ozer stayed in Montreux over the Yomim
Noraim. Reb Wolff related, "Once, when he needed to go
out of the yeshiva's hall during the tefillah, he
refused to go back in and asked them to bring him a chair. He
sat down for some time at the entrance to the hall. It later
transpired that he hadn't wanted to return to his place at
the mizrach because he didn't want all the
bochurim to have to rise in his honor as he came in
and went to his seat. Only when a moment arrived when all the
mispalelim had to stand up anyway, did he go back to
his own place."
On one of the Rosh Hashanah afternoons, a group of the
bochurim went over to his lodgings to hear some words
of inspiration for yom hadin. Upon hearing their
request, Reb Chaim Ozer began to relate stories about
gedolei Yisroel. He continued for a long time,
spending two hours telling them about the holy Chofetz Chaim
zt'l, who was then still alive.
Reb Wolff also recalled the occasion when he gave Reb Chaim
Ozer "semichoh." It happened one day as Reb Chaim
Ozer, who was very weak, was coming down from the yeshiva and
he turned to Wolff, who was standing at his side and asked
him to "give him semichoh"!
Into Exile for Torah
In approximately 5690 (1930), Reb Wolff left Switzerland to
travel eastwards, to the yeshivos of Lithuania. Throughout
his life, he would relate with excitement and emotion how his
mother accompanied him for half the journey. When she parted
from him she said, "My dear Wolff, you should know that this
separation from you is very difficult for us and that it will
be very difficult for us without you. However, if you grow,
and see success in Torah and yiroh, it is all
Reb Wolff used to say that his mother's message remained with
him throughout his yeshiva years.
His first place of study was Yeshiva Ponevezh, which was
headed by HaRav Osher Kalman Baron zt'l, a brother-in-
law of the Ponevezher Rov zt'l. Interestingly, one of
the last things Rav Wolff said before his petirah was
a thought he had heard from HaRav Osher Kalman, which he
repeated to his nephew. When Moshe Rabbenu was told that he
would die "like . . . Aharon your brother" (Bamidbor
27:13), Rashi, quoting Chazal, says that we see from here
that Moshe desired to die in the same way that Aharon did.
HaRav Osher Kalman explained that while dying is usually
thought of as a passive event, after witnessing his brother's
death Moshe Rabbenu saw that a person can also actively
participate at that time in fulfilling Hashem's will. This
active role in the fulfillment of Hashem's will was what
Moshe desired to emulate in his own death.
Another of HaRav Osher Kalman's ideas that Rav Wolff would
often repeat was based on a Rashi in Vayeiro (Bereishis
18:5). Avrohom Ovinu told the mal'ochim, "And I
will take a loaf of bread and you shall satisfy your hearts,"
on which Rashi comments, "In Torah, nevi'im and
kesuvim, we find bread referred to as a meal for the
heart." Rav Osher Kalman asked why it is necessary to bring
proofs from pesukim to something which everyone can
see is any case? He would answer that in truth, reality is
not what we see with our eyes, but only what is written in
Torah, nevi'im and kesuvim.
Sojourn in Telz
After a time, Wolff transferred to the great yeshiva of Telz.
The Ponevezher Rov had not wanted him to leave Ponevezh and
Reb Wolff had to wait for one of the Rov's trips away from
the town for an opportunity to leave. Upon arriving in Telz,
it then transpired that he could not be accepted into the
yeshiva without a letter of recommendation from his previous
place of learning. Wolff did not give up. He travelled to one
of the nearby towns and asked the local rov to give him a
When the time came for him to be tested by the roshei
yeshiva, he was given the choice of sugya that he
would be examined on. (He chose the difficult topic of
pesach posu'ach in Kesuvos.) The test was
conducted in the presence of all the members of the yeshiva's
hanholo, sitting in a semicircle, which he found
terrifying and intimidating.
