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IN-DEPTH FEATURES The Founding of Torah Vodaas -
- Reb Binyomin Wilhelm, Torah Pioneer in the Early Twentieth
Century A history of Yeshivas Torah Vodaas, the premiere yeshiva of
New York between the years 1929-1945 must begin with the
amazing story of its founder, Reb Binyamin Wilhelm.
Like many other Torah visionaries, Reb Binyamin was a
resolute, single-minded, dedicated and idealistic man who did
not let the colossal obstacles that existed in the U.S. at
that time get in the way of his principles.
Difficult Childhood
Not many know that Mr. Wilhelm's resoluteness was born in the
harrowing circumstances of his early childhood. He was born
in 1886, the oldest son of a Radoshitz chassidic family in
Lodz, Poland. The family was very religious and also musical,
and they lived an animated chassidic life, with the father
visiting many tzadikim of those times.
Tragedy set in when Binyomin's mother died when he was 12,
leaving behind five orphans. His father remarried and
Binyamin had to leave.
An older cousin, Nochman Yosef Wilhelm, took him in for a
while and taught him his bar mitzva parsha. Nochman
Yosef eventually moved to Eretz Yisroel and was the patriarch
of the large Wilhelm family of Jerusalem.
Unable to remain with his cousin long-term, Binyomin's next
stop was an elderly grandfather who lived alone in a village
near Lodz. He studied in the local beis hamedrash and
shared a bed with his grandfather until one day when he was
17, he awoke to discover that his grandfather had passed away
in the night. Once again he was alone in the world, pondering
what to do with his life, and particularly how to escape the
army draft which was looming ahead of him.
Two days later a fateful letter arrived from a former friend
of his called Rennick. Rennick had left for the U.S. some
time back, and now he invited Binyomin to join him. "We have
here a group of young G-d-fearing men who have all pledged
not to submit to the pressures of America. We have pledged
that when we get married, we will lead our homes as if we
lived in Europe. Come and join us."
This offer seemed to answer the problems looming over him, so
Binyomin decided to accept the offer. Although many people
with difficult life experiences carry a chip on their
shoulder, Binyamin's tough experiences had the effect of
forging him into a person who was never fazed by anyone, who
would never buckle under, and who would never take "no" for
an answer.
After Rennick sent him his own passport (in those days
passports didn't have pictures), Binyomin set out on his way.
From the savings of odd jobs he had done, Binyomin was able
to pay for the trip to the port in France, but he didn't have
enough money for the ocean liner to America. He offered the
crew of the ocean liner to take him on as the mashgiach
kashrus, and they agreed.
The boats were filled with Jews who were fleeing the misery
of Europe. To his dismay, Binyomin saw many of these people
eating in the non-kosher section of the ocean liner. When he
asked them why they were eating treif, they justified
themselves, "It's impossible to be a religious Jew in America
anyway, so we may as well begin eating treif now."
He encouraged them to go to the kosher section and not
to be so fatalistic.
Upon arrival, Wilhelm joined the staunch group of friends,
who had united themselves into a group called Adas Bnei
Yisroel. This group was just as busy as everyone else in the
struggle to establish themselves and make a living, but they
refused to ignore their religious obligations. They rose
early to study Torah and daven in the shul, and
afterwards attended school or ran their businesses, and then
gathered together late at night for another shiur.
Like everyone else, Wilhelm first peddled a pushcart, until
he had made enough money to rent a store. At 20 he was an up-
and-coming businessman with a housewares business. But he was
also a dedicated Torah student who never left the pursuit of
Torah study, and by the time he was middle-aged, he had a
phenomenal grasp of Tanach and Chok Leyisroel
and he also knew large sections of Shas by heart.
