The annual yahrzeit gathering in memory of Rabbi E.E.
Dessler, zt"l was graced with the presence of the
world renown Gaon Rabbi Moshe Shapira, shlita of
Jerusalem, a close talmid and one-time ben-
bayis of Rabbi Dessler.
He addressed a capacity crowd including talmidim and
kollel members in the Gateshead Kollel Bais
He intertwined many personal recollections of his great Rebbe
in the course of his shiur, stressing that the
elevated nature of Rabbi Dessler's thoughts was far beyond
our grasp. However, we are still able to benefit from his
words and, in perhaps an even more tangible way, his deeds,
his creation of a Mossad which was to be the cornerstone of
kollelim and other Torah Mosdos in Europe.
It was his great devotion which inspired him to build for
Klal Yisroel against all odds in an epoch of
Rav Shapira went on to elucidate various words of
Chazal that were beautifully woven into a tapestry
explaining the fundamentals that are to be learnt from
yetzias Mitzraim.
A member of the kollel, Rav Yehoshua Yochnowitz, gave
an erudite shiur on Eiruvin and eloquently
explained the principles involved in creating boundaries in
connection with Shabbos and Eiruvin.
Rav Chaim Emanuel, another member of the kollel
expounded upon the intrinsic value of every Jew and
demonstrated the importance of showing appreciation for the
spiritual value present in all things.