After successfully answering the questions that were put to
him, Wolff wanted to add a novel idea of his own on the topic
but he was told that it had been enough. The members of the
hanholo then discussed together in great seriousness
(Reb Wolff said it was as though they were members of the
Sanhedrin deliberating on a matter of capital
punishment) which of the yeshiva's levels he was suited
Reb Wolff related that when he arrived in Telz, he heard how
the tzaddik Reb Mordechai Pogramansky zt'l, had
arrived in the yeshiva when he was fourteen years old, and
within a year, had been promoted to the highest level and
earned himself a name as the best bochur in the
yeshiva. Subsequently, whenever a bochur wanted to
jump to a higher level than he was by age entitled to be in,
Reb Chaim Rabinovitch (Telzer) zt'l, would remark,
"Alle meinen zennen Mottels! (Everyone thinks he's a
To a chosson who had become engaged to a granddaughter
of Reb Wolff, HaRav Mordechai Gifter, who also learned in
Telz at the time, wrote, describing the kalloh's
grandfather as "the friend and colleague of my youth, one of
the group of exceptional [scholars] to which our holy master
and teacher zt'l, admitted me."
All his life, Reb Wolff spoke longingly and lovingly about
the period he spent in Telz. He particularly noted the fire
of the learning in the yeshiva, and how bochurim would
be seen walking in the streets of Telz, talking in learning.
He would relate how, when a bochur posed a strong
kushyo, the entire yeshiva would be in an uproar over
it (and he mentioned that on several occasions, he too
provoked an uproar with questions he asked). During the
Telzer Rov's shiurim, the commotion was so great that
the whole town could hear that there was a shiur.
It was the custom in Telz that every bochur would
periodically go in to speak in learning with the rosh
yeshiva HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok Bloch zt'l, Hy'd.
Reb Wolff would recall how Reb Avrohom Yitzchok would build
up the bochurim in the course of those meetings. If a
bochur asked an incomplete kushyo, Reb Avrohom
Yitzchok would develop it, and say, "Perhaps you intended to
put it this way, and if so perhaps one could answer like this
. . . " and would start to allude to some way of approaching
the matter. It went on like this throughout the discussion,
and the bochur would leave with the feeling that he'd
delivered a comprehensive treatment of the subject on his
One Simchas Torah, Reb Wolff danced with an enthusiasm that
went beyond what was customary in Telz, where the conduct was
always very restrained. The Telzer Rov called him and asked
him if he could explain why it was that we are joyful on
Simchas Torah? Reb Wolff responded that out of all the
thousands of millions of people in the world, only several
million were Jews. Out of them, only several hundreds of
thousands observed Torah and mitzvos, and of them, only a
part were truly G-d-fearing. Out of them, there were only a
few thousand bnei yeshiva . . . "and," he concluded,
"I am fortunate to be one of them! Should I not rejoice over
The Telzer Rov repeated this answer again and again,
throughout that Simchas Torah, praising the bochur who
had uttered it, by name.
Rav Avrohom Yitzchok also invited him to eat at his table on
the seder night and during Pesach. However, because it
was the custom in his father's home not to eat
gebrokts, Wolff did not want to accept the invitation.
Towards the end of his life, he said that he regretted having
done so. However, when asked if that meant that if asked now
he would accept, he replied in the negative.
When recalling those days, Reb Wolff would note the great
honor that ordinary Jews bestowed upon Torah scholars. For
example, in Telz during bein hazmanim when
bochurim would pray in the town's beis
hamedrash, the other mispalelim would wait for
them to finish their tefillah - [Telz was probably on
a far higher level in this respect than most other
communities.] On the other hand, he would also note with
great pain, the terrible decline in the standards of the
irreligious groups and would recall the shock that he had
while learning in Ponevezh, when, returning to his lodgings
after the tefillah on Yom Kippur night, he saw,
outside, the Shomer Hatzair club that stood
A Long Lasting Friendship
Reb Wolff himself related, "My arrival in Telz Yeshiva
coincided exactly with a certain controversy in the yeshiva.
This naturally aroused the interest of the bochurim,
who would gather in groups to discuss everything that was
Once, I also listened in to what they were discussing and
tried to catch what they were saying about the situation in
the yeshiva etc. etc. Suddenly, I felt a light tap on my
shoulder and when I turned my head, I saw a short man with a
luminous face, motioning to me with his finger to come over
to him. When I approached him, he asked me where I was from
and when I told him I was from Switzerland, he asked me how I
had reached the yeshiva. I did not understand what he was
driving at, but I gave him a detailed reply, reviewing the
progress of my journey by train from Switzerland to Germany,
including how many kilometers I had travelled and how many
hours it had taken, and then from Germany on to Lithuania,
while he kept asking about distances and travelling time.