A Challenge to Found a Yeshiva
At age 25, Wilhelm married the daughter of Mr. Weberman, a
descendant of a Hungarian-German Jewish family who had
immigrated to the U.S. right after the Civil War. They were
among the very few who still remained dedicated to
Yiddishkeit after half a century of America's
Children were born to the couple, and by the time his son was
about to turn 5, Mrs. Wilhelm was talking about moving to the
"noveau-riche" neighborhood of Williamsburg where there would
be more room for the growing family. Wilhelm wouldn't
contemplate it, though, because the neighborhood had no
Jewish school. Public school, in his eyes, was not an
At that time, the few yeshivos that existed in the U.S. --
Yeshivas HaRav Yaakov Yosef, Yeshivas Eitz Chaim, Yeshivas
HaRav Shlomo Kluger -- were all in the East Side although the
truth be told, most religious Jews preferred sending their
children to public school. Williamsburg was a Jewish
neighborhood teeming with impressive shuls and a large
religious community, but no one felt the lack of a
One day a friend, Reb Leibel Dershowitz, entered Wilhelm's
shop at 81 Norfolk Street. Dershowitz was living in
Williamsburg, and Wilhelm spoke of the dilemma he found
himself in. Dershowitz replied, "To the contrary, move to
Williamsburg and open a yeshiva yourself!"
Wilhelm, just 30, was fired up by the challenge. He decided
to make the move and at the same time work to set up a
yeshiva. He told himself privately that if he didn't succeed,
he could always move back to the East Side. In June, 1917,
the young family moved to 91 Tellier street, and Wilhelm
immediately began to put his plans into action.
His diary records the wearying efforts he put forth to
convince skeptical Jewish parents that their children could
be both good Jews and good Americans if they studied in a
Jewish school:
"I davened in the Beis Aaron shtiebel (107 Rust
Street) where I found a congregation of distinguished
chassidim and bnei Torah. Without delay, I
spoke to them about founding a yeshiva, but to my great
grief, saw that most of the people here were overwhelmed with
hopelessness. Some looked at me with pity in their eyes,
`Look at this dreamer who's fooling himself.'
"But I felt mercy for them. I was amazed, here were so many
good Jews, but so apathetic? They told me, `Do you really
intend to turn these "American boys" into Torah students and
tzadikim? We also thought like you, when our children
were small, but the years have taught us that there is
nothing to be done. This is America, all is lost.'
"I saw that everyone had come to peace with the idea that
nothing could remedy the situation. Many of the Jewish
immigrants had already lived in the States for several years,
while their families had been left behind across the ocean.
The children grew wild without the supervision of a father.
By the time they came here, they were ready to absorb
`Columbus's ways' and were dragged along with the others.
Even in many homes that were officially shomer Shabbos,
after the cholent and the kugel, the
mothers gave their children some coins to buy tickets to the
movies, saying, `They're still young, the children. Let them
enjoy themselves a bit.'
"One distinguished Jew told me, `What are you making such a
fuss all day long about "yeshiva, yeshiva"? Can you show me
one man who you succeeded in convincing to take his children
out of public school and send them to a yeshiva?'
"I responded, `You! You yourself will take your child out and
bring him to yeshiva.'
"He told me, `Even if you succeed in convincing me, do you
think his mother will agree to turn him into a "greener"?'
"I told him I would go and explain to her that the yeshiva
won't turn him into a `greener' but on the contrary, he'll be
educated to find favor both in Hashem's eyes and the eyes of
"He said, `And do you think his sister, who is already a
teacher, will let us turn her brother into a bench-
"These were the claims that were heard in our shtiebel,
but the worshipers in the shtiebel afterwards
became among the first to follow me."
First Steps
Wilhelm wasn't disillusioned by the nay-sayers. He began to
make the rounds in all the local shuls, speaking out
about the necessity to found a yeshiva for the youth. In the
Kahal Machzikei Hadas shul on South 3rd Street, the
president tried to convince him of the impossibility of his
quest. Showing Wilhelm the palm of his hand, the man reproved
him, "Can hair grow here? In the same way, a yeshiva can be
established here!"
But Wilhelm wouldn't give up. On Hoshanna Rabba night, 1917,
a fateful event took place in the spacious Bnei Aaron shul
(the Polisher shtiebel) where Wilhelm knew a large
crowd of worshipers would come to recite the Tikun.
Just as they were about to take the Torah out to recite
sefer Devorim, Wilhelm blocked the aron, and
said he would not let them lein unless they first let
him speak.
