Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

4 Tammuz 5764 - June 23, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Economic Signs Point Upward
by M Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff

Although the progress is uneven, the economic numbers continued their march up, indicating that the economy improving after several bad years. The Finance Ministry announced that its new budget will require further cutbacks in government spending but it said that the social welfare portions will not be cut back further.

Gedolei Yisroel Say Educational Institutions Must Remain Free of Outside Influence and Control
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Recently, government officials have been applying heavy pressure on talmudei Torah defined as mosdot petur (free of all government control of the educational program) to transform them into mosdot mukarim, which would make it possible for the Education Ministry to interfere with curricular arrangements.

Palestinians in Gaza Oppose Egyptian Role
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Fatah, Hamas, the Popular and Democratic Fronts and other Palestinian political and terror groupings issued a joint statement strongly opposing the security role proposed for Egypt and Jordan in the territories once Israel withdraws.

Betzedek Paves the Way for Yeshivos Gedolos to Receive Local Tax Discounts
By Betzalel Kahn

Yeshivos gedolos will be eligible for discounts on local taxes following extensive efforts by Betzedek.

HaRav Alter Eliyohu Rubinstein, New Chief Rabbi of Antwerp
by Betzalel Kahn

At an impressive crowning ceremony in Antwerp the local rabbinate made HaRav Alter Eliyohu Rubinstein, until now the rov of Jerusalem's Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, the new gavad of the city, replacing HaRav Chaim Kreiswirth zt"l who was niftar more than two years ago.

A Frum Multinational Company in Jerusalem
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

It began in the summer of 2002 with a skeleton staff of 20 employees. Within a mere 2 years, CSM (Customer Service Management) has become Israel's leading call center. Its primary services, offered by telephone, are customer service, sales, and fundraising. Already 25 times its original size, CSM now has more than 500 employees and anticipates growth to more than 1,000 employees in the coming years.

Kiryat Ata to Crack Down on Shabbos Violations
by Y. Ariel

Members of the Kiryat Ata City Council called for a council meeting to address the rise of Shabbos desecration in the city. Council members, including those not representing religious parties, said they oppose Shabbos desecration by store owners and therefore request that the municipality step up efforts to enforce the Shabbos Work and Rest Hours Law, imposing fines on violators.

Calls to Enforce Modesty Guidelines on Mehadrin Bus Lines to and from Rechasim
by Y. Ariel

Rabbonim in Rechasim are calling on the public to complain about breaches in the standards of modesty they set for the mehadrin bus lines to and from the town. Their call was issued after numerous complaints about passengers from nearby places who violate the guidelines.

Degel HaTorah Representative in Netanya Proposes Adopting Jerusalem's Recovery Program as a Model
By Y. Ariel

Netanya City Council Member Rabbi Kobi Levy of Degel HaTorah sent a letter to the Mayor officially proposing the city formulate a recovery program using the City of Jerusalem as a model, claiming it could save Netanya tens of millions of shekels.

Light Rail Bridge Approved
by S. Fried

Following a prolonged battle, the Jerusalem District Committee approved the construction of a suspension bridge at the entrance to the city, for the light- rail system scheduled to begin running in 2007.

The Interministerial Committee for Religious Buildings No Longer Exists
by Eliezer Rauchberger

Following the government's decision to dismantle the Religious Affairs Ministry, the interministerial committee formerly in charge of religious buildings has ceased to exist, Minister Gidon Ezra told the Knesset plenum in response to a question by MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz.

HaRav Shach's Glosses Published
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The bnei Torah public was delighted over the publication of Sefer HaGilyonos, a compilation of glosses taken from the margins of the seforim belonging to Maran HaRav Shach, zt"l. The new book was published by Yeshivas Rashbi under the guidance of the rosh yeshiva, HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman.

Nationwide Hatzoloh to Unite Over 1,000 Volunteers
by Betzalel Kahn

As part of a campaign to expand and unite the majority of Hatzoloh branches under a national organization, representatives visited the homes of gedolei Yisroel to receive their blessings.

Six Sifrei Torah Brought into Yeshivat Orot Hatshuvah
By Betzalel Kahn

Yeshivat Orot Hatshuvah marked 18 years in Jerusalem's Har Nof neighborhood with a hachnosas sefer Torah ceremony for six sifrei Torah installed at the new building of the yeshiva complex on Rechov Hakablan and a special show of appreciation for the nosi, HaRav Daniel Biton.

Rebbetzin Zlata Malkoh Ginsburg, o"h
by A. Cohen

The roshei yeshiva of Yeshivas Ponovezh and other rabbonim and roshei yeshivos took part in the levaya of Rebbetzin Zlata Malkoh Ginsburg, o"h, the wife of the late rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir of the U.S., HaRav Ephraim Mordechai Ginsburg and the daughter of the Mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir and Yeshivas Ponovezh, HaRav Yechezkel Levenstein, on erev Shabbos Parshas Korach.

The Gavad of Ungvar in Eretz Yisroel
by Betzalel Kahn

The Admor and Gavad of Ungvar HaRav Menasheh Klein, author of Mishneh Halachos arrived in Eretz Yisroel on Monday for a short visit.

Yated Ne'eman Launches Special Offer for Chassonim
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Following extensive preparations, Yated Ne'eman is currently launching an tremendous sale called Mivtza Chassonim which will make chassonim who print engagement announcements in the Hebrew edition of Yated Ne'eman eligible for a wide range of gifts and genuine discounts on the purchase of a range of products to set up their new home.

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