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18 Teves 5766 - January 18, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Shinui — A Destructive Flash in the Pan

After probably not refusing a single media interview in the years since he entered politics, Shinui leader Tommy Lapid has not said a public word for several days now. Most observers say that he will probably announce his retirement from politics, but his supporters say that if he really knew what he wanted to say there is no way that he would be silent for so long.

Letters About our Editorial: "Challenges of the Modern World: Diabetes and Obesity are Immoral."

* Sucrose and Diabetes

* When Diabetes is Not a Moral Issue

* Overweight and Diabetes: Immoral?

* Furious With the Title and Content

* The Editor Replies:

Back to Homiletics
by R' Refoel Berelsohn

A talk with HaRav Michel Zilber, rosh yeshivas Zvihl and Yeshivas Tiferes Yisroel in Jerusalem, about the approach to learning aggodoh, subsequent to the publication of his work Bayom Derech dealing with topics in aggodoh which were delivered in public addresses by the author every Shabbos.

Chanoch Lana'ar Al Pi Darko
by Rav Tzvi Yabrov

Part I

Adapted from the book Darchei HaChaim which includes guidance and hashkofoh in Torah, the basics of chinuch for our times, and tips heard and recorded from HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz.

Meaningful Prayer
by Dovid Leitner

Part 6

Ma Tovu Oholecho Yaakov (Part 2)

The great heathen prophet Bilaam prided himself on being able to hear the sayings and see the visions of Hashem. In the same posuk (Bamidbor 24:4) in which he praises himself for these abilities, he also admits that these virtues are only accomplished in a state of nofel ugelui einayim — whilst fallen and with uncovered eyes. Rashi explains that Bilaam did not have the strength to stand up during a Divine Revelation, because he was uncircumcised.

Politica: The Real Ailment
by E. Rauchberger

While the whole country is focused on Ariel Sharon's medical condition the real patient seems to be the State of Israel itself, which is suffering from a serious ailment whose signs include instability, a lack of judiciousness and an inability to think independently.

Furious With the Title and Content

To the Editor:

As the wife of a very prominent talmid chochom, who unfortunately suffers from Diabetes II, I take great exception to the title of your leader in the issue of Yated Ne'eman 13 Teves 5766/13th Jan. 2006, entitled "Diabetes and Obesity are Immoral," as well as to the contents.

Overweight and Diabetes: Immoral?

To The Editor:

While I generally enjoy your articles, I think you are off base by implying that obesity and diabetes are moral problems. I certainly agree that a person should strive for the madreigoh of self-control, and that people should make choices for themselves that lead to greater health.

Sucrose and Diabetes

To The Editor:

A large reason for the rampant increase in diabetes (Opinion and Comment, 11 Teves) is due to excess sucrose consumption. In the West we now eat on average more than 120 lb. of sugar per year each (2 1/2 lb. per week!), much of it as hidden filler in foods! "If only a small fraction of what is already known about sugar were to be revealed, this food additive would promptly be banned!" (Professor J. Yudkin in his book Pure, White and Deadly).

When Diabetes is Not a Moral Issue

To The Editor:

I really enjoyed the article "Granny Was Right" (Parshas Vayigash). I found it interesting and practical. I was suffering from some minor problems and infections that the conventional methods didn't seem to help. I found immediate relief and improvement from the recommended kitchen remedies such as onion, garlic, olive oil and — chicken soup, of course.

The Editor Replies:

If anyone else understood that we were advocating that diabetes should not be treated as a health problem but instead as a moral problem, we take this opportunity to stress: We do not mean to suggest that the medical aspects should not be treated, or even to imply that the vigor with which the medical aspects are approached should in any way be diminished.

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