In his dynamic, blunt way, Wilhelm told the worshipers that
without a yeshiva, their children would grow up and marry
goyim. He explained the utter necessity of a yeshiva,
and the fact that the yeshiva would have secular studies
The time and setting had the necessary effect. Mr. Aaron
Goldman, the wealthiest man in the shul and the
president, pulled out his checkbook and wrote a check for
$1,000 (something like $20,000 today). Mr. Wolf, a furrier,
wrote a check for $500.
But Wilhelm knew that money was only part of the many
problems -- in fact, the least of them. A minyan of
his original friends from the Adas Bnei Yisroel who had moved
to Williamsburg agreed to help out. Both men and women joined
him to form the founding committee of the yeshiva. The
committee included Rav Zev Gold (later, head of Mizrachi);
Eliezer Meir Blum; Mr. Zimmerman; his brother-in-law Mr.
Benzion Weberman, a lawyer; and Mrs. Halberg.
Throughout the summer, the committee met to discuss funding,
plans, registration. Sometimes four showed up, sometimes two,
and sometimes it was Mr. Wilhelm alone with his Creator.
The committee met with violent opposition. Even the
frumest of the Jews in those times dreamed of having
children who wouldn't be "greeners," who would go to public
school, play baseball, become lawyers and doctors, and be
spared the difficult existence and acclimatization that their
parents had gone through.
Mrs. Halberg went from door to door to recruit children for
the yeshiva. It was a major battle each time. Once she came
home and found her daughter in tears. A group of religious
Jews who Mrs. Halberg had pestered, came to visit her
daughter when Mrs. Halberg was out. They told her daughter,
"What kind of mother do you have, running around recruiting
for a yeshiva and leaving her daughter alone like an
There was also opposition from the other side, for reasons of
piety. Mr. Wilhelm's own father-in-law was against the
initiative, because in his eyes it was a travesty to combine
Jewish studies with secular studies. "A yeshiva should be all
kodesh!" he averred. It was only when he saw the
results of the yeshiva after a few years that he
wholeheartedly embraced his son-in-law's views.
Gradually the rabbonim began to support Wilhelm. Slowly, a
trickle of parents agreed to send their children to the new
While the committee was talking about collecting money to
purchase a proper building, and perhaps opening the yeshiva
in a few years or so, Wilhelm was getting impatient. His son
had already turned 5 and had to attend school the following
Wilhelm demanded that the school be opened immediately in a
temporary structure. All the grandiose plans about buildings
could be dealt with in the years to come, but the important
thing was to get things moving.
The committee was getting upset with Wilhelm's pushiness and
they arranged meetings whose time and location were
expediently not told to Wilhelm. In his enterprising way,
Wilhelm found out about the meetings anyway and showed up
uninvited. Finally the committee grudgingly accepted his view
and bought a small house at 238 Keap Street for the yeshiva,
and on Rosh Chodesh Nisan, the first banquet for the up-and-
coming yeshiva was held.
Throughout the summer, frenzied recruiting was done by the
committee members all over the neighborhood, and they finally
achieved a student body of 45 youths from grades 1 to 7. This
was all they could muster in New York City -- at a time when
the Jewish population numbered between 1-1.25 million
A Fateful Night
Again the committee hemmed and hawed. Opening a yeshiva with
such a small student body did not seem financially feasible.
How can we pay for 7 rebbes and 7 secular teachers
with only 45 children in the school? the board members
complained. They called a separate meeting between Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur and, coordinating their positions
against him, told Wilhelm that they refused to open the
yeshiva until the following year.
Choking back his tears, Wilhelm pleaded with them, "How can
one decide not to open a yeshiva between Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur?"
"You're right," one man stood up and told him. "Meeting
called for motzei Yom Kippur."
Wilhelm spun into action. That Yom Kippur, he awoke early in
the morning, said brochos, and then spent the day
charging from one synagogue to another. He demanded the
podium and stopped the prayers. He cried, he wept, he begged
the worshipers to send their children to the yeshiva.
