To the Editor:
The famous comets Shoemaker-Levy and Hale-Bopp have barely
left the solar system than another comet has suddenly
appeared: Comet Lee!
Discovered only in April this year and already visible in the
southern hemisphere, non-periodic Comet Lee will be at its
brightest in September and because of its unpredictable path
direct collision with the Earth has not been ruled out by the
astronomers lo aleinu! Let alone the high potential it
has for discharging the Solar Capacitor with possible
repercussions on Earth including increased volcanic,
earthquake and tornado activity, damage to the protective
Ozone Layer and Van Allen Belts, and effects on gravity and
the tides.
Comets have always been taken to portend wars or epidemics,
and they appeared at the time of the Exodus from Egypt, the
murder of Caesar, the destruction of the Second Temple, the
Norman Conquest, the Black Death, Napoleon's invasion of
Russia, World War I and Chernobyl: "Should a comet ever pass
across the face of Orion, the Earth will be destroyed"
(Brochos 58)!
And this apart from the August 11 (Av 29) total eclipse
("...a bad sign for the umos" (Succah 29) and the
Chesed LeAvrohom's prediction of 5760 being a year of
mishpat against the world, Hashem yerachem!
Yours Truly,
Amnon Goldberg