Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

29 Av 5759 - August 11, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Alshi's Southern Branch Has Arranged for Shearis Bread to be Brought In

by B. Rabinowitz

With the removal of the hashgocho of Shearis Yisroel from the Tuv Taam bakery in Netivot, Alshi's southern branch (Avreichim Lemaan Shearis Yisroel) made immediate arrangements with the Margalit bakery in Rishon leTsion to provide bread to chareidi residents of the area. With the beginning of the Elul zman, many Torah institutions in the area will begin to buy their bread from the Margalit bakery, instead of from Tuv Taam as in the past.

All of the chareidi educational institutions and communities of the Negev have responded to the appeal of the roshei yeshiva and rabbonim of the chareidi yeshivas in the region to buy bread only with a top quality hechsher, that is sensitive to the desires of the Torah world for example on issues such as chodosh and insect infestation. The directors of the institutions have said that they would purchase bread from the Margalit bakery, which is under the supervision of the BaDaTz of Shearis Yisroel.

The roshei yeshiva and the community members had issued a letter in which they expressed their concern over the fact that with the sale of the Tuv Taam bakery to the Angel bakery of Jerusalem, the outstanding supervision of Shearis Yisroel might be dropped. The rabbonim asked the directors of Angel not to change the hechsher, and not to deviate from the guidelines of our rabbonim.

This letter was signed by the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Hanegev, HaRav Yissochor Meir; the rosh yeshiva of Ofakim, HaRav Chaim Kamil; the rosh yeshiva of Tifrach, HaRav Aviezer Piltz, and the rosh yeshiva of Ofakim, HaRav Y. Horowitz.

The directors of Angel ignored this appeal, and dropped the Shearis supervision.

At a meeting held last week in the Alshi branch in Jerusalem, its members empathized with the Negev communities, and protested the attempts to undercut Shearis Yisroel. It was decided to make every effort to follow all of the guidelines of maranan verabonon regarding the contention over the hechsherim in order to enable all those interested in Shearis' high quality hechsher to avail themselves of it without interference, all over Israel.

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