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In Koloshova, the family of R' Binyomin Kamenetsky was not
particularly distinguished. A Torah-observant home where the
father worked and earned a respectable livelihood, things
would have remained just the same had Heaven not ordained
otherwise. In an interesting twist of fate, the father of
Reb Binyomin, a timber-dealer and owner of a large flour
mill, lost all his business in one night due to the decree
of the Russian Tzar.
Thus, after the birth of their son Yaakov on 21 Adar, Reb
Binyomin moved to a tiny hamlet by the name of Dolhinov. Reb
Yaakov later pointed out that had it not been for this move,
he would probably have grown up an ordinary businessman and
would never have absorbed the unquenchable love of Torah
that was prevalent in this small village.
His father would take him on Friday night at two in the
morning to the beis medrash where the place hummed
with learning as though it was midday. The hall was full of
people studying Torah, each one according to his level: one
learned a shiur on Alshich, another on
gemora, and yet another a shiur iyun.
In the cheder of this village the hours were long, so
long that Reb Yaakov's mother would pack together with his
lunch an oil lamp to be used when darkness fell and the boys
continued learning.
At the age of eleven, he left home to learn in the yeshiva
of Minsk. After he passed the entry exam of the rosh
yeshiva, HaRav Shlomo Glovenchitz, the latter still doubted
whether he should accept him, due to his youth. "You are not
even bar mitzvah yet."
With childish innocence, the young Yaakov replied, "Well, I
came here to learn, not to be the tenth man of a
After a time, the Kamenetsky household moved to Minsk where
they hosted the friends of Reb Yaakov, amongst others the
future Rav Grozovsky, zt"l, and the young Aaron
Kotler, zt"l.
Shortly after Pesach in 5665 (1905), Reb Yaakov and Reb
Aaron traveled to Slobodke to learn under the supervision of
the Alter of Slobodke zt"l. Reb Yaakov also learned
in the Yeshivos of Slutzk, Krinik and Moltsh.
During World War I he took refuge in Lomza in the yeshiva of
Reb Yechiel Michel Gordon zt"l. On 22 Sivan, 5679
(1919), he married the Rebbetzin Ita Ettel, daughter of the
Mashgiach Reb Ber Hirsch Heller, zt"l, known in
Slobodke as "Der Yunger Mashgiach."
From 5681 to 5686, he learned in a kollel in Slobodke
that was known for its distinguished members and
subsequently he took on the Rabbinate in various places.
On 11th Av 5697 (1937) he left for America. His plan was to
collect money for the Slobodke Kollel and to cover the debts
he incurred from his years as rov in Zitivian, but in fact
his future lay in being the "manhig hador" and
Hashgocho forced him to stay in America, where he was
appointed rov in Toronto. In 5705 (1945), he accepted the
request of Reb Shraga Feivel Mendelovitz, zt"l, that
he take up the position of rosh yeshiva in Mesivta Torah
Vodaas. From this standpoint he disseminated Torah for the
rest of his life, standing as a sentry on duty for the
Torah's ideals.
Reb Yaakov merited to live a long life, his mind lucid and
clear till the very end. His chidushim were printed
in his seforim Emes LeYaakov, on Torah and on
On 29th Adar 5746 (1986), his pure soul left this world. As
he requested, he was buried in Brooklyn, since he pointed
out that most of his family live in America and would not
always be able to travel to his kever in Eretz
Yisroel. From this, his last request we learn yet another
chapter of his feelings for others.
The words of Chazal in Pirkei Ovos "Ohev es habrios
umekarvon laTorah" were the guides and practice of Reb
Yaakov throughout his life. Not differentiating between
young and old, elderly and even little children, or those
who didn't live according to the Torah way of life, Reb
Yaakov loved them all.
"Loving your fellow Jew is a mitzvah in the Torah, and in
addition it's a segulah that if the love is given
according to the Torah it will bring its recipients closer
to Torah and to Hashem." So said Reb Yaakov and so did
Reb Yaakov was once in the waiting room of a doctor's
surgery. Waiting together with him was a young Jewish boy
from a totally nonobservant home. Reb Yaakov took a ball and
began playing with the child. The talmid accompanying
Reb Yaakov was astonished, and pointed out to Reb Yaakov his
wonder at the Rov's behavior. "This child will think that a
religious rabbi sits and plays ball instead of learning --
or at least he should talk to the boy, convince him to
become a baal teshuvah."