When I had finished, he looked at me with his piercing eyes
and asked me, "Was it worth all that great bother just to
hear this nonsense?"
"Later, I found out that the speaker had been HaRav Mordechai
Pogramansky zt'l. Those words of his penetrated deep
into my heart and they still echo in my ears. Was this what I
had come from Switzerland for?
From then on, I became bound to him with bonds of love, from
the days in the Telz Yeshiva where I spent much time learning
and talking with him in learning, to the end of his life,
when he was suffering from his final illness and I brought
him from the hospital in Paris where he had been to our home
in Zurich and on to a hospital in Switzerland.
Reb Wolff was a frequent visitor at Reb Mordechai's lodgings,
where they would talk in learning. In later years, Reb Wolff
would describe the tremendous yiras Shomayim and
scrupulous devotion to every detail of halocho, which
flickered within Reb Mordechai.
For example, he would keep his bread in a metal bowl that
floated in a container of water, to prevent any bugs from
finding their way to it. He wore a suit made from cotton to
avoid any doubt of shatnez. In the house where he
lodged he had erected a cardboard partition around his own
quarters, lest the mistress of the house pass by with some of
her hair uncovered.
Reb Wolff would repeat Reb Mordechai's elucidation of an
obscure medrash in parshas Vayeitzei which, on
the posuk (Bereishis 28:11), "for the sun had set,"
says, "from here we see that Yaakov observed Shabbos."
Reb Mordechai explained that since Shabbos is the foundation
of the entire creation, it is not possible that the natural
order would be changed for someone who did not keep
When Reb Mordechai grew ill towards the end of his life, Reb
Wolff merited caring for him and bringing him for treatment
to Switzerland. Reb Mordechai would not allow a nurse to tend
him and Reb Wolff himself would change his bed linens and
take care of his needs.
During this period, Reb Mordechai would say that he was now
paying dearly for the miracles that he had experienced while
he was in the Kovno ghetto. For example, he related that when
the Germans ym'sh had once set fire to the ghetto
houses, he had told those with him to stay close to him and
the entire house burned except for the corner where he
Under Reb Boruch Ber
After several years in Telz, Reb Wolff moved to Kamenitz
Yeshiva, which was led by HaRav Boruch Ber Leibovitz
zt'l. Reb Wolff used to say that if one wanted to
witness enjoyment in learning Torah, one had to see how Reb
Boruch Ber learned, his face shining from joy over Torah. He
would also speak about Reb Boruch Ber's great piety and
Reb Wolff would relate that the route from Reb Boruch Ber's
home to the yeshiva passed by the house of a priest, at the
front of which a cross was displayed. Reb Boruch Ber would
avoid going that way, instead taking a more roundabout path
so as not to pass by the house.
One day, the priest was seen demolishing the cross. By way of
response to the amazement of the local gentiles who saw him,
the priest explained that he had noticed that the holy rabbi
did not want to walk by his house and he assumed it was
because of the cross, so he was removing it!
Once, when he saw bochurim looking into seforim
during the repetition of the Shemonah Esrei, Reb
Boruch Ber commented, "Certainly, how can one go without
learning? Yet how is it possible not to listen when the
sheliach tsibur stands in prayer before Hakodosh
boruch Hu?"
Reb Wolff's chavrusa in Kamenitz was Reb Boruch Ber's
son-in-law, HaRav Reuven Grosovsky zt'l. However,
since Reb Reuven was also preoccupied with the yeshiva's
affairs, the Rosh Yeshiva advised Reb Wolff to take an
additional chavrusa. For an entire zeman
therefore, he learned with HaRav Noach Shimanovitz zt'l,
rosh yeshiva of Knesses Chizkiyohu, and also with
ylct'a HaRav Chaim Shaul Karelitz, av beis din
of She'eiris Yisroel.