The incredible result was that the fasting of Yom Kippur
vanquished American apple pie. Wilhelm's desperate efforts
bore fruit and another 45 children were registered for the
school by the end of the day. Wilhelm left Ne'ilah
after 12 hours of concentrated recruiting, on the verge
of collapse. He burst into the committee meeting and told
everyone, "The yeshiva's opening! We have ninety kids! This
Yom Kippur will go down in the annals of Jewish history as
one of the milestones of the twentieth century."
On chol hamoed Succos, the committee met to decide on
the staff. The president of the committee decided that one
teacher should preside over two classes -- to save expenses --
and that the principal and secretary should also teach a
But Bulldozer Wilhelm's voice resounded loud and clear: One
teacher per class! The principal will have to concentrate on
his duties and nothing else!
The committee buckled under Wilhelm again. They hired Reb
Mordechai Eliyahu Finkelstein, a chossid who was a
lamdan and had good general secular skills too. He
chose for his staff top-notch teachers who were the best
available in New York at the time.
By no means were the trials over. When the school opened its
doors a few days later, only 15 children showed up in the six
elementary grades. The rest of the children were kept home by
their skeptical parents who didn't think that the yeshiva
would get off the ground. But within a few days, all the kids
Wilhelm knew there would be no sitting on the laurels. He
constantly looked for new opportunities to recruit more
A Belsky family lived a few doors down from the new yeshiva.
Once day, Wilhelm was at their residence, knocking on their
door. When the father welcomed him into his home and pulled
out a checkbook, Wilhelm got straight to the point. "Put away
your checkbook," he said. "I heard that you have a 5-year old
child. I want him."
The son was duly registered and began to attend the yeshiva.
The boy grew up to be Mr. Wilhelm's son-in-law, Reb Berel
Belsky, who married his daughter Chana, and became one of the
few American students who attended Yeshivas Radin in
No one believed that the yeshiva would experience such
tremendous growth within a few short years. Within two years,
the yeshiva already had eight grades. Four years after its
founding, it was able to move into a beautiful new campus on
Wilson Street whose building had been built for it from
scratch. Within a few years, the yeshiva had a student body
of over 1000 students!
Throughout the beginning decades, Wilhelm remained active on
the yeshiva's committee. The committee held many fundraising
affairs such as banquets, bazaars and carnivals to bolster
the yeshiva's budget. With time, numerous wealthy individuals
agreed to join the Executive Board of the yeshiva as well as
have their children study in the yeshiva.
The principals changed several times during the early years
of the school. Although the school's views were considered
the height of frumkeit for America, the confusion of
those days had penetrated in various ways. For instance, the
youth would gather for an oneg Shabbos every Friday,
at the beginning of which they would sing Hatikva
before an Israeli flag.
Enter Rav Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz
A far-reaching change in the yeshiva occurred when Rav Shraga
Feivel Mendelowitz was appointed principal of the school in
Rav Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz was born in the town of Willig
in Hungary in 1886 into a family of simple G-d-fearing Sanzer
chassidim. At the age of nine -- when he was already
studying Shulchan Oruch Yore De'ah with Shach, Taz and
the Pri Megadim -- he had acquired a name as an iluy
who brimmed with deep religious passion. He studied under
the Arugas Habosem, the Beer Shmuel, and the Shevet Sofer,
Rav Simcha Bunim Sofer -- the three leading gedolim of
Hungary at the time, and received semichah from
A person of deep contemplation, he pursued Jewish philosophy
and mussar privately and at a young age had completed
the entire works of the Maharal, Kuzari, Mesilas Yeshorim,
and works of chassidus. He avidly studied the
works of Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch in the original German.
He saw Rav Hirsch as his ideal because Hirsch had
successfully devised a religious Jewish weltanschauung
that could stand up to the challenges of modernity.
(Nothing showed his diverse interests more than the fact that
he spent his entire wedding dowry on buying a set of Zev
Yaavetz's history books.)
Although Rav Shraga Feivel appeared an unassuming young man,
he had a rare strain of boundless idealism running through
his fabric. When he came across the statement in the
gemora that, "Were Israel to keep two Shabbosim
in a row, the Redemption would immediately come" he
promised himself then and there that he would work to draw
the hearts of Jews back to their Father in Heaven.
