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SPECIAL ELECTION COVERAGE One Israel's Ehud Barak trounced Israel's Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu, 56.5% to 43.5%, in this week's national
elections. Just half an hour after the polls closed,
Netanyahu conceded defeat and told stunned supporters that he
is withdrawing from politics, at least for a while. A Terrible Scandal at the Polls -- Violence During the
Campaign Throughout the entire election day, reports streamed into
UTJ's election headquarters -- and to those of other
religious parties -- of Leftists who manned the polls... Unprecedented Activity on Behalf of UTJ Throughout the
Country On Monday, election day for the 15h Knesset, masses of Torah
Jews throughout the country were mekadesh sheim
Shomayim by voting for United Torah Judaism (UTJ) and by
participating in all of the varied activities on behalf of
the slate.
Thoughts on the Morning After The results of the elections certainly arouse mixed feelings
in the chareidi community. Our Knesset representation went
up, but so did that of those who ran on a platform of hatred
for us. In the heyday of the election campaign, Meretz released a
scoop about a born and bred chareidi who went off the track
and "confessed" that in the previous elections, while still
chareidi, he had cast several ballots in one day. Lessons from the Election Campaign A large rally was held in Bnei Brak towards the end of the
last election campaign by the United Torah Judaism party. The
rally was attended by many important women, including
Rebbetzin Steinman and others. Use Holocaust Reparations to Compensate
Palestinians In an article in the Herald Tribune, Clinton Bailey, a
researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, proposes
that some reparations received for Jewish assets expropriated
by the Nazis be transferred to the Palestinians. The Jewish year is an ever-fascinating interaction between the recurring holy days with their universal themes that speak to us across the millennia and all of the varied and variable elements of our communal and individual lives. Born to Learn
Is there any point in cramming into a few-month-old child such concepts as numbers, shapes, colors, or is it enough to cushion his way in life with warmth, love and stability, which are considered critical in his development?
Rabbi Asher Yaacov Koppel Rosenberg, zt"l, Pioneer of the
Ba'al Teshuvah Movement Preparation for Kabolas HaTorah Additional Luach Information- The last day for Kiddush Levonoh - Sivan One can say Kiddush Levonoh in the entire world until Sunday morning, 15 Sivan (May 30), at 7:34 A.M., according to the Summer Clock, Israeli time. The final time is therefore the entire night of Motzei Shabbos parshas Behaalosecho in Eretz Yisroel, Europe, and eastern countries. In America it is possible to make a brocho only according to the difference in time zones in comparison to Eretz Yisroel. In Western USA and Canada one can make Kiddush Levonoh until 9:34 P.M., but in the far western countries it is impossible for people to make Kiddush Levonoh at all on Motzei Shabbos and their final time is Wednesday, the eve of 13 Sivan. If a person bedi'eved did not yet make a brocho it is preferable to make a brocho on leil Shabbos than to forfeit it altogether. The astronomical full moon is at 9:40 P.M., two hours and a tenth later than the nigud emtzo'i.
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