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HaRav Chaim Yosef Dovid Azulai, zt"l, was born in
Yerushalayim in Sivan 5484 (1724) within the old city walls
where his father, R' Yitzchok Zerachiah Azulai lived. At six
years, his toiling in Torah had already begun. He learned
with his Rebbi, R' Yisroel Mizrahi in the beis medrash
Beis Yaakov with his uncle R' Yonah Navon, zt"l
and with the chazzan Nachum, zt"l.
He married the Rabbanit Rochel, daughter of Rabbi Nissim
Bracha, zt"l, one of the dayanim in
With the ascent of the Ohr Hachaim Hakodesh to Yerushalayim
(5502-1742), the Chidoh acquainted himself with him,
becoming his closest and most devoted follower. However,
those sublime days were cut short when, after less than a
year, the Ohr Hachaim passed away leaving his close
talmid following in his footsteps, continuing in his
customs and derech in Torah that he had learned in
this short period of time.
After finishing all he could learn in the revealed part of
Torah he turned to learning its mystical secrets of
Kabalah with R' Sholom Sharabi.
The Chidoh was sent by the rabbonim to travel and raise
funds for the Jews living in Chevron and his travels took
him as far as Spain, France and Germany. He toured many
libraries for their Jewish literature and upon finding
various handwritten manuscripts of the Rishonim, he
deciphered their writings and later printed them in his
In 5524 (1764) he accepted rabbonus in Egypt. In keeping
with the dictum, "And hate the Rabbonus," the Chidoh looked
forward to finishing the five years he had agreed upon and
then he returned to Eretz Yisroel, where he settled in
In 5535 (1775) he once again set out to travel into
golus on behalf of the Jews of Chevron and, upon
completing his mission, he settled for a time in Livorno
(Leghorn) so that he could print his seforim there.
He spread Torah and gave droshos from a yeshiva and
beis medrash that a wealthy philanthropist placed for
his use.
The local Jews tried to persuade him to be their official
rov but the Chidoh refused, conceding only to speak on four
Shabbosim of the year - Shabbos Hagodol, Shabbos Shuvoh,
Shabbos Zochor and Shabbos lifnei Shavuos.
However, in practice, he was the spiritual leader of Italy's
Jews and particularly so in Livorno. Requests were
repeatedly made to the Chidoh from various communities all
over that he be their rov, from Amsterdam, Tzfas, and, after
the petirah of the Rishon Letzion, from
Jerusalem. The answer was always the same, for the Chidoh
truly "hated the rabbonus."
His yearning to return to the Holy Land never abated and on
various occasions he prepared himself and his family for the
long journey home. In 5547 (1787) they were actually ready
to leave when they received a message that a terrible plague
was rampant in Eretz Yisroel, canceling their trip.
When his son R' Avrohom left for Eretz Yisroel in 5543
(1783), the Chidoh also wanted to join him but was prevented
from doing so; many are the thoughts in the heart of man,
but Hashem's plan prevails and the Chidoh remained in
On Friday night, Parshas Zochor, 11th Adar, the
Chidoh returned his pure soul to his maker, bringing a heavy
pall of mourning over Livorno. The rabbonim made an
announcement that all Purim festivities that were in
preparation should be halted due to the somber news, and
fixed a takonoh that each year they would mourn the
passing of the Chidoh.
His many works, spread over 85 seforim on all areas
of Torah -- halacha, aggodoh, drush, sheilos uteshuvos,
chiddushei masechtos, chidushei Shulchan Oruch, Seder
Hadoros, and more. Sixty of these seforim went to
print and the rest remained in manuscripts that apparently
have been lost to us over the years.
It is of interest to note that the Noam Elimelech, R'
Elimelech of Lizhensk remarked that Hashem always keeps
things equal. At the time that Mendelssohn came and wrote
his heretical explanations on the Chumash, Hashem
sent the Chidoh to counteract, with his holy seforim,
strengthening our basic beliefs in Hashem.
In the yeshiva of the mekubalim in Yerushalayim Beis
El sat the holy mekubal HaRav Sholom Sharabi better
known as the Rashash. Drinking his words of Torah were the
future giants of Kabalah: Rabbeinu Yom Tov Algazi,
the Chidoh, and more.