In the early years of the twentieth century, when Jews all
over the world were blindly rushing to embrace enlightenment,
communism, socialism and every other "ism" besides their
ancestral heritage, his dream appeared as unpractical,
wishful thinking.
At age 22 he married the daughter of his stepmother, and
settled near his father's home in the town of Homna. In 1913,
because of fear of the draft, he decided to leave for the
U.S. Before he left, he received a brocho from Rav
Yeshaya of Krestira, who prophesied that he would accomplish
great things in America.
The first few years in the U.S. Rav Shraga Feivel spent
trying his hand at different professions. Although an expert
at the laws of shechita, he saw after a day that this
profession did not suit him. He taught in talmud Torahs
in New York, Bridgeport and Scranton, before he returned
to New York to open an ice cream and sundae shop.
Although he still dreamed of opening a yeshiva, he had
discovered that in the U.S., all the power was concentrated
in the hands of a talmud Torah's president and board
of directors, and the principal and teachers were viewed as
merely low level servants. He dreamed of succeeding in his
business and with the funds, opening his own yeshiva.
However, his business was not succeeding as planned, possibly
because his head was more in his Torah studies than in ice
One of his clients was Mr. Wilhelm, who promptly realized
that he had a kindred spirit in Rav Shraga Feivel. After
numerous discussions between them in which Wilhelm realized
that a passionate, righteous soul lurked under this
unostentatious Hungarian Jew, Wilhelm suggested that Reb
Shraga Feivel take a teaching job in Torah Vodaas. When Rav
Shraga Feivel realized that his business enterprise was
failing, in the summer of 1921, he finally agreed to come. A
series of illnesses that struck him didn't allow him to take
the job until Elul 1923, when he was appointed to teach the
eighth grade class.
Rav Nesanel Quinn, a student who had arrived the year
beforeand later became principal of Jewish studies in the
yeshiva, recounts, "In the first days after he came to the
yeshiva, even the worst students began to feel more positive
about their Jewish studies. He tried -- and succeeded -- in
making Torah study beloved to them, and in giving them the
feeling of closeness to Hashem. They began to keep mitzvos
not out of habit but out of deep feeling. He imbued one with
pride to study Torah, and that nothing in this world could
compare to Torah study."
Totally enamored with Rev Shraga Feivel's personality,
Wilhelm longed to appoint him the principal. After a slight
ruckus in which Wilhelm announced to the current principal
that he would have to submit a new application for his job as
principal, the outraged principal resigned.
Satisfied at developments, Wilhelm tried to prevail upon the
committee to appoint Reb Shraga Feivel immediately. The
committee, which was formed primarily of Polish and Russian
Jews, did not find the unassuming Hungarian candidate
particularly attractive, especially because of his non-
American appearance which included a beard and
The Yeshiva Leaps Spiritually
Wilhelm suggested that the board hire Reb Shraga Feivel for
just six months on a trial basis instead of a year, as they
had done with all the previous principals, and if they
weren't satisfied, they could fire him. To their surprise,
Reb Shraga Feivel told them that he wasn't even interested in
a six-month contract. He offered that they could hire him on
the basis that if at any point they were dissatisfied, they
could fire him on the spot. All the previous principals had
insisted on a detailed contract for an entire year.
Rav Shraga Feivel began the next day. He found a group of
cool, impassive teachers whose resentment of him bristled
under the surface. The teachers too were all of Polish or
Russian extraction, and they could not respect the Hungarian
man who lacked up-to-date scholastic and educational
But as the following weeks unfolded, and each teacher had the
occasion to meet and discuss topics with him, they soon stood
open-mouthed before Rav Shraga Feivel's vast knowledge. The
teacher who was expert in Hebrew grammar soon discovered that
Rav Shraga Feivel was a giant in dikduk. The teacher
whose specialty was Jewish history soon discovered that Rav
Shraga Feivel knew far more than he.
Within a few weeks, the entire staff was united in their
reverence and respect for the new principal who each admitted
towered far above him. Rav Shraga Feivel begin his innovative
program right away.
