The Council of the Chief Rabbinate has ruled that Falash Mura
immigrants currently arriving in Israel will have to undergo
full conversion to Judaism. This decision was made following
the work of a special study committee sent to Ethiopia by the
Chief Rabbinate. It was also decided that Rabbi Eliezer
Waldman, who was working to bring the Falash Mura to Israel,
will no longer serve as a representative of the Rabbinate.
Due to the fact that the large waves of immigration from
Ethiopia have ended, it is very difficult to control the
thousands of Falash Mura in Ethiopia, into whose ranks many
Christians have infiltrated. In the past, the Falash Mura
were coerced to convert to Christianity. It is estimated that
today, 35,000 Falash Mura want to move to Israel, and as a
result, it has been decided that whoever does so will be have
to undergo full conversion.
The Vaad HaRabbonim Haolami LeInyonei Giyur, headed by HaRav
Chaim Kreiswirth, is pleased with this decision of the
Council of the Chief Rabbinate. Until now the members of the
Falash Mura community had registered for marriage by means of
a process called "return to Judaism," which lacked any
halachic significance and was opposed by the
gedolei haposkim.