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The Olom HaTorah is Melave Maran HaRav Dovid Povarski, zt'l by Chaim Walder This past Monday, tens of thousands of broken hearted, grief
stricken Torah Jews accompanied the rosh yeshiva of
Ponovezh, Maran HaRav Dovid Povarski zt"l on his last
earthy journey.
In a deep affront to the holiness of Yerushalayim, an assault on Israeli law, and a further attempt to pressure religious
observance in Israel,... Aerial Photography Expert Estimates: Only 8,867 People
Attended the Leftist Rally in Sacher Park An in-depth examination conducted by aerial photography
expert Mordechai Aharoni of pictures taken, reveals that only
8,867 people participated...
One of the great leaders of chareidi Jewry, Maran HaRav Dovid Povarski, zt'l, rosh yeshivas Ponovezh,
returned his sacred and pure soul to its Maker at 8:30 on
Sunday night, the 6th of Adar. Swift Shabbos Action of Hachovesh
Har Nof Helped Save Infants' Lives The speedy action of Hachovesh Har Nof, a voluntary first aid organization, helped save the lives of the toddlers attending
a neighborhood day-care center two Shabbosim ago. We have suffered an awesome loss. Rosh yeshiva of
Ponovezh yeshiva for 54 years, one of the premier avdei
Hashem for more than 90 years, Maran HaRav Dovid
Povarsky, zt'l... Mishenichnas Adar - Increasing
Your Happiness Quotient Seems like the blueprint for a good life is based on the
premise that our natural frame of mind should be a joyous
The Story of the Vaad Lehatzolas
Nidchei Yisroel Additional Calendar Information:
Taanis Esther falls on Monday, 13 Adar (Feb. 1). The
takono of the ta'anis was to remember that the
Jews had fasted and beseeched Hashem at the time of Esther to
save them from their enemies. The minhag is to give
three half shekels as a zecher to the machtzis
Purim falls on Tuesday, 14 Adar (Feb. 2) and Shushan Purim
falls on Wednesday, 15 Adar (Feb. 3).
On Shabbos Parshas Poroh is read. There are many
Poskim who rule that also the reading of this
parsha is mideOraisa (Rav Yechiel Michel
The last day for Kiddush Levonoh -- Adar
One can say Kiddush Levonoh until Tuesday afternoon 14
Adar, Purim (Mar. 2) at 4:22 P.M., Israeli time. Therefore in
most of the world the final time is the entire night of
leil Purim. In the eastern countries one can make a
brocho on Motzei Purim too according to the
difference in time zones in comparison to Eretz
Yisroel. In the remote western countries also on leil
Purim it is possible to make a brocho according to
the difference in time zones in comparison to Eretz
The astronomical full moon is at 8:58 A.M., seven hours and
twenty four minutes before the nigud emtzo'i.
If the brocho for the levonoh and reading the
megilla occurred together the brocho for the
levonoh has preference because of the principle
todir veshe'eino todir, todir kodem (the more frequent
mitzvah is given preference). A practical reason for
preferring the bircas halevonoh this month is because
of the possibility that the moon will be covered with clouds
and one will altogether forfeit it. Sources: Shus Nodah
BeYehudah I Orach Chaim 41, Machzik Brocho Orach Chaim 426 in
the Kuntrus Acharon and other Acharonim. Also
concerning how to act if in the middle of reading the
megilla the clouds dispersed and the time of the
bircas levonoh might elapse is also discussed there,
together with other halachic problems. (Mishnah Berurah
Bi'ur Halocho 428, s.v. velo tet ziyen.
Yerushalayim and Haifa: 6:04 P.M.
Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak, Haifa, and entire Dan area: 6:05 P.M.
Tzfas and Tiveriya: 6:02 P.M.
Beer Sheva: 6:06 P.M.
London: 6:17 P.M.
According to the Chazon Ish the end of Taanis Esther
is approximately four to five minutes later than the above
times. In London the final time is approximately forty-two
minutes after sunset.
(Birur Halocho Tanina, Orach Chaim 562, and Yoreh
De'ah 262).
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