On his first day as principal, Rav Shraga Feivel dictated a
letter to the members of the board. He wrote them that a
person cannot be balaboss over a yeshiva unless he
appreciates Torah. He demanded that every one of them attend
a Torah shiur at least twice a week. The board members
were astonished -- but they complied.
Rav Shraga Feivel gave a shiur in the home of Reb
Benzion Weberman where he impressed the committee members
with his deep religious, educational and personal ideals.
They began to understand that it wasn't sufficient for a
child to have a Jewish education only until his bar mitzva
years, which was the standard in America until then.
In addition to winning over the rebbes and the parents, Rav
Shraga Feivel soon was idolized by the students. They had
never seen a principal who taught with such heart and
neshomoh. On holidays he made assemblies and parties,
and would dance with the students. He would sing soulful
songs "Kadsheinu" and "Vetaheir libeinu" with
such ecstasy that all the students were swept up with the
same emotion.
Wilhelm later wrote in his diary, "It isn't the slightest
exaggeration to say that Rav Shraga Feivel blew a new soul
into us, of a natural Jewish approach to our Torah. We could
clearly sense how the Shechina was present in every
class. A new spirit blew in the life of the yeshiva -- and
all this he did quietly, without noise, without giving
orders. "
Torah Vodaas's name began to spread far and wide in New York.
There was no longer any need to recruit bochurim for
the yeshiva and the problem now became how to find enough
room for all the boys. The crowding forced the committee to
open classes in rented apartments around the district.
Classes were held in the Keap Street beis hamedrash,
the Lincoln business school, and the Beis Aaron
shtiebel on Division Avenue. At the same time, the
spiritual growth fostered by Rav Shraga Feivel kept pace with
the physical growth of the yeshiva.
The Mesivta is Founded
The idea of a Jewish high school was still far-fetched. When
the end of the year drew near, Rav Shraga Feivel persuaded
the parents of the eighth-grade boys to keep their sons in
the yeshiva for "just one more year." Rav Shraga Feivel
arranged for the youths to study in a local high school at
night where courses were offered for adults who had not
completed their high school diploma. He knew such a school
would have less of an influence on his students than learning
in a public school with youth their age. Besides the hours at
night devoted to secular studies, the boys studied Jewish
studies from early in the morning and even late at night
after they finished their secular studies.
When the end of the year came around again, Rav Shraga Feivel
convinced the parents to agree to just one more year. And
when that year finished, the parents were willing to agree to
another year. At that point, he found himself with a group of
high school youths whose dedication to Torah study remained
strong and unswerving.
Says Rav Nesanel Quinn, one of the students of this group,
"Our study day was long and exhausting, but Rav Shraga Feivel
pushed us to study Torah additional hours, on our own
initiative, as it were, until late at night. I remember that
he sat and studied Torah with us every Thursday night until
almost midnight, and we felt that Torah study was so sweet
that we almost didn't feel tired. Our load of studies was not
easy, particularly if you compared it to the study program in
a public school. But none of us ever complained. The frequent
recesses of course helped to release the tension, but mainly
what helped was that in our society, everyone was working
hard and no one had it easy. So the heavy load on us wasn't
viewed as anything extraordinary. We were so busy with our
studies that we virtually had no time to spend on small
When Rav Shraga Feivel was ready to implement his next
educational endeavor -- the Mesivta -- he already had a group
of older boys who had spent 12 years in intense Jewish
education and the idea of continuing Jewish studies after
elementary school was becoming more palatable.
When Rav Shraga Feivel asked to open a full high school
division, with structured Jewish and secular studies offered
within the format of the school in 1927, his request met with
resistance from the board. The board, truth to tell, had
nobly maintained the elementary school through unflagging and
exhaustive efforts, but to undertake the support of a high
school on top of that was a burden that the members saw as
overwhelmingly difficult and perhaps unjustified.