"I remember that in 5695 (1935), during the two years that I
merited . . . learning in the Kamenitz Yeshiva . . . a
bochur from the yeshiva went in to Reb Boruch Ber
zt'l, and told him that he had received a draft notice
for the Polish Army. He was very worried about how he would
survive there for two years -- physically as well but mainly
spiritually -- for things were very bad there. He asked the
Rosh Yeshiva to write him a letter of recommendation for the
Agudas Yisroel office, where they were able to grant him a
certificate for entry into Eretz Yisroel, whereby he would
escape the draft.
"To my surprise, and to the surprise of the others who were
in the room, Reb Boruch Ber answered forcefully, `There's no
way I'll give such a letter of recommendation . . . no way .
. . ' and he explained that about a year earlier he had
written such a letter for another bochur from the
yeshiva who had also received a draft notice and the
bochur had made aliya. However Reb Boruch Ber's
disappointment knew no bounds when he'd heard that the
bochur had become completely irreligious in Eretz
Yisroel, since there were no yeshivos there yet. Reb Boruch
Ber therefore told the bochur, `Better you should go
to the Polish Army and we will take care of you from here.
We'll send you parcels of kosher food and the like . . . and
Hashem will help you succeed in waiting out the period of
your service uneventfully . . . "
"And that was what happened. Without any choice, the
bochur went into the army and spent two years there.
During his entire stay there, he was cared for by the bnei
hayeshiva in all sorts of ways. When two years were up,
he returned, bisiya'ato diShemayo, both physically and
spiritually unblemished."
While learning in Kamenitz, Reb Wolff once needed dental
treatment for which he travelled to Brisk. He went in to
visit the Brisker Rov zt'l, who was immersed in prayer
at the time. Reb Wolff was unable to wait and he left a
message with the members of the household that a
bochur from Switzerland had called. Tens of years
later when the Brisker Rov visited Switzerland and stayed in
Reb Wolff's home, he still remembered the visit he had
received from "a bochur from Switzerland"!
Elul in Mir
From Kamenitz, Reb Wolff went to learn for a short time in
Mir Yeshiva, where he was drawn close by the mashgiach
HaRav Yeruchom Leibovitz zt'l, who honored him with an
aliya on Yom Kippur. Reb Yeruchom also seated Reb
Wolff at the table for his va'adim. (In Mir, the
custom was that for the va'adim, which were informal
mussar talks which the Mashgiach gave in his
home, the outstanding and senior bochurim sat around
the table while other bochurim stood around it.)
On Simchas Torah, Reb Yeruchom would deliver a shmuess
before the beginning of the hakofos, and between each
of the hakofos he spoke again briefly. The rejoicing
in the yeshiva was extremely spirited and it would raise the
bnei hayeshiva to sublime spiritual heights. To give
some idea of the atmosphere, Reb Wolff would repeat some of
the short thoughts he heard from Reb Yeruchom on the Simchas
Torah that he spent in Mir.
The posuk says, "Hashem, remember us, may He bless;
may He bless beis Yisroel . . . " Reb Yeruchom asked
why the expression "may He bless" is repeated. He answered
that when Hashem remembers us, that in itself is a blessing,
hence the first use of the phrase. Then, we ask further, "May
He bless beis Yisroel . . . "
Another of the things which Reb Yeruchom said on that Simchas
Torah was, "The entire Torah is a match with which to kindle
a blaze of love in the hearts of Klal Yisroel for
their Father in Heaven!"
Reb Wolff related that a bochur once came to Reb
Yeruchom during the aseres yemei teshuvah to ask for
money from the yeshiva's TaT fund [which assisted
impoverished bochurim with their expenses] to enable
him to buy a new pair of shoes. Reb Yeruchom responded, "You
don't need them. It's not so bad."
On motzei Yom Kippur, Reb Yeruchom called the
bochur and gave him the money. In response to the
bochur's amazement he explained, "You came during
aseres yemei teshuvah in order to exploit my fear of
the impending judgment to influence me to give you
tzedokoh money. I didn't want that factor to affect my
A Year in Malrita
Reb Wolff related, "While I was learning in Kamenitz . . .
one of the bochurim there, a brother of HaRav Shlomo
Chomsker zt'l, Hy'd, asked me if I would be willing to
travel to learn with his brother who had been appointed as
rov in Malrita [which was about one hour's journey from
Brisk], as Reb Shlomo was looking for bochurim with
whom he could learn. I went there with another bochur,
HaRav Shaul Eisenstadt zt'l, to learn with the rov. I
stayed in Malrita for an entire year. [When Reb Wolff spent
Elul in Mir, he was apparently en route to Malrita.]