Reb Yaakov explained, "I saw that with this boy, it is
impossible to talk about Yiddishkeit or mitzvos. He
comes from a family so far removed from anything Jewish. I
just wanted that his picture of a frum Jew should
remain one of a pleasant person, so I played ball with him.
Who knows, perhaps this impression will one day have an
effect on him and he will come closer to Torah and
"Once, after my regular study session in my father's home,"
recounted his son Reb Avrohom, "my father told me that a man
and his daughter would soon be coming and requested that I
remain in the room when he received the guests. Naturally, I
fulfilled his request, but I was quite surprised, for
usually when people came to my father I would leave the room
and allow them to discuss matters in privacy. When the two
of them entered, Reb Yaakov chatted with them, enquiring as
to their welfare, occupation, where the father works, which
school the daughter goes to, what she learns and more
general questions. During the conversation, my father patted
me affectionately on the shoulder, and introduced me. `This
is my little baby Avrohom,' and continued the conversation.
A few minutes later the visit was over and the two of them
left the house."
Reb Avrohom continued his story, "I was incredulous,
wondering what this was all about. I was at the time nearing
the end of my 40s and never had I heard my father referring
to me as `my little baby.' My father turned to me and
explained, `Listen, my son, to what took place here. This
father and his daughter, who is the youngest of the family,
had a wonderful relationship. He brought her up and educated
her in the Torah way, and she accepted and absorbed
everything he taught. All was fine, until one day, the
father introduced her to a friend of his, saying, `And this
is my little baby.' Feeling humiliated by the expression,
the daughter was deeply hurt and refused to talk to her
father. The latter was broken, since he had not meant to
degrade her and his expression was just one of affection for
his youngest daughter. She, however, would not be
reconciled, and slowly began to cut off all contact with her
"Near despair, the father turned to Reb Yaakov knowing that
he was the one to turn to. Indeed, Reb Yaakov felt the
father's pain, fearing that the girl may perhaps even rebel
against her father and her Torah upbringing, chas
vesholom, and advised him to bring his daughter to his
house on Wednesday. `For that is when I have a shiur
with my youngest son, Avrohom. Tell your daughter you have
an appointment with me and, if she likes, she may join you.'
The daughter was delighted at the privilege of being allowed
to go to Reb Yaakov and she arrived together with her
father. Some time later, the father contacted Reb Yaakov,
thanking him profusely for his wise help and told him that
as they left the Rabbi's house, the girl turned to her
father. `I see Daddy, that even Reb Yaakov called his son
his baby even in front of strangers although he is already a
grandfather. Apparently, it's an expression of love of a
father to his child,' she enthused. Peace had returned to
the household of the man."
Engraved on the heart of all his young students are the
words spoken by Reb Yaakov at the end of the summer
holidays. During the long vacation, Reb Yaakov would travel
to Camp Ohr Shraga and learn with the young bochurim
as chavrusos. During these sessions of learning in
partnership he would not allow any disturbance although his
"chavrusoh" was many years younger, so that the young
boy would not be hurt.
When the summer days were over, Reb Yaakov would turn to his
"chavrusos" and say, "Yom Kippur is soon upon us and
it's time to make a reckoning. When two people learn
together it is very possible that one can unintentionally
not treat the other with due respect. I therefore beg your
mechiloh in case I slighted you at all in any
One of his talmidim retells that he was present when
Reb Yaakov was writing a letter in the name of the
gedolim of America to Reb Yechezkel Abramsky
concerning the problem of autopsies. For five long minutes,
Reb Yaakov sat, pondering how to acknowledge Reb Yechezkel's
Rebbetzin in the letter, who had been the widow of R'
Yechiel Michel Gordon, since this was not a private letter,
but represented many gedolim and roshei yeshivos.
After considerable thought he was pleased to find the right
phrase "and we send our brochoh to all who are
present in the shadow of Rabbeinu and his Torah," implying
the talmidim as well as the Rebbetzin.
Reb Yaakov was relieved by this flash of inspiration as he
turned to his talmid, "when the letter arrives, R'
Yechezkel will probably call his Rebbetzin and show her that
she is still remembered in America, thus we will have the
mitzvoh of gladdening the heart of an almonoh."
End of Part II
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