Once again, it was Wilhelm and another friend, Mr. Avrohom
Lewin, who backed Rav Shraga Feivel. Despite the failure of
Mr. Lewin's business during the growing Depression that hit
America in those years, he staunchly agreed to buy a building
at 505 Bedford Avenue for the Mesivta (as Rav Shraga Feivel
called the high school to differentiate it from the
elementary school, which was called "the yeshiva").
Shortly after Mr. Lewin purchased it, taking out large loans
in his name, a real estate agent offered to buy it back from
him at a much higher price -- that would have landed him a
profit equal to three years of livelihood. But Mr. Lewin
passed the difficult trial, and made the building available
to the yeshiva. Eventually, with the help of Mr. Wilhelm, the
committee board agreed to take the Mesivta under its wing and
pay for its cost. However, the burden of running and
maintaining it fell upon Rav Shraga Feivel.
It must be emphasized what an immense achievement this was.
Not only had Yeshivas Torah Vodaas acquired a sterling name
as a yeshiva with undiluted Torah values, but it was the only
yeshiva at the time with a high school program. The other
yeshiva schools, such as Rabbeinu Yaakov Yosef, Rav Shlomo
Kluger and Tiferes Yerushalayim, were only elementary schools
with at best afternoon programs for public high school
Rav Shraga Feivel's concept of the Mesivta program had no
parallel in any yeshiva in the world -- and not just because
he had to concede secular studies and a high school degree.
Besides gemora being taught on a high level, he
insisted that the curriculum include Chumash and
novi with their commentaries, the meanings of the
prayers, knowledge of the 613 mitzvos, Jewish law, and
sifrei yirah and mussar such as Sha'arei
Teshuvah, Mesilas Yeshorim, and for select students, even
Doros Harishonim, the detailed Jewish history book
written by Rav Y. Halevi. Many of the latter courses he
personally taught. He saw the utter importance of giving his
students a solid foundation in Jewish faith and hashkofo
that was taken for granted in the European yeshivos.
The atmosphere of the yeshiva was an unusual mix of Litvish
learning taught by great Litvish scholars some of whom he
brought over from Europe, with chassidic enthusiasm and soul
which he himself injected. He integrated different approaches
from various groups in Klal Yisroel and knew how to
create a harmonious synthesis that appealed to his American
Although his influence permeated the yeshiva and every
student in it, he humbly kept himself to the sidelines and
refused to accept the title of "Rosh Mesivta" or even the
more routine title of "Rabbi." He could not be found at the
Mizrach of the beis hamedrash during prayers.
He was the hinge on which the entire yeshiva turned, but to
the unknowing eye, he seemed just an unassuming person
filling a nondescript role. Who had ever heard of a man who
built an entire yeshiva with mesiras nefesh -- only to
refuse to take the mantle of honor it would bequeath to
In the shiurim Rav Shraga Feivel gave to the classes
of the Mesivta he spoke constantly of Eretz Yisroel and the
negative effect of college. In one shiur, to the
astonished eyes of his students who didn't know if he was
hallucinating or really meant it, he said that the day would
come when he would found a kollel avreichim for them
to continue their studies in Eretz Yisroel after their
weddings. No one in their wildest dreams at the time even
considered continuing their Torah studies after their
weddings. Each student felt that his hands were full with
just remaining in yeshiva for high school despite the
disapproval of his parents, the mockery of his neighbors, the
haughty looks of his more Americanized friends, and the
spirit of materialism and heresy that blew in powerful gusts
all around him.
The Mesivta grew, and Rav Shraga Feivel realized his dream of
creating knowledgeable, deeply religious and committed Jews.
Years later, he created Beis Midrash Elyon in an unknown town
called Monsey near Spring Valley, where married students
engaged in high-level Jewish studies and where Torah students
went in the summer for a combined program of summer
relaxation and Torah study.
Wellsprings of the Mesivta
Rav Shraga Feivel created soldiers who went forth to Jewish
communities outside of New York and founded yeshivas and
saved the remnant of religious Jews from going lost. He sent
students to found new yeshivos: Lakewood, Telz, and the Nitra
Yeshiva, and he gave up his own sorely-needed supporters
instructing them to help support new yeshivos that were
opening up elsewhere. He founded Beis Midrash Elyon, for
advanced Torah study at a kollel level. One of his
greatest dreams came to fruition when Torah Umesorah, whose
goal was to create day schools and yeshivos all over the
world, was founded.