We rented a room and we learned with Reb Shlomo Chomsker.
"Reb Shlomo had been one of the top talmidim in Mir.
He had gone to learn with the Brisker Rov and had become one
of his closest talmidim. Upon his marriage to the
daughter of the then-rov of Malrita, Reb Shlomo had made his
home there. However, his wife's parents had passed away
during the week of sheva brochos and the communal
leaders immediately appointed Reb Shlomo as the new rov.
Since there were no bochurim or learned
avreichim in Malrita, Reb Shlomo had asked his brother
in Kamenitz if he could find him some bochurim who
would be willing to come and learn Shulchan Oruch Yoreh
Dei'ah together with him.
"After learning for a year with . . . Reb Shlomo . . . I
received a telegram telling me that I had to return home
because my mother z'l, was ill. In order to avoid any
problems with the draft in Switzerland, I travelled to Brisk,
in order to be examined by the head dayan, HaRav
Simcha Zelig Riger zt'l, and receive from him a
Yoreh Yoreh certificate entitling me to rule in
halocho, which would enable me to escape the draft.
"I arrived at Reb Simcha Zelig's home at nine a.m. and he
tested me and spoke together with me in learning until three
o'clock in the afternoon. Then he gave me a letter permitting
me to give halachic rulings. I remember that while I was in
Reb Simcha Zelig's house, the sound of quiet sighing could be
heard from time to time from one of the corners of the room.
When I turned in the direction of the sighs in order to see
who was sighing so much, I saw a figure, whom I could not
"Whenever Reb Simcha Zelig heard the moans of pain and the
sighing, he would go over to the bed and tend to the invalid
with unbounded love and dedication. He would feed and give to
drink, offering consolation and encouragement in a tender and
loving manner. I asked people in Brisk who was undergoing
such suffering in Reb Simcha Zelig's home and they told me
that it was his wife, who had been paralyzed l'a for
the past twenty years and who suffered terribly."
Times of Peril
Reb Wolff returned home because of his mother's illness. When
she later passed away, he stayed on to assist his father. In
letters to his friends he expressed his deep regret at being
unable to remain in yeshiva all his life and devote himself
wholly to Torah. He also wrote that in the light of the
recent events in Germany which had deprived Jews of their
livelihoods, many refugees had arrived in Switzerland.
He saw that these Jews had lost much of their humanity and he
wrote of the revulsion this caused him to feel towards
business, after having seen the levels to which people could
sink as a result of immersion in the business world where
there was neither faith nor trust in Hashem.
At that time, HaRav Avrohom Cahana Shapira zt'l, the
Kovner Rov and author of Devar Avrohom arrived in
Switzerland for medical treatment. Reb Wolff visited him to
speak with him in learning and to assist him. He related that
with the outbreak of the Second World War, the Devar
Avrohom returned to Kovno. When the astonished Reb Wolff
asked him how he could return at such a time to a place of
danger, the Devar Avrohom replied that a shepherd
never leaves the flock he tends, especially at time of
trouble. He was returning to his kehilla, to be with
them in their distress.
Reb Wolff gave the following account of his rescue efforts on
behalf of bnei Torah who were trapped in Eastern
Europe during the war: "During the dreadful World War,
hundreds of talmidim of Mir Yeshiva were in Vilna. One
of them sent my friend Reb Yitzchok Elchonon Erlanger (whose
sister later became my wife) a letter in which he mentioned
the great concern of the bochurim over their lack of
any passports which would render any transit visas that they
might possibly be able to procure (as bechasdei
Shomayim they in fact did later on, through the Japanese
consul), unusable. There were no more passports being issued
in Poland anymore because of the critical situation that the
country was in and the bochurim were at a loss as to
what to do.
"Although the Polish government was no longer issuing
passports, we bribed the Polish consul. We collected ten
thousand francs (which was a huge sum in those days and which
we obtained at great effort), and after lengthy negotiations
and much persuasion and a promise to pay more money for each
passport, the consul (who was starving, since his government
had stopped paying salaries), agreed to issue hundreds of
passports to us for talmidim of the Mir Yeshiva.