Once they had learned their fill of the Torah as we see it,
they listened as their rov delved into the depths of the
secrets of Kabalah. These exalted men formed a pact
together, working on themselves and taking on certain
takonos. One of the most prestigious members of these
holy groups was the Chidoh.
One day word spread that the Chidoh had taken upon himself
to separate from the group and go out into the great world
outside Eretz Yisroel to collect funds for the poor and
needy of Chevron. The reason too soon became known.
Rabbeinu R' Shalom Sharabi felt that the time was now a
favorable one in heaven to daven and try to hasten
the final redemption. Under his instructions all the members
of his holy group cut themselves off from all worldly
matters, afflicting themselves in various ways after which
they sanctified their bodies with a fast of 3 days without a
break. However, the time was not yet ripe and after the
three-day fast was over they heard a heavenly voice calling
out to them, "My dear sons, my time for the redemption is
not yet ripe. You have no right to hasten it by force.
Besides one of you will have to suffer the trials of going
out into golus."
Since there was no mention of who would be the one, they
drew lots, the Chidoh being the one picked out. When the men
of Chevron asked the Chidoh soon after this if he could
travel abroad to collect funds, they were pleasantly
surprised at his quick agreement. They had planned to ask
him, for his great name and personality and powerful oratory
would cause people to contribute handsomely to their worthy
cause but they hadn't been prepared for him to accede so
easily to their request.
The Chidoh immediately left by way of Egypt and then on to
other countries to persuade Jews in foreign lands to donate
their money for the poor of Eretz Yisroel. His travels led
him to Livorno, the greater part of Italy and over to the
German states.
Early on in his wanderings, he was warmly greeted and given
great honor, for his name and greatness had preceded him,
the rabbonim already learnt from his seforim and some
of the laymen knew who he was.
In contrast, in the greater part of Europe the name of the
Chidoh had not yet spread, causing the people to ask him
wherever he went for his letter of proof and approbation.
Somewhere along the tiring journey, the Chidoh lost all his
documents. Upon arriving at the next city, he went to the
rov and introduced himself. However he had no proof to
present showing that this was indeed the Chidoh and not an
imposter out to trick the people.
Seeing that he had no documents, the rov demanded that he
say some chiddushim that are written in the
seforim of the Chidoh. If he knew them really well
that would be adequate proof.
Hearing this, the Chidoh refused to speak. His aide the
Chacham Shmuel Ben Chaim tried to persuade him to talk for
if the locals would not see his greatness they would drive
him out in shame and disgrace and no money would be
collected for the poor. Moreover in Italy and all the other
places the Chidoh had spoken at great lengths teaching Torah
wherever he went, and just here he would be struck dumb.
The Chidoh was obstinate, however, insisting he cannot say
divrei Torah to these people. Degraded and scoffed at
by the people, the Chidoh saw he was getting nowhere and had
no choice but to write a letter to Chevron suggesting that
they quickly send new papers to replace the last once,
proving that he was in fact the Chidoh.
As soon as the awaited letter arrived, the elders of the
community apologized profusely to the Chidoh, begging him to
give public speeches and discussed Torah subjects with him
as students to their rabbi. Puzzled, they asked the Chidoh,
"Why did Rabbeinu not tell us his Torah earlier, thus saving
himself all the humiliation. Had we heard a few words out of
your holy mouth we would have realized that there stands
before us a Godol Hador of unique caliber."
"In a place where people know me and ask me to speak the
words of Hashem or to stir their hearts and bring them close
to our Father in heaven, I do not refuse," replied the
Chidoh. "For this is the purpose of man -- to glorify the
Torah. But to gain personal honor and fame through divrei
Torah I cannot do. You wanted, through Torah, to test me
and discover who I am, forcing me to use the Torah to show
my personality and strength which is not allowed. I
preferred, therefore, the humiliation of being suspected as
a deceiver and a cheat to using the crown of Torah for my
personal gain."
The residents who heard his words were extremely impressed
and rushed to do his bidding, collecting a large amount of
money towards his cause. How great is the Torah of a man who
refuses to be personally glorified by it, at the cost of his
own dignity.
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