By the time Rav Shraga Feivel passed away in 1948, American
religious Jewry was still small and tender, but had deep and
strong roots. Yeshivas Torah Vodaas had sprouted numerous
rabbis and activists that helped create the prominent
religious Jewish communities that we see today spread out
throughout the U.S. and Canada.
With the mighty personality of Rav Shlomo Heiman, the rosh
yeshiva who taught the older bochurim of the Mesivta
from the years 1933-1943, Rav Shraga Feivel produced the
first team of Torah scholars of stature on American soil, all
of whom had incubated in the classrooms of Torah Vodaas. Men
like HaRav Gedaliah Schorr, HaRav Pam, HaRav Yitzchok
Sheiner, HaRav Moshe Aaron Stern, zt"l, and many
others continued to reinvigorate Jewish religious life around
the globe throughout the twentieth century.
The fabric of the American Jewish community began to change
in the 1950s. The flood of survivors and the local religious
community opened new yeshivos, the religious community
burgeoned, a new religious-American weltanschauung
developed which enabled a religious Jew to face American
society with confidence and independence. While no longer
being the only player in the field of Torah education,
Yeshiva Torah Vodaas continued to play a prominent part in
it, as it does until today.
Although Rav Shraga Feivel had passed away before my birth, I
too owe my Torah life to him, since it was because of the
urging of one of his notable talmidim that my father
agreed to remove his children from public school and send us
to the newly opened yeshiva in our Midwest town.
Wilhelm's Legacy
Binyomin Wilhelm was active in Torah Vodaas until his 80's,
when he moved to Eretz Yisroel in 1968. Not one to tolerate
slothfulness even at advanced old age, he promptly founded a
network of afternoon programs for Sephardic youth in
developing areas, which was to strengthen their commitment to
Judaism. He called the network Mifal Torah Vodaas.
In Eretz Yisroel, he remarried a prominent Yerushalmi woman,
and lived at Nechemia 3. He was close with former Torah
Vodaas talmid HaRav Yitzchok Sheiner, who had married
a granddaughter of Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz and settled in
Jerusalem as the rosh yeshiva of Kaminetz Yeshiva.
One night late he was walking in his house when he fell down
flat and didn't stir. His wife panicked, and called HaRav
Sheiner. HaRav Sheiner bounded over and, bursting into the
house, bent over the prostrate figure of Wilhelm. "Mr.
Wilhelm, how are you?!" he said in alarm.
Wilhelm opened one eye and said calmly, "Oh, you're here,
Yitzchok? I just had a great idea for Mifal Torah Vodaas!"
R' Binyomin Wilhelm was sick and feeble during the last
months of his life, but his mind remained as idealistic and
active as ever. His grandson, Rav Yisroel Belsky, was
visiting him in 1974, two months before he passed away, when
Wilhelm's wife served her husband a drink. "Nem a gluz fun
tei," she entreated him. Wilhelm stopped a minute, deep
in thought, and then turned to his grandson.
"In America they call it `tea,'" he said reflectively.
"Tee! Never forget -- tee!" (In Polish Yiddish,
`tee' means 'Do!)
Today, Binyomin Wilhelm's many hundreds of descendants are
spread throughout the U.S., Canada, England and Eretz
Yisroel, and have even reached Australia. They are devoted
Jews engaged in Torah study and chesed, following the
tradition so nobly upheld by their distinguished patriarch.
His grandson Rav Yisroel Belsky, is a rosh yeshiva in
Torah Vodaas, and the family's connection with Torah Vodaas
remains firm.
The vibrant American religious community as we know it today
would have been unthinkable were it not for the courage and
tenacity of Binyomin Wilhelm and those rare individuals who
made countless sacrifices to prove that Torah can indeed grow
in a barren land.
(The author wants to thank Rav Yisroel Belsky for his
assistance with this article. Part of the material was taken
from Shlucha DeRachmana by R' Aaron Suraski.)
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