"We brought him accurate lists of names and dates of birth
and he kept our agreement and issued hundreds of passports
which we mailed to Vilna and which bisaya'ato
diShemayo, were a great help to all the bochurim
who survived the war. The last thirty passports that we sent
never arrived at their destination because war broke out just
then in full force between Germany and Russia and the German
postal service no longer sent things to Vilna [which was
under Russian control] . . .
"When the undelivered post was returned to Switzerland, the
authorities spied a package of passports and since they knew
that no more passports were being issued they assumed that
they were forgeries . . . when they saw that the sender was
"Wolff Rosengarten," they visited our home one morning at
dawn and carried out a meticulous search. They discovered all
the lists of names of the bochurim as well as all the
other documentation. This heightened their suspicions against
me and I was arrested for forging Polish passports and they
detained me for several hours. I, however, maintained all the
time that it had been the Polish consul who issued the
"At ten a.m. when the Polish Consulate in Berne opened, they
called him and asked him if I was telling the truth.
Bechasdei Hashem, the consul affirmed that it was he
who had issued the passports and I was released.
"When HaRav Elchonon Wassermann zt'l, Hy'd heard that
we had managed to send hundreds of passports for the Mirrer
talmidim, he sent me a long and detailed letter in
which he asked me if I could also arrange for passports for
him and for the members of his family. He provided all the
dates of birth and other necessary information about the
members of his family. This letter was confiscated from me by
the Swiss police together with all the other documentation
relating to the passports during their nighttime raid on our
house. All my subsequent efforts to retrieve the papers were
in vain. Nevertheless, with siya'ato diShemayo, I was
able to carry out Reb Elchonon's request. I paid another
visit to the Polish consul in Berne and I asked him to issue
passports for all the members of the Wassermann family.
"I remember that he said to me, `How can I issue passports
for them as well, when they weren't even born in Poland?'
"I answered him sardonically, `You are being paid anyway, so
what do you care where they were born?'
"He thought it over and accepted. He issued the passports,
which I sent to Reb Elchonon. After the war, I received
reliable testimony from HaRav Eliezer Sorotzkin ylct'a
that Reb Elchonon and his family received the passports that
I had sent while they were staying in Telz. Reb Eliezer
himself saw the passports in their hands. They intended to
escape and had hired a wagon etc. but when they had started
out, Reb Elchonon's son, HaRav Naftoli zt'l, Hy'd,
suddenly fell and broke his leg, forcing them to return to
Telz. They decided that they would not leave Reb Naftoli
alone so they stayed with him and were eventually sent to the
Kovno ghetto, where they were tragically martyred."
It is worthwhile mentioning what HaRav Aharon Leib Steinman
in the hesped which he delivered at the airport when
Rav Wolff's bier arrived in Eretz Yisroel. HaRav Steinman
remarked that the merit of rescuing the bnei hayeshiva
is enormous and that by saving hundreds of bnei Torah
who later became disseminators of Torah and mussar,
Rav Wolff has a considerable portion in the post war rebirth
of the Torah world in Eretz Yisroel and in the United
In Klal Yisroel's Service
In Switzerland, Reb Wolff married his rebbetzin, a
member of the Erlanger family. She related that when they
established their home, he told her that he wanted it to be
founded upon three things: studying Torah at every available
moment, giving as much tzedokoh as they could afford
and taking in guests. The home they built in the
uninterrupted pursuit of these three objectives, grew to be a
towering edifice, which radiated light that reached all over
the world.
Throughout his life, Torah remained Reb Wolff's principle
occupation and his work took second place. He arranged a
number of daily chavrusas, for learning in depth, just
as he had done during his years in the yeshivos.
The Rosengarten home was renowned as a meeting place for
Torah sages. The family hosted some of the greatest leaders
of the past generation, such as the Brisker Rov, HaRav
Yechezkel Sarna, HaRav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel and many others,
zt'l. Reb Wolff fulfilled the mishnah's advice
to "cover yourself in the dust of their feet and drink their
words in thirstily," (Ovos). In this way, he was
fortunate to receive much instruction and guidance from them
in life.
Rav Wolff had the singular merit of developing very close
ties with two scions of the Soloveitchik family. These two
relationships, which were perhaps the most influential ones
in his life and the ones about which most could be written,
are mentioned here only in passing, as fuller treatment is
not possible in the context of this article.
Rav Wolff was the only person in whose home in Zurich the
Brisker Rov zt'l, and his sons zt'l and
ylct'a stayed for extended periods, over the four
recuperative visits that the Rov paid to Switzerland, between
the years 5714 and 5717 (1954-7). (Upon introducing himself
to HaRav Shach for the first time, the Rosh Yeshiva,
ylct'a asked him, "Are you Reb Wolff Rosengarten, who
merited to host our master the Griz, zt'l?" When Rav
Wolff answered in the affirmative, HaRav Shach rose from his
seat and stood up in Reb Wolff's honor.)
Many of the incidents which took place in the course of these
visits have been recorded in the work, Uvdos Vehanhogos
Lebeis Brisk, and many others pass around by word of
mouth. Over the years, the two families became bound together
by ties of gratitude and mutual affection.
He also had an especially close bond with HaRav Moshe
Soloveitchik zt'l. They were in contact on a day to
day basis, learning together through difficult sugyos
in Shas and poskim and collaborating on all
communal matters.
It was together with Reb Moshe that Reb Wolff established, at
the request of the Satmar Rebbe zt'l and of HaRav
Yechezkel Sarna zt'l, the holy yeshiva in Lucerne. Reb
Wolff directed the yeshiva for decades with selfless
dedication. Alumni of the yeshiva remember to this day how,
when Reb Wolff would arrive in Lucerne on yeshiva business,
the very first thing he did was sit down with the rosh
yeshiva -- in the first years this was Rav Moshe
Soloveitchik zt'l, and later ylct'a HaRav Y.
Koppelman -- and speak with him for a long time in
The jewel in the crown of Rav Wolff's communal work in his
later years was the establishment of Yeshivas Torah Chaim in
Moscow, for which he worked closely with Reb Moshe. After the
latter's petirah, Reb Wolff continued his work in
supporting the yeshiva. He maintained a close connection with
the teachers and the talmidim and endeared himself to
all on the several visits which he paid to Moscow, when he
delivered shiurim and met the talmidim.
As lengthy and impressive as the record is of Reb Wolff's
tremendous work in establishing Torah centers and in
supporting unfortunates, everything was carried out quietly,
with modesty and wherever possible, anonymity. People are now
coming forward to tell how Reb Wolff assisted them in every
way he could.
One such story is told by a Jewish bank clerk, who once asked
the manager of the bank where he worked why he was always
willing to approve large overdrafts for the Jewish customers
but not for the gentiles? The manager replied, "Because a Jew
named Rosengarten always shows up to cover all the debts of
those Jews who can't meet their payments."
The Last Letter
In his last letter, dated Adar II, 5760, Rav Wolff recorded
an anecdote which he had heard from HaRav Yosef Shlomo
Kahaneman zt'l, the Ponevezher Rov. It is a fitting
postscript to Rav Wolff's life, in which Torah learning
always maintained prime importance, no matter what other
weighty matters claimed his attention.
In 5665 (1905), the Ponevezher Rov passed through Radin and
spent some time together with the Chofetz Chaim zt'l.
Upon his return, he travelled via Telz and HaRav Eliezer
Gordon zt'l, asked him to relate some example of the
Chofetz Chaim's conduct. The Ponevezher Rov told HaRav Gordon
the following story:
"It is the Chofetz Chaim's practice to deliver a few words of
mussar every day for half an hour after the
tefillah. One day, the Chofetz Chaim said that he was
unable to give people mussar because the preceding
day, he had been unable to learn at all. This, for him, was
reason enough to feel unequal to giving mussar to
"The reason why the Chofetz Chaim had been unable to learn
the day before was that parcels of Mishnah Berurah had
arrived from the printer. He had spent the entire day
checking through each and every page of each and every
sefer to make sure that no page was missing or
misprinted so that none of the buyers would be receiving
faulty goods, annulling the sale. This was what had prevented
him from learning all day."
When HaRav Gordon heard this, he was deeply impressed and he
commented, "Now I don't need to hear anything else